Pregnancy and Prenatal Care Flashcards
What is included in the obstetrics hx?
- General medical, obstetric and family hx
- Menstrual hx
A. LMP - Sxs of current pregnancy
- Previous pregnancies
A. Vaginal vs c-section
B. Complications - Medical hx
A. Cardiovascular
B. Asthma
D. Bleeding disorders
E. Seizure disorders - Surgical hx
A. Abdominal surgery - Family Hx
A. Chromosomal abnormalities
B. Mental retardation
C. Diabetes - Social Hx
A. Alcohol
B. Drugs - Diet
What are the subjective sxs of pregnancy?
- Amennorhea
- Nausea/vomiting
- Breast tenderness
- Quickening (fetal movement)
A. Nullipara: 18-20 weeks
B. Multipara: 14-16 weeks - Easy fatigability
- Urinary freq, nocturia
What are the objective sxs of pregnancy?
- (+) pregnancy test
- Increased basal body temp
- Skin changes
A. Melasma/chloasma
B. AKA “mask of pregnancy”
C. Linea nigra - Chadwick’s sign
What is melasma/cloasma?
- Inc melanocyte-stimulating hormone by placenta, causes melasma & darkened nipples
- AKA chloasma, “mask of pregnancy”
Define linea nigra
- Inc melanocyte-stimulating hormone by placenta
2. Darker pigmented greater than fair-skinned women
Define Chadwick’s sign
Blueish tinge to cervix
How is the expected date of delivery calculated?
- Patient’s due date (EDC)
- Estimated w/ “Pregnancy Wheel”
- Calculated using Nagle’s or McDonald’s rule:
A. 1st day of LMP – 3 months + 7 days
B. Based on a 28 day menstrual cycle
C. If irregular, use USN
How fast does the uterus grow during pregnancy?
- Growth approximately two finger’s breaths every two weeks until 20 wks
- Growth approximately one finger’s breadth every 2 weeks form 20 weeks to birth
Define gravida
Gravida: G = total # of pregnancies
Define Parity
- Parity: P = # of deliveries
- Sequence of 4 digits (P 1001)
A. 1st number → # of term deliveries
B. 2nd number → # of premature deliveries (20-36 wk gestation)
C. 3rd number → # of abortions (therapeutic &/or spontaneous by 20 wk)
D. 4th number → # of living children
When are the usual prenatal visits scheduled?
- Initial visit 6-8 wk after LMP
- Exam q 4 wk until 28th wk of gestation
- 29 – 36 wk, visits q 2-3 wk
- 37 wk on, visits weekly
What is included in prenatal visits?
- After initial visit, ALL visits include:
A. Focused Hx & exam
B. Wt gain, edema, fetal movement, BP, fundal height, fetal heart tones UA for glucose & protein
C. Vaginal exam 1st & ≥ 37 weeks to assess for cervical dilation
When does quickening occur?
- 18-20 weeks in primigravida
2. 14-18 weeks in multigravida
What are common complaints of pregnancy?
- Backache
- Varicose veins
- Heartburn
- Hemorrhoids
- Fatigue
When are fetal heart tones audible?
Audible (Doptone) @ 10-12 weeks gestation
What is the normal fetal hr?
Normal fetal HR 120-160 bpm
When is the uterine growth at the umbilicus?
- 20 wks: at umbilicus
2. After 20 weeks: Ht of fundus should correlate roughly (+/- 2 cm) to # of weeks gestation