Prehistoric medicine Flashcards
What is prehistory?
The time before written records
When was writing introduced to Britain?
Who introduced writing to Britain?
The Romans
What tells us that prehistoric people believed in a spiritual world?
Cave paintings; grave goods.
What would prehistoric people have thought the cause of illness was?
Evil spirits
How would prehistoric people have attempted to cure illness?
By using spiritual or religious cures.
What medicines were available to prehistoric people?
Herbs would probably have been used within a spiritual/religious framework.
What was the lifestyle in prehistory?
First hunter-gatherers (nomads), then settled farmers.
What is the social organisation assumed to have been?
Possibly just family structures, but trade networks across the whole of Europe, and massive gatherings at eg Stonehenge.
How would medical knowledge have been passed on in prehistoric times?
Word of mouth. Large gatherings would have been the only time that new ideas could be passed round.
How do we know about peoples attitude to human remains in prehistory?
Looking at ancient tombs and burials gives us a lot of information.
Why are attitudes to human remains important?
Human remains are the only way to learn human anatomy.
What do we assume when we find burials with bones of different people mixed up, and the skulls in a different place?
The bones must have been moved after the flesh decayed, maybe they were brought out for ceremonial purposes?
What would be the effect of taboos about remains?
No opportunity to work out how the anatomy of the human body works.
What does taboo mean?