Prep of Specs Flashcards
These are detailed descriptions of the requirements, characteristics, and quality standards that must be met by goods, services, or work provided under the contract.
Proper specifications provide a _______________ of the nature of the machinery, supplies, or material to be furnished or work to be done under a contract.
clear understanding
Bidders get their information on the ________ and _______________ they will be called upon to do if this bid is accepted.
Nature, amount of work
Clear and fair
Definite or not ambiguous
Not arbitrary
Focused on essential and practical requirements rather than the demonstration of the engineer’s knowledge
Use of English
Indefinite Specifications
Indeterminate Specifications
Ambiguous Specifications
Arbitrary Specifications
Unfair Specifications
Unnecessary Specifications
Specifications for Criticism
Language must be clear, accurate, and exact.
The ___________ terms or __________ common to trade to which the specifications apply may be used but they must be understood and used correctly.
Technical, vernacular
Reports and papers aim to achieve _______ or a harmonious combination of words.
Reports and papers avoid _________ through the use of synonyms.
In Contracts and Specifications,
Words having the____________ should be used as frequently as necessary.
same exact meaning
In Contracts and Specifications
Repetition is_________ as long as it enhances clarity and does
not create confusion.
In Ordinary Conversations and Other Writings,
It may allow some degree of__________.
In Contracts and Specifications,
It must be__________. It must be defined to bring out the limited meaning in which they are used.
The meaning of every term should be _________ because it may have other than the meaning which is intended to convey.
The ____________ in plans and specifications protects both the owner and contractor.
Specifications should be organized________ with separate paragraphs for each element.
Descriptions of elements must be as ______ and consistent with a complete and exact description.
Specifications should not serve as a showcase for the engineer’s expertise but should focus on ________ characteristics for desired results.
brief, essential
Any paragraph, sentence, or word that can be omitted without material effect on the complete understanding of the subject should be ________ .
It is caused by carelessness and ignorance of the detailed requirements, dishonest or vicious intent.
Indefinite specifications
These ______ specifications may be inserted to allow for later interpretation by the engineer, leading to uncertainty and potential cost variations.
In some cases, specifications are drawn so ___________ that bidders can’t determine requirements without inside information.
It is caused by uncertainty in the amount of the necessary requirements.
These are common when a small amount of material or work is expected in a contract.
Contractors have a right to know ___________________ before bidding, and they shouldn’t be subject to the uncertain directives of possibly unknown and inexperienced engineers.
exact requirements
Examples of_________________ include specifying arch masonry, stone thickness, and concrete proportions based on the engineer’s discretion.
objectionable practices
______________________ requirements are always ambiguous and are uncertain as to what is actually desired, and what will actually be required by the engineer.
Unnecessary or unreasonable
Responsible contractors tend to _______ their prices for work done under such specifications, which______ project costs.
increase, raises
Specifications that cannot be reasonably enforced, except under specific circumstances, should be __________ because they often have to be ignored unless there’s an absolute need for their enforcement.
This involves the engineer attempting to exercise unnecessary and arbitrary control over any part of the work.
Such specifications can relieve the contractor of their responsibilities, and the engineer should not take over the__________ of management.
The excessive and arbitrary authority given to the engineer may result in them assuming responsibilities that should belong to the_______.
In such cases, the contractor might claim that they acted as an______ of the engineer’s client, rather than an independent contractor, and, therefore, they should not be held_____ for accidents or damages.
agent, liable
Unfair specifications include clauses that seem intended to protect the client but actually ______________.
hinder the contractor with unwarranted restrictions
These ______________ limit competition and make the contracting parties doubt the good faith of the specification writer, raising suspicions about the treatment they might receive if awarded the contract.
unfair restrictions
______________________ should be eliminated from contracts as they serve no legitimate purpose.
Unfair specifications
While it’s reasonable to restrict the assignment of contracts to maintain control, the restrictions should allow the contractor to _____________________.
finance their work adequately
___________ restrictions, like the ability to cancel a contract if compensation is assigned or initiating cancellation due to bankruptcy or legal actions against the contractor, can be ________________
Excessive, oppressive and unfair.
Unfair specifications may attempt to force the contractor to provide necessary materials or labor at no extra cost when the trench bottom is not firm, which can lead to
high bids and increased expenses.
It is unfair to expect the contractor to bear the ________________ and additional work determined by the engineer without justification
full risk of uncertain conditions
An unfair clause, on the other hand, permits the engineer to remove parts of the work at any time without clear justification, and the contractor is required to cover the ____________, which can result in unnecessary expenses and unfair treatment.
restoration costs
In specifications for materials, it’s generally advisable to __________________ that reflect the average qualities of a good material within the desired class.
set requirements
Unnecessarily severe, unusual, or extravagant requirements should be avoided, as they can increase expenses, deter responsible contractors, hinder the execution of work, and potentially lead to ___________ that may embarrass the specification writer.
Setting such severe requirements is often _______________ and seldom, if ever, essential. Requirements for good average materials are more enforceable, and any additional safety measures should ideally be achieved through improved design.
The student should_______ and______
specifications to ensure clearness, and fairness.
critique, rewrite
Elements to Evaluate:
Lack of clarity