Prejudice, discrimination and stigma Flashcards
a prejudgement that you make about others before interacting with them, the affective componenet of the tri-compoenent model of attitudes, stems from emotions, can be unconcious
the unjust treatment of people due to their membership wuthin a certain social category, leads to inequality, behavioural component of the tri-component model of attitudes
what are the two types of discrimination
direct and indirect
direct disscrimination
explicit and obvious, when someone is openly treated unfairly becase of ttheir association with a particular group/pposses a particular characteristic
indirect discrimination
occurs when a practice,policy or blanket rule applies to all people but unfairly disadvantages a group or person, more discrete and less noticable
what is the effect of prejudice and discrimination on an individual
the feeling of shame or disgrace experienced by an individual caused by being stereotyped/experiencing social disapproval
what is the effecr of stigma
it can negatively effecr the relationships and interactions people have, causing feelings of isolation and societal exclusion
what are the two types of stigma
social stigma and self-stigma
social stigma
a negative label caused by widespread beliefs/stereotypes
the result if the internalisation of negative stereotypes and can lead to poor self-esteem
what is the effect of prejudice and discrimination on mental wellbeing
can cause individuals to feel alienated and excluded from society which may resuly in damged/worsened self-image, greater stress, mental health problems
what are the four ways of reducing prejudice, discrimination and stigma
education, intergroup contact and social media and lawws
how does education reduce prejudice, stigma and discrimination
providing knowledge and information identifies/corrects misinformtions and assumptions, as stereotypes often stem from a lack of understanding
how does intergroup contact reduce prejudice, stigma and discrimination
open discussions and asking respectful questions and listening allowing understanding of others experiences and avoid engaging in offensive bahviours/mindsets