Prelim- Chapter 2 Flashcards
The reaction of an individual to his environment is called behavior. Through the researches of Coghill, Carmichael, Gesell, and many others, it has been shown that the individual makes a defined response of his neuro-motor system to a specific situation. This response is the result of maturation and experience, and is the authentic end product of a total developmental process which works with orderly sequence neurological pattern of organization.
Behavior Patter
Psychologists estimate that 80 percent of the information we obtain from our external environment is by means of our visual pattern. It is the most important portion of the behavior pattern. It is understood that the visual pattern is not separate from the behavior pattern, but rather that it is an important integrated section of its activity. The importance of the visual pattern to the survival of the organism is obvious when we compare the behavior of a person with his eyes closed with his behavior when his eyes are open. It is the dominant sense given to man.
Visual Pattern
external receptors for the visual mechanism.
The photic stimulus in the eye is converted by means of a________ reaction into electrical impulses in the rods and cones. These electrical impulses proceed to the mid-brain where integration of visual, auditory, kinesthetic and auricular impulses occur.
Modification of the visual impulses occurs at three levels.
First, the integrative action of the retina. Polyak has declared that the retina is as complex an integrative center as the brain itself.
Second, integrative action between the various types of receptor impulses at the mid-brain level.
Third, modification of the visual pattern by past experience and emotion of the organism at the cortical level.
Behavior pattern
Visual pattern
Accommodative pattern
Accommodation-Convergence Pattern.
______is the mechanism of focusing, designated in its postural set-up by the measurable light value brought to a focus congenial to interpretation. Accommodation is a lenticular-retinal-cortical process which is used by the organism to obtain clear vision.
Developmental research reveals that binocular vision’ develops in the following sequence:
(1) fxation;
(2) coordinated vertical move-ments;
(3) convergence;
(4) monocular accommodation;
(5) binocular accommodation.
Phylogenetic and embryologic considerations reveal that accommodation is more ancient and developed prior to con-vergence,
The act of accommodation is a complex pattern which is made up of many subpatterns. Some of these subpatterns can be identified. They are:
tonic accommodation
aberrational accommodation
convergence accommodation
psychic accommodation.
is the lenticular poise under the conditions of far-point fixation with maximum inhibition to activity.
Tonic accommodation
is the range of performance in the accommodative pattern due to the modification in the flux conoid because of spherical and chromatic aberration.
Aberrational accommodation
is the effect of convergence upon the accommodative pattern. Its magnitude is equal to that of accommodative convergence.
Convergence accommodation
There is thus an innervational flow between accommodation and convergence which helps to stabilize the accommodative_____ and the convergence poise at any moment.
is the amount of lenticular accommodation in action due to the emotional and psychological reaction of the subject to the surrounding environment.
Psychic accommodation
provides the mechanism with maintaining single vision.
controls the posturing of the eyes in their orbits and the centering of the total organism in its total environ-ment.
Convergence pattern