Prehistory Flashcards
- Define Prehistory. What are the three main stages? (with data and events)
Prehistory is the period that begins with the appearance of the human being, about five million years ago, and finishes with the invention of writing, about 6,000 years ago.
1 Paleolithic→ 5m.-10.000 y.a→ Evolution of the human beings, discover of fire, invention of tools.
2 Neolithic→ 10.000-7.000y.a→ Sedentarism,discover of farming, discover of wheel and pottery, first villages.
3 Metal Ages→ 7.000-5.000 y.a→ Copper age, bronce age, iron age.
- What is the difference between Prehistory and History? How can we divide the last one? (with data and events)
The difference is the invention of writing.
1 Ancient times→ 5000-4.76
2 Middle Ages→ 4.76-1453/1492
3 Modern Periods→ 1453/1492-1789
4 Contemporary→ 1789-Present Day
- What biological changes distinguished hominids from the large simian species?
-A biped mode of walking and upright posture. So their hands were freed and they
could use for other objectives such as making tools
-Developed opposable thumbs enabled them to hold and manipulate objects (tools)
-Increased brain and skull size improving their intelligence and the possibility of
thought, speech and forming complex societies.
- Define hominization process. When and where did it occur? What could have been the cause for it?
Hominization is the evolutionary process that results in the present human being. It began in Africa and it could have occurred 4.4 million years ago. The cause could have been a climatic change from a humid tropical climate to a drier. As a result, several primates emigrated looking for new food sources.
- Who is considered as the first human species? When and where did they appear? What did they achieve?
The Homo habilis originated in Africa around 2 million years ago. They made tools of stone and lived on hunting and gathering
- Did all hominids originate in Africa? Why? What hominids spread throughout Asia and Europe?
Who did it throughout all the continents?
No. Because other hominids appeared in Europe or Asia.
The Homo erectus.
The Homo sapiens.
- Who started to bury their dead? Who created art?
The Neanderthals buried their dead. The Homo sapiens created art.
- What was Prehistoric people´s life like? Explain it.
They hunted, fished and gathered wild fruits because they obtained food from meat from animals and they made clothes with their skin.
They were nomadic and they moved from place to place following the animals and plants they could eat.
They lived in caves, outdoors or in cabins near rivers.
They formed tribes belonging to the same family.
They lived about 35 years because of the cold climate and common diseases.
- Who discovered the fire? When did it occur? Why is it so important for human beings to discover fire?
The Homo erectus discovered fire about half a million years ago. The climate was extremely cold and with fire they could heat and light their caves, cook their food and frighten wild animals away.