Prejudice- Social Identity Theory Flashcards
What does social identity theory state?
Social identity theory states that simply being in a group, or perceiving that you are in a group, is enough to create in-group loyalty & out-group hostility.
What is an in-group?
Group to which we have membership.
What is an out-group?
A rival group or group to which we do not have membership.
What can group membership alone cause?
Social identity theory & the process of generating in-group loyalty and out-group hostility is made of 3 features. What are they?
Social categorisation
Social identification
Social comparison
Social categorisation
Categorising ourselves as members of a particular group; these categories are ones we learn to be important. Eg goths.
Social Identification
Adopting the identity of the group to which we have categorised ourselves, adopting consistent behaviours with this categorisation, adopting attitudes & behaviour of the in-group to distinguish oneself from non-members.
Social comparison
Comparing your group favourably to others; we need to compare ourselves and our in-group favourably to others to maintain our self esteem. In and out- groups are measured against each other, the out-group is devalued and the self-esteem or the in-group members is thus raised.
Steele and Aronson 1995
Found that when African-American students were asked to identify their ethnicity on a pre-test questionnaire, their performance on the test was significantly reduced compared to when they were not asked this beforehand.
One explanation of this is that the negative stereotypes associated with African-Americans & academic ability affected students’ personal identity, self esteem & cognitive performance (stereotype threat).
Humans continually strive to achieve a positive self-image, so that they look good in the eyes of others & achieve high personal self-esteem. How does this lead to personal identity?
This self-image FORMS our personal identity. However, our personal identity is often inextricably linked to our social identity, as we are almost inevitably members of certain social groups and this group membership is often an important part of our SELF ESTEEM.
When social identity is ………, the group we identify ourselves with is seen as ……., our personal identity is also positive, as we are members of this positive group, increasing our ……-……..
However, if it becomes negative, this may have a …………. impact on our personal identity a potentially lowers our self-esteem. If we strongly identify with the group, a shared ……….. is formed: our personal identity is inextricably linked the groups perceived ……….
1- favourable
2- positive
3- self-esteem
4- detrimental
5- identity
6- identity
Describe Lemyre & Smith 1985 study
-They followed the minimal group paradigm procedure…… found similar results to Tajfel.
-Found that discriminating PPS had improved self-esteem following the experiment.
-This supports the notion that personal identity is bound up with social identity and that discrimination enhances both personal and social identity.
Describe Cialdini et Al. 1976 study.
-Non-minimal group paradigm study.
-Analysed the results of US university football scores & observed the clothing supporters’ wore after a big game.
- They observed that supporters were more likely to wear clothing related to the football team after their team had won a game rather than when they lost a game.
-Supporters referred to the team as ‘us’ when the team had won. Referred to as ‘they’ when they lost.
-This study demonstrates that an individuals personal identity is affected by their association with a football team (social identity), supporting Social Identity Theory.
Describe Aronson & Osherow 1980 (Jane Elliott) study.
-Jane Elliott was a lower school teacher who used a school lesson to teach her third grade class about discrimination.
-A+O recorded the lessons as the “brown eyes/ blue eyes” study.
-Elliott told her pupils that eye colour determined academic ability & personal traits like honesty/ laziness.
-This was reinforced in Elliott’s lessons.
-On measures of performance, the dominant group performed better academically, were more attentive and demonstrated discrimination towards the perceived “inferior” group.
-This supports social identity theory as it shows social categorisation leading to active prejudice.
Describe Locker & Luhtanen 1990 study.
-Showed that those who think highly of the group they are in have high collective (or group) self esteem and show loyalty to the in-group in a minimal group situation.
-This supports social identity theory and suggests supporting the group lifts self esteem.