Preop Interview Flashcards
AANA Standard 2
Pre-anesthesia patient assess & evaluation
AANA Standard 4
Informed consent for anesthesia care & related services
Exception: Emergency surgery
AANA Standard 5
Preop Evaluation Goals
Obtain medical & surgical histories
Evaluate patient & determine need for preop studies or specialty consultations
Formulate & deliver a safe anesthetic plan
Minimize periop morbidity & mortality
Optimize patient safety & satisfaction
Prevent surgical cancellations & delays
Essential Components
BMI (height & weight) Allergies Medications NPO status Previous surgeries - anesthesia and/or complications Family history Malignant Hyperthermia Pregnancy? Systems review Baseline level cognition Airway assessment
[weight (lbs) / (height (in)^2)] x 703
Drugs, dyes, contrast, latex, food, tape
Allergy vs. side effects
Throat/tongue swelling or difficulty breathing = anaphylaxis
Anesthesia & Surgical History
Difficult intubation
Prolonged sore throat >2 days
Significant weight gain since previous surgery
Malignant Hyperthermia History
Patient or family member
Genetic testing
Nil per os
Clear liquid (water, black coffee, tea, pulp-free juice, carbonated beverage) 2hr
Breastmilk 4hr
Formula, cow’s milk, tea or coffee w/ milk, full liquids, light meal 6hr
Full fried or fatty meal 8hr
Selleck’s Maneuver
Cricoid pressure
Attempts to prevent aspiration
Straight downward force on the cricoid cartilage
Compresses the esophageal lumen b/w cricoid cartilage & cervical spine
Start w/ 3lbs ↑6.6-8.8lbs
Mallampati Class I
Faucial pillars, hard palate, soft palate, & full uvula
Mallampati Class II
Faucial pillars, soft palate, & partial uvula
Mallampati Class III
Soft palate & uvula base
Mallampati Class IV
Hard palate only
Mouth Opening
Assess inter-incisor gap <2 fingers indicates difficult airway (at least 3 fingers = ideal)
Temporomandibular joint
- Stiffness decreases w/ induction
Patil’s Test
Thyromental distance
Assess mandibular space available to displace the tongue
Patient extends head w/ mouth closed
Measure from thyroid cartilage upper edge to mentum (chin)
Normal 3 fingerbreadths (6cm)
Ideal 7-8cm typically easy intubation
6-7cm questionable
<6cm ↑risk difficult intubation
*Consider potential chin implant (scar) or plastic surgery
Upper Lip Bite Test
Assesses ability to displace jaw forward
Prayer Sign
Indicates joint mobility (reflects cervical spice)
+ prayer sign unable to press palms flat → difficult to align axes
Cervical Mobility
Look up, down, left, & right
Any pain, numbness, or tingling?
Sniffing position - align OPL axes
Neck Circumference
> 45cm indicates difficult intubation
BMI >40kg/m^2
Sternomental Distance
Normal 13.5cm
Atlanto-Occipital Joint
Normal extension 35°
OTC Prescriptions Vitamins/minerals Herbal supplements Home remedies
Drug, dose. & last taken
β blockers GERD Ca2+ channel blockers Bronchodilators Antiarrhythmics Steroids Diuretics (CHF) Antipsychotics Thyroid Antiepileptics *Anticoagulants per surgeon