prejudice and discrimination Flashcards
= widely shared beliefs about attributes that are thought to be characteristics of members of a group (can either be positive or negative)
= negative attitude, response or evaluation towards any or about a certain group (prejudgement)
= active negative or disadvantaging behaviour against a certain group which is based on prejudice
three component model
–> how attitudes/ prejudice are formed
Cognitive (beliefs about the attitude object)
Affective (strong feelings (usually negative) about the attitudes object)
Conative/behavior (intentions to behave/ act in a certain way towards the attitude object)
–> these components form an attitude that lead to a specific behavior
targets of prejudice and discrimination:
- sex-roles
- gender-stereotypes
- faceism
- Glass ceiling
- Glass cliff
- Backlash
= prejudice/ discrimination against people based on their gender
- = gender roles in society, e.g work
- = different attribution of gender
- = media focus of male face, female body
- minorities and women are underrepresented in leadership positions
- women are appointed to leadership positions that have a high probability of failure, criticism
- negative perception of people who don’t confirm to their gender-roles/ stereotypes
targets of prejudice and discrimination:
- Explicit /blatant racism
- Modern racism
= prejudice and discrimination against people based on their ethnicity
- illegal, socially censured, hard to find nowadays
- subtle form of racism, because egalitarian values pressure to behave in a non-prejudiced manner (unterschwellig, unauffällig)
targets of prejudice and discrimination:
physical/ mental handicap
= prejudice/ discrimination against people based on their age
= discrimination against homosexuals
= overt discrimination is illegal and socially unexceptable, People are often uneasy in their presence and uncertain how to interact with them, an instance of intergroup anxiety
forms of discrimination
- reluctance of help (Wiederwille)
- tokenism (Zeichen)
- reverse discrimination
- = failing to assist the efforts of other groups to improve their position in society, passively or actively (e.g refuse black applicatiant)
- = small positive action just in order to not to have to do a big favourable action
- being prejudice in favour of a minority group in order to deflect accusations of prejudice and discrimination against that group (e.g white evaluated black people better, so that nobody thinks they have a aversion against them)