Prejudice Flashcards
What is prejudice?
(Brown., 2010)
- Any attitide, emotion or behaviour towards memebers of a group, which directly or indirectly implies negativity or antipathy towards this group (Brown., 2010)
Is prejudice a subjective, pre-informed judgement?
* It is a subjective evaluation, leading to an attitude towards a person based soley on that person’s group membership
What does prejudice have a lot to do with?
Categorical processing
What is a sterotype?
- A set of beliefs surrounding members of a social group
- Fixed ideas/thoughts or propositions that are likely to be wrong
What happens when a sterotype is evaulated?
It leads to prejudice
* It can even be a justification for prejudice that is already established
What is the sterotype content model?
(Fiske., 2018)
- The model states that social evaluation has TWO core components
- Explain how people from opinions and make judgements about infividuals or groups based on perceived warmth and competence
What are the two components of the sterotype content model? Fiske 2018
- Warmth: How friendly, trustworthy, adn well intentioned someone seems, and their willingness to cooperate
- Competence: Someones socioeconomic status, perceived intellegence and how skilled & capable someone appears
What are the four quadrants that our judgements fall into (According to the stereotype content model)
1) High in warmth but not competence
2) High in warmth and competence
3) High in competence but not warmth
4) High in warmth and low in competence
What factors complement prejudice?
- Warmth and competence (cuddy et al., 2008; Fiske; 2018)
- Agency & Communion (Abele et al., 2007)
- Morality and competence based traurs (Wojciszke., 2005)
Why are sterotypes and prejudice unfair?
- As they involve judging people based on assumptions and not individual qualities - DENIAL OF INDIVIDUALITY
- Sharedness INCREASES the social impact
What are the developmental explanations of prejudice & stereotypes?
- They develop over time due to eductaion, upbringing and personality factors
- They tend to stabalise by adolesense (Crocetti et al., 2021)
What are the cognitive explanations of prejudice?
Our mental processes simplify the world, leading to the formation of sterotypes for social groups
Social explanations of prejudice …
Prejudice serves to maintain societal inequalities, as suggested by social dominance theory (Sidanius & Pratto., 1999)
Social cognitive explanations of prejudice …
Social identity theory (taijfel 19
Consequences of prejudice
- Our preconcieved beliefs about a group PREDICTS how we are going to act towards that group
- This can be explained/predicted by someones warmth & competence - behaviour from intergroup effect can affect stereotype