Prenatal Development/Care Flashcards
Prenatal Development
1-8 weeks
what are the stages in these weeks?
Prenatal Development
What is the Preembryonic Stage
Fertilized ovum becomes a morula and then blastocyst before entering uterus
Prenatal Development
What is the Embryonic Stage
Weeks 2 to 8
Implantation occurs (end 2 wks)
embryo susceptible to teratogens
Prenatal Development
What is the 1st structure to develop in the embryonic stage?
Heart and neural tube
Prenatal Development
How does the development occur in the embryonic stage
proximal to distal and cephalocaudal (head to toe)
Prenatal Development
When do all organs form in the embryonic stage
end of week 8
Prenatal Development
what is a teratogen
distrups growth/development in embryo/fetus and cause anomalies
Intraueterine Development
What weeks and stages are involved in the intrauterine development
weeks 9 to 38
Fetal stage
Intraueterine Development
What is the fetal stage
organs present and refine/mature
Intraueterine Development
What happens in weeks 9 to 12 of the fetal stage
fetal movement begins
kidneys begin to function
genitialia fully differentiated
Intraueterine Development
What happens in weeks 13 to 16 of the fetal stage
oogenis in female
blood vessles visible under skin
figer/toe prints present
Intraueterine Development
What happens in the 20th week of the fetal stage
fetal swallowing
insulin production
laungo(hair)/vernix caseosa (wax)cover body as skin
Intraueterine Development
What happens in the 24th week of fetal stage
lungs begin to form surfactant
Intraueterine Development
What happend in the 28th week of the fetal stage
testes descend in males
fetus moves head downward
blood produce in bone marrow
Intraueterine Development
What happens in the 29 to 24 weeks of fetal stage
subcutaneous fat deposited
fetal heart rate variability
CNS mature
Intraueterine Development
What happens in the 33 to 38 weeks of fetal stage
Visual acuity 20/600
skin creases visible
hair on back/shoulder
lungs/CNS mature
Intraueterine Development
At which weeks is the fetus viabile
survive with intensive care outside womb
**22 to 23 **
What is the placenta
circulatory interface between the mother and embryo/fetus
what is the functions of placenta
- circulation
- protection
- secretion
of hormones supporting the preganncy
What is the umbilical cord
from fetal side of placents
covered in wharton jelly
What is the function of the Umbilical Cord
- tube to aid blood taveling to and from embryo
- support and protect vessles
What are the functions of the vein and arteries of the umbilical cord
1 large vein: carriers oxygenated blood to embryo
2 small arteries: carries deoxygenated blood to placenta
Physiological Changes
What are the changes in the integumentary system
- straue gravidarum: stretch marks
- Linea nigar
- Nevi (moles)
- macules (feckles)
- aroelae darken
- longer hair
Physiological Changes
What are characteristics of Straie gravidarum
- common on breasts, abdomen, thighs
- dark/red
Physiological Changes
What are charcteristics of linea nigra
- dark line from pubic to fundus
- in darker skin women
Physiological Changes
What are the changes in Endorcine System changes
- thyriod hormones increase
- Insuline demand
- corisol levels increase (2nd trimester)
- Oxycotin
Physiological Changes
What are the insulin demands
- decrease 1st trimester
- increase 2nd and 3rd trimester
Physiological Changes
What is the role of oxycotin
end 3rd trimester
* stimulates contractions initiate labor
* postpartum contraction prevent hemorrhage
* milk ejection during lactation
Physiological Changes
What are the changes in Respiratory system changes
- oxygen increase (15 to 20)
- respiratory rate increase 2/resp min
- diaphragm elevates 5cm
- rib cage expands
- increased estrogen
Physiological Changes
What happens with increased estrogen
cause congestion
* swelling of pharnyx/trachea/larynx
Physiological Changes
What are changes in Cardiovascular system
- cardiac outpur increase
- hormone reduce peripheral vascualr resistance
- toral blood volume increase
- wbc count increase
- rise in fibrinogens (blood clotting factors)
Physiological Changes
What are changes in Urinary System Changes
- blood flow through kindey increase
- glomerular filteration increase
Physiological Changes
What are changes in reproductive system breasts
- fuller breast
- alveoli/ducts mature
- nipples/aveoli darker
- colostrum production
Physiological Changes
What are changes in reproductive system uterus, vagina, cervix
- uterus equals size of number of week in gestation
- round ligaments streatch as uterus grow
- braxton hicks contraction
- chadwicks sign: clueish discoloaration of the cervix
Physiological Changes
What are changes in the Musculoskeletal System
- lordosis: curve to lumber spin increase falls
- progesterone increase
- abdominal walls separate
Physiological Changes
what are changes in Gastrointestinal system
HCG= nausea of early preganancy
* progesterone slows peristalis: heartburn, constipation, risk of gallstone
* metabolic rate increase (350 to 450 calories per day)
Physiological Changes
What are discomforts in pregnancy: 1st trimester
- fatigue (encourage resting, prenatal vitamins)
- breast tenderness (supporative bra)
- nausea (small meals, dry cracker, avoid grase/spicy food)
- urinary frequency (report burning, decrease fluids before bed, KEGEL excersise)
- Nosebleed
- Constipation (increase fluid, reduce cheese)
Physiological Changes
What are discomforts of pregnancy: 2nd trimester
- heartburn: elevate head 30 degree, avoid spicy/greasy food
- supine hypotension: lying flat not reccomend, dizziness
- leg cramps: elevart legs, flex foot, calcium sipplement
- Backache: maintian correct posute, flats, yoga
Physiological Changes
What are discomforts of pregnancy: 3rd trimester
- edema: feet up
- varicosities: light exercise
- dyspnea (SOB): posture, rest
- urinary frequency: cotton underwear
- Braxton Hicks: normal sensation, walking,
Prenatal Care
What is the prenatal care for low-risk patients
- appoitments every 4 wks till wk 28
- appointment evert 2 wks till 28 to 36 wks
- weekly appointments from 36 wks to birth
Prenatal Care
What happens in first visit
- screening/assessment: health hx, lifestyle, medication, genetic risks
- Lab tests: cbc, blood type, HIV, gonnorrhea, Hepatitis, and chlyamydia
- educaion: health propmostion, s/s to report
Prenatal Care
Prenatal education :nurtitional guidance
do: exerciise, vitamins, extra protein, follow visits, report danger
don’t: ingest alcohol, illicit drug, raw undercook food, unpasteurized meat
OB Classification
what is Nulligravida
Never been preganant
OB Classification
What is Primigravida
first pregnancy
OB Classification
What is Multigravida
Pregnant twice or more
OB Classification
What is Nulliparous
Never given birth
OB Classification
Given birth multiple time
what is GTPAL stand for
T=Term Birth
P=Preterm Birth
L=Living Birth
what is gravida
how many times preganant
what is term birth
> /= 37 weeks
(twins count as one)
Preterm Births
birth or losses from 20 wk to 36 wks
twins count as one
what is Abortion/miscarriages
any loss <20 wks
Nagele Rule
How to determine estimated due date (EDD) with Nagele rule
LMP(last menstural period)
subtract 3 months
add 7 days
example LMP: march 17- 3 months=DECEMBER 17 + 7 days = DECEMBER 24th