Prep for Final Flashcards
What nuclei does the facial nerve go to?
It goes to four nuclei
1) Facial Motor Nucleus, which is responsible for muscles of facial expression (plus stapedius)
2) Nucleus Solitarius, which is responsible for taste perception (specifically for this nerve, from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue)
3) Superior Salivary Nucleus, which is responsible for salivation and lacrimation
4) Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus, which is responsible for skin pain/temp sensation (5,7,9,10; for 7, from a tiny little piece of the external ear)
Balint syndrome =
1) optic ataxia
2) optic apraxia
3) simultanagnosia
Optic ataxia
(inability to accurately reach for objects),
Optic apraxia
(inability to voluntarily guide eye movements/ change to a new location of visual fixation)
(inability to perceive more than one object at a time, even when in the same place).
Optic ataxia + optic apraxia + simultanagnosia = ?
Where is this lesion located?
Bilateral posterior parietal
ICA lesions
ACA + MCA symptoms
ACA lesion
leg weakness
MCA lesion
contralateral hemiparesis, gaze deviation, aphasia.neglect, visual field cuts
Lenticulostriates and choridals supply …
Internal capsule and basal ganglia
Basilar supplies
brainstem, CN, consciousness
PCA lesion
visual field cuts, memory/limbic dysfunction, thalamus (vision loss?)
SCA lesion
ataxia, nystagmus
AICA lesion
unilateral hearing loss,a tai a, vertigo, nystagmus
PICA/vertebral lesion
ataxia, vertigo, nystagmus, dysarthria, dysphagia