Prelim Flashcards
made of expressing oneself
creates art
characteristics of the artist for them to create art
– visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skills or imagination
– said that Arts is as outlet of human expression usually influenced by culture and driven by human creative impulse
– Many of us assume that a work of art should be beautiful even the art’s entire purpose is to beautiful
Arts & Humanities
Importance of Arts
● Drives our existence
● Satisfies the needs for personal expression
● Develops our skills to express ourselves
● Challenge us to see things differently
● Unleashes our hidden desires and passion
● Changes our way of life
● It lets us see the truth that we might not understand before
● Gives pleasure, satisfaction, and gratification
Importance of Humanities
● Humanities are the key to understanding the diversity and richness of all cultures
● Humanities are socially useful for critical and imaginative thinking about the issues that confront us as citizens and as human beings
Types of Arts
Visual Arts
Literary Arts
Performing Arts
New Media & Digital Arts
– created from line, color shape, form, texture and composition to convery ideas, emotions, and narratives
– an art category that includes traditional fine art forms like painting, drawing, and printmaking, as well newer mediums such as photography and mixed media
Visual Arts
– captivate, inspire, and challenge audiences through the written and spoken artistic expression
– weave tales that transport us to different worlds and make us ponder life’s mysteries
– poetry, prose, drama, essays, and story telling in different flavors, like fiction, nonfiction and memoirs
– continue to evolve and shape our understanding of the human experiences
Literary Arts
where performers use their bodies, voices, and instruments to convey narratives, emotions, and ideas
Performing Arts
forms utilize digital technologies, software, and algorithms to create dynamic and interactive experiences including digital painting, interactive virtual experiences
New Media & Digital Arts
10 Branches of Humanities
● History
● Linguistics
● Philosophy
● Literature
● Religious Studies
● Geography
● Social Sciences
● Psychology
● Sociology
● Education
– the systematic study and documentation of the human past
– an umbrella term comprising past events one wall as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of these events
based on a theoretical as well as a descriptive study of language and is also interlinked with the applied fields of language studies and language learning, which entails the study of specific language
a systematic study of general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language
any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings specifically considered to be an art form, especially novels, plays, and poems
the scientific study of religion
Religious Studies
an all-encompassing discipline that seeks an understanding of Earth and its human and natural complexities, not merely where objects are, but also how they have changed and came to be
– one of the branches of science devoted to the study of societies and the relationships among individuals within those societies
Social Sciences
its subject matter includes the behavior of humans and nonhumans, both conscious
and unconscious
the scientific study of human society that focuses in society, human behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life
the transmission of knowedge, skills, and character traits and manifests in various
Literature is derived from the Latin word?
litaritura/litteratura meaning “writing formed with letters”
a literary piece containing syllabication, rhythm
contains words form into sentences then form into ideas
a form of paper written with the objectives to analyze and break down a literary piece
Literary Analysis
Types of Conflicts
◆ Man vs. Self
◆ Man vs. Man
◆ Man vs. Nature
◆ Man vs. Society
◆ Man vs. Technology
an internal conflict, meaning that the opposition the character faces is coming from within
Man vs. Self
a common type of conflict in which one character’s needs or wants are at odds with another’s
Man vs. Man
when a character is set in opposition to nature
Man vs. Nature
an external conflict that occurs in literature when the protagonist is placed in opposition with society, the government, or a cultural tradition or societal norm of some kind
Man vs. Society
when a character is in conflict with some kind of technology
Man vs. Technology
Elements when analyzing themes
◆ Figurative Language
◆ Point of View
◆ Symbolism
◆ Conflict
How authors reveal characterization
◆ Thoughts
◆ Thought of others
◆ Dialogues
◆ Actions
the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel, short story, or other literary work
provides crucial tension in any story and is used to drive the narrative forward
the description of a character’s physical traits (how a character looks), point of view, personality, private thoughts, and actions
a school of thought or style of literary analysis that gives readers a means to critique the ideas and principles of literature
Literary Theory
another term for literary theory
5 Approaches to Literary Criticism
● Cultural Studies
● Formalism
● Reader-response
● Psychoanalytic Criticism
● Deconstruction/Deconstructionism
– the context of the setting towards the plot
– focuses on significant events, key figures, socio-cultural environment
Cultural Studies
– caters the conventions of the language
– focuses on grammar & chromatics
– compels readers to judge the artistic merit of literature by examining its formal elements, like language and technical skill
– favors a literary canon of works that exemplify the highest standards of literature, as determined by formalist critics
– all about how the reader interprets the text
– rooted in the belief that a reader’s reaction to or interpretation of a text is as valuable a source of critical study as the text itself
focuses on mind and behavior of the character and its effects to the plot
Psychoanalytic Criticism
looks to the neuroses and psychological states of characters in literature to interpret a text’s meaning
Psychoanalytic Criticism
– analyzes each argument within the literary text
– deconstructing feast to bask for erguments and propasing a counterargument
Who proposed Deconstruction/Deconstructionism?
Jacques Derrida
Sequence of Literary Analysis
○ Beginning
○ Middle
○ End
Parts of Literary Analysis
○ Introduction
○ Body
○ Conclusion
used to describe the conflict/problem faced by the character/subject
used to describe the climax or crisis reached by the character/subject
used to resolve the conflict/problem and establish a theme
Conducting a Basic Critique for Beginners
- Read the literature carefully
- Create a graphic organizer
- Think about the literal meaning
- Think about the author’s meaning
- Form a thesis statement
- Locate evidence in the literature
- Make an outline
- Write the essay
- Revise the essay
defined as the field of knowledge that studies the relationship between the earth and its people
Geography comes from the Greek words?
“geo” (the earth) & “graphas” (to write or describe)
interested in where people, plants and animals live, where rivers, lakes, mountains, cities and other geographic features can be found and how they are interrelated
Basic Concepts of Geography
● the study of area differentiation of the earth’s surface
● the study of natural relationships between people and their environment
● the study of the physical features of the Earth’s surface and the various human activities that take place on it
Physical (natural) Elements — Hydrosphere
○ water features, oceans, seas, lakes, streams, ponds, sheet flows, soil water, and other underground water
Cultural (human) Elements — Hydrosphere
○ population, numbers, densities, and patterns of distribution
Physical (natural) Elements — Lithosphere
○ landforms, major and minor including rocks and minerals
Cultural (human) Elements — Lithosphere
Cultural Inheritance: man’s aquired capabilities, habits and institutions, especially those that relate to his uses of the physical elements of the habitat
Physical (natural) Elements — Atmosphere
○ Soils: group & individual types
○ Mineral Resources: actual & potential
Cultural (human) Elements — Atmosphere
○ Major Occupations: hunting, fishing, gathering, mining, lumbering, agriculture, and animal husbandry, manufacturing, trade & services
Physical (natural) Elements — Biosphere
○ Climate & Weather: long term and short-term behavior of the atmosphere
Cultural (human) Elements — Biosphere
Major Works: structures, rural & urban settlements, routes & methods of transportation & communication
Branches of Geography
● Regional Geography
● Topical Geography
● Physical Geography
● Human Geography
Deals with all of many of the geagraphic elements of a place or region. Within the region, it investigates and analyzes the distribution and association of elements that give the region its distinctive character.
Regional Geography
It concentrates on the study of the earth’s feature or human activity as it occurs throughout the world. The worldwide patterns of soil quality and railroad transportation is example of it.
Topical Geography
It is concerned with the location of such earth features as land, water, and climate; their relationship to one another and to human activities; and the forces that create and change them.
Physical Geography
Its primary concern is man and his works so that it is closely allied with the other social sciences such as economics, political science, history, sociology, and anthropology.
Human Geography
Subdivision of Physical Geography
○ Geomorphology
○ Climatology
○ Mathematical Geography
○ Oceanography
○ Hydrology
○ Medical Geography
○ Pedogenesis
○ Biogeography
studies lands and water forms as well as the development of irregularities in the surface of the earth
analyzes difference and similarities in climate from place to place
has to do with the accurate measurements of the earth and the calculation of the exact location of points on the earth’s surface
Mathematical Geography
study of the ocean and is phenomena, current wave activity, temperature differences and tides
deals with the study of the hydrosphere
study of the relationship between disease causing organisms and their physical environment
Medical Geography
deals with the process of soil formation and is related to Pedology, a branch of science that studies soil
concerned with the study of the geographical distribution of plants, known as plant geography and phytogeography
Kinds of Human Geography
● Cultural Geography
● Population Geography
● Political Geography
● Historical Geography
● Urban Geography
● Economic Geography
deals with the study of the distribution of cultural traits such as customs, traditions, taboos, religions, dialeuts, and dwellings
Cultural Geography
deals with the study of the numbers and distribution of people
Population Geography
deals with the study of the relationship between the political units such as provinces or states, nations, or unions of nations
Political Geography
the study of the manner by which geographic patterns of man and his works change through time
Historical Geography
the study of cities with the important roles that cities play in the life of the nation
Urban Geography
the study of the widely varying economic conditions across the earth
Economic Geography