Prenatal Care & Nutrition Flashcards
What is health promotion?
process that enables & empowers individuals to improve & increase control over their health.
What is health promotion & Illness prevention?
emphasis community-based health promotion = collaborative efforts of community network to achieve public-health goals.
Important to maternal–newborn health, which is affected by multiple public-health issues (i.e. Maternal smoking, substance abuse, obesity)
List 4 reasons why should women enter the HC system?
- Well-woman care
- Fertility control & infertility
- Preconception counseling and care
4 Pregnancy
What does Well-women Care Provide within the HC system?
Provides HC needs for lifetime
Within primary health care delivery system
Provides contraception / Pap
Needs vary by age, culture, religion, and personal differences
What does Fertility control and infertility offer within the HC system?
40% of all pregnancies are unplanned.
Education for family-planning/ choices.
Health promo applied to contraception, STI’s
Infertility and emotional pain, stress
What does Preconception counseling and care provide within the HC system?
Promotes healthy behaviours to optimize normal fetal growth
Preconception Care Should Include:
- Health promotion - Risk assessment - Interventions
Why is it important for pregnant women to enter into the HC system?
Prenatal care in first 12 weeks identifies women at risk and initiates preventive/ treatment measures.
Goals of Care: -Health stat. of mom/fetus -Gestational age of fetus and monitor fetal development. -Identify women at risk for complications and min. risk -Assess for social support and previous loss. -Assess learning needs. -Provide appropriate education and counseling.
What factors affect health in theChild-bearing Years?
- Socioeconomic difference
- Cultural factors
- Substance Use
- Poor Nutrition
- Lack of physical fitness
- Stress
- Psychological Health
- Violence against woman
Preconception Care includes?
Identify the risks/educate, help to access services if necessary.
Address psychological, social, & cultural concerns early
Remind her to keep appointments – develop relationship with care provider and catch any problems early
Women who is pregant
woman who has had two or more pregnancies
woman who has completed two or more pregnancies to 20 weeks gestation or more
woman who has never been pregnant
woman who has not completed a pregnancy with fetus or fetuses beyond 20 weeks of gestation
number of pregnancies in which fetus or fetuses have reached 20 weeks of gestation, not number of fetuses (e.g., twins) born. Parity is not affected by whether the fetus is born alive or is stillborn (i.e., showing no signs of life at birth).
Postdate or postterm
pregnancy that goes beyond 41 weeks of gestation
pregnancy that has reached 20 weeks of gestation but before completion of 36 weeks of gestation
woman who is pregnant for the first time
woman who has completed one pregnancy with fetus or fetuses who have reached 20 weeks of gestation
pregnancy from beginning of week 37 of gestation to end of week 40 plus 6 days of gestation
capacity to live outside the uterus; about 22 to 25 weeks of gestation
G: Gravida - # times uterus gravid T: Term – after 37 completed weeks P: Preterm – before 37 completed weeks A: Abortion – therapeutic or spontaneous prior to 20 weeks L: number of living children
Example: 5th pregnancy, two miscarriages, one set of twins at 32 weeks, one full term child: G_T_P_A_L_
Nagele’s rule – 1st day LMP subtract 3 months, add 7 days,
Eg. LMP: January 10.
Subtract 3 months (October 10) and add 7 days. Therefore due date is: Oct 17
Assumes 28-day menstrual cycle
Only 5% of women deliver on due date