Prelim 2 (2.3-5.5) Flashcards
Invertible Linear Transformation Theorem
T is invertible if A is invertible
3 conditions for a subspace
- Includes the zero vector
- Closed under vector addition
- Closed under scalar multiplication
Theorem for Nul A
Nul A is a subspace of R^n (# of columns)
Nul A
set of all solutions to Ax=0
Theorem of Col A
Col A is a subspace of R^m (# of rows)
Col A
set of all linear combinations of the columns of A
to check if u is in Nul A
Au must equal 0
to check if v is in Col A
Ax=v must be consistent
kernel / null space
set of all u in vector space V such that T(u)=0 (equal the zero vector in vector space W)
set of all vectors in W (T(x)) for some vector x in V
Theorem for linearly dependency
a set {v1,…,vp} is linearly dependent if some vj (j > 1) is a linear combination of the preceding vectors {v1…v(j-1)}
Theorem for basis of Col A
the pivot columns of A form the basis for Col A
- row reduce to echelon form and match the pivot columns to those in original matrix A
Spanning Set Theorem
Let S be a set of vectors {v1…vp} and H be Span{v1…vp}
- If one vector in S that is a linear combination of the others is removed, the set still spans H.
- If H=/={0}, some subset of S forms basis for H.
The Uniqueness Representation Theorem
Let B={b1…bn} be a basis for a vector space V. For each x in V, there exists a unique set of scalars c1…cn such that c1b1+…+cnbn=x
coordinate mapping theorem
the coordinate mapping x->[x]b is a one to one linear transformation from Rn to Rn