Prelim- Chapter 3 Flashcards
Two assumptions regarding visual problems commonly encountered are:
that all visual problems are problems of acuity
that when the refractive error is corrected, all visual problems must cease.
is caused by erroneous visual behavior that arises from the stresses imposed upon man because of the socially compulsive, near-centered task.
visual problem
is a decrement in visual performance which is not acceptable to the patient or to his social-economic environment.
visual problem
visual problem cannot exist in isolation; it can only be measured in relationship to the environmental demand
Types of Visual Problems. (4)
A. Those who have lost acuity:
(1) distant (myope, amblyope, absolute hyperope, astigmat, squinter).
(2) near (presbyope).
B. Those who have uncomfortable vision (anisometrope, emmetrope, orthophore, minus projection).
C. Those who have unsatisfactory achievement (retarded reader, non-reader, unsatisfactory industrial producers).
D. Cosmetic reasons (squinter).
The Development of the Visual Problem.
continuous concentration within a restricted area of movement, in a two-dimensional plane, that creates visual problems at near-point.
Three types of functional visual changes can result from this impact between visual task and organism
- The adventitious myope:
(a) ablates acuity at far;
(b) changes the mechanism of accommodation;
(c) attains a high order of achievement at near. - The adventitious strabismic:
(a) ablates binocularity;
(b) changes the mechanism of convergence;
(c) attains a satisfactory visual adaptation. - The low achiever:
(a) retains acuity and binocularity;
(b) does not change in the accommodative or convergence mechanism;
(c) remains on a low level of visual achievement.
The various body systems have a certain latitude of performance which will allow adaptation to occur so that the effect of the change in the environment can be mini-mized.
if the environmental change is of such a magnitude that it exceeds the latitude of performance, very serious consequences will ensue.
The primary characteristic of any living system is its ability to adapt to changes in environmental demands.
It is these adaptative changes which modify the organism.
Myopia is seldom developed under ages 10 to 12 except in very special cases.
is an individual who had standard acuity at far, and lost it, but to whom it can be restored by means of a minus lens.
adventitious myope
has made an extreme adaptation in binocularity in order to obtain increased eff-ciency at near. These individuals will usually have excellent reading rates and comprehension and seldom complain of discomfort,
adventitious squinter /strabismic
These individuals usually have no symptoms of visual discomfort, for discomfort occurs when the level of achievement is unsatisfactory to the organism.
The Retarded Reader (poor achiever).
The majority of the patients seeking optometric assistance do so because of the subjective complaint of visual discomfort.
Ocular Fatigue.
eye muscles get “tired.”
when the nerve is stimulated and the contraction occurs
Ocular fatigue