PRELIMS WEEK 2 Flashcards
Community of microorganism
A critical place where biofilms are seen in the hospital is on?
• The most resistant to the actions of heat, chemicals and
• Naked pieces of protein
It can withstand temperatures exceeding 121 degrees Celsius for several hours while immersed in acid or basic solutions
Most common staining method in endospores/sore formers
Schaeffer-Fulton Method
• They are mycolic acid found on their on a cell wall so they can’t be stained by simple water base like your graft stain
acid fast organism
The two most effective alcohols used in hospitals for disinfection purposes are
ethyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol
• Are materials that invade sterile tissues or enter the
vascular system.
• Needs sterilization
heat ! method that Sterilizes and kills endospores
autoclave (121.6 deg Celsius; 15mins at 15psi)
Disinfects and kills milk-borne pathogens and vegetable forms; endospores survive
pasteurization batch method (30mins)
• The most effective method of moist heat sterilization
• It can destroy the spore formers
• Comes into different size and shape
Bacillus subtilis, lactobacillus acidophiles are infective microorganism under what risk group?
risk 1
E.Coli, Salmonella
what risk group?
risk 2
• High individual risk, low community risk
risk 3
B. Subtilis, Naegleria gruberi and M. gordonae can be handled at what biosafety level?
BSlevel 1
• For handling common or likely encountered pathogens in a
routine clinical laboratory
• Eg. HBV, HIV, Staphylococcus and Enteric Pathogens, B.
anthracis and Y. Pestis
• For suspected of uncommon viruses and organisms that
can be transmitted by aerosols (M. tb and systematic fungi)
• Eg. Francis and Bruce
bsl 3