Prehistory/early rive/ bronze age Flashcards
people who move from place to place in search of food and following animal migrations
Subsistence farmers
growing just enough food to feed yourself/family
- a stepping stone to systemized farming
Turning point
a Significant change that has long-lasting effects
Neolithic revolution
A major turning point in human history around 10,000 BCE.
- Humans began to cultivate crops and domesticate animals
- People abandoned hunting and gathering
- Permanent settlements were established
A highly developed culture in which large numbers of people share in similar social structure
- Language - Religion - Art...etc
Mesopotamia - 4 facts
The region between the Tigris and Euphrates river.
- Most famous ruler King Hammurabi. - FERTILE CRESCENT: the land between the Tigris, Euphrates and the Nile River Valleys which were full of fertile soil. - Some of the worlds First agricultural society and civilizations begin here
Indus River Valley
Located in portions of the middle east and India along the floodplains of the Indus River.
- Organized government that saw over the creation of organized “grid-like cities”
- drainage systems
- uniform mud-brick houses
- government seals for trade goods
- great bath
Reasons why people settled in the Early River Valleys -
4 facts
- Fertile Land
- Close to water for crop irrigation
- transportation food/people/trade
- utilized for drinking/bathing/religious purposes
Cultural diffusion
The spread of ideas, beliefs, customs and goods from one society to another
- Often occurred through trade and/or conquests of civilizations in history
Ancient empire formed in the region surrounding the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
Jewish exile
- forced movement of Jews out of isreal; their homeland, as the leadership of the Babylonian empire gained power in the region.
- allthough forced, the Jewish Exile contributed to the spread of Judaiism around the Middle East
Code of Hammurabi 5 - facts
- law code put in place by King Hammurabi of Babylon
- inscribed in stone and believed to be passed down from the gods
- included strict laws and harsh punishments as a way to control people and keep stability
- “Eye for any, Tooth for a tooth”
- Punishments based on social class
Qin Dynasty
Questions 13-16
First dynasty of China lasting from 221 to 206 BCE.
Shi Huangdi - 3 facts
- First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty
- Ruled over the Qin from 220BCE to 210BCE
- Supporter of the philosophy of legalism
- the belief that all humans are naturally bad /selfish
- need strict laws and punishments for social order
5 Reforms under Shi Huangdi
- Unification of Currency
- Uniform written language system
- Unification of weights and measures
- standerdization of roads and carts
- water conservation and canal projects
Mauryan Empire
Questions 17-20
Ruled parts of India from 321 BCE until 185 BCE
Ashoka - 4 FACTS
- Ruled the Maurya Empire from 268 BCE to 232 BCE
- Conquered land through brutal warefare
- Kalinga war caused Ashoka to realize the dammage he caused
- Converted to Buddahism
Religious Toleration
the acceptance of multiple belief systems even if they are not the state-sponsered religion
Rock and Pillar Edicts - 3 facts
- Ashokas formal law code for the Maurta Empire
- Laws promoted ideals of religious tolerance and acceptance
- Placed the pillars around his Kingdom in public areas