Prelim Flashcards
NUCLEAR MEDICINE- Branch of medicine and medical imaging that uses a small amount of what we call ____, or radiopharmaceuticals, to diagnose disease and to treat disease, including many types of cancers, heart diseases and certain other abnormalities within the body.
radio tracers
discovers Uranium and named it after the planet Uranius
Martin Klaproth
uses Uranium and radium to discover alpha and beta rays, type of radiation
Henri Becquerel
discovers gamma rays
Paul Villard
first used the word “radiation” to describe the rays they were finding; they also discovered POLONIUM & RADIUM
Pierre and Marie Curie
used radiation to kill bacteria in food
Samuel Prescott
____ and ___ establishes the theory of Nuclear Reactions (by bombarding alpha and beta particles)
Ernest Rutherford
Frederick Soddy
– Father of Nuclear Medicine, conceives the idea of radioactive tracers
George von Hevesy
, a Boston physician, first used radioactive tracers to diagnose heart diseases.
1927 – Herman Blumgart
1934 – discovery of artificial radioactivity by
Frederic JoliotCurie and Irene Joliot-Curie
1937 – discovery of Fe-59, JFG
- .Technitium99m discovered by ___ as an artificial element to fill space number 43 in the periodic table
John Livingwood, Fred
Fairbrother, Glenn Seaborge
C. Perrier and E. Segre,
– negatively charged and the lightest
among the subatomic particles
- atomic mass of ___ or approximately ___
The property of certain nuclides
to spontaneously emit radiation
in form of alpha, beta, and
gamma rays and other nuclear
fragments to reach a stable
Radioactivity discovered by
1986 by the French
Scientist Antoine Henri Becquerel
The SI unit of radioactivity is
becquerel (Bq)
– the smallest chemical unit of an
element or compound that exist independently
– unstable of emitting
radiation spontaneously to reach a more
stable state; termed also as radioactive
Radioactive Atoms
2 Physical Characteristic of Radioactive Atom
Decay Disintegration / Transformation Constant
- A fraction or percentage of original number of atoms decaying per
unit time
- A fraction or percentage of original number of atoms decaying per
Decay Disintegration / Transformation Constant
- The amount of time taken by the radioactive material (RAM) or
radioactive atom to decay to ½ of its original value - Every RAM has its own unique half life value
the process wherein the unstable atom (parent) spontaneously emits radiation to reach a more stable state (daughter)
Radioactive Decay
The __ is unstable atom or radioactive atom
is a new atom that is already a stable state
2 modes of Decay
Alpha Decay
Beta decay
Occurs in heavy nuclides with high atomic number
• It resembles the Helium (He) element
• The relative charge of alpha is 2 and a mass of 4
___ has low penetrating power and most harmful internally and less harmful externally.
• it can be stopped by a piece of paper or cloth.
Alpha radiation
• The relative charge of -1 and a mass of 0.
• The β-decay has a moderate energy and it can be stopped by
approximately 0.5mm aluminum or lead.
Has two sub-modes:
Beta Decay/Emission
Negatron emission
b. Positron emission
The β-decay has a moderate energy and it can be stopped by approximately ___
0.5mm aluminum or lead.
• This occurs when there are too many neutrons.
• It occurs when a radioactive nuclide with high Neutron and Proton ratio disintegration
• This particle emitted is a negatively charge high speed electron
which originated in the nucleus.
• This electrons results from the conversion of the excess neutron into
Negatron Emission
• It occurs when the radioactive nuclide with an excess of Proton disintegrates
• The particle emitted is positively charged electron which comes from the nucleus
• This results from the transformation of the excess proton to a neutron
• With Positron emitter, the parent nucleus gives up positive charge resulting in a daughter less positive by one unit of charge.
• The atomic number decrease by one and the mass number remains unchanged.
Positron Emission or Beta Positive emission
___ Nuclide
• Excited state element
• Radionuclide that yields another nuclide during disintegration
• Long-lived radionuclide
___ Nuclide
Ground state element
• Element that results from the radioactive decay of a parent element.
• Short-lived radionuclide
• Have high penetrating power and it can be
stopped by several centimeters of lead
The difference between the gamma rays and x-ray
is their ___.
• Gamma ray originates from the __
• X-ray originates from the
The difference between the beta particles and
electrons is their origin
• Beta particles originate from the
• Electrons originate from the
e- clouds.