Complications of Pregnancy Flashcards
Define ectopic pregnancy. Where do they usually occur?
- Implantation of pregnancy anywhere except the endometrium
A. > 95% occur in fallopian tubes
B. 55% occur in ampulla
C. Rare sites include cervix, ovary, abdominal or pelvic cavity
What is the most common cause of an ectopic pregnancy?
occlusion of tube 2° to adhesions
What are the risk factors for ectopic pregnancies?
- Prior ectopic pregnancy
- Hx of salpingitis / PID
- Hx of abdominal /pelvic surgery
- IUD use
What are the classic sxs of an ectopic pregnancy?
- Adnexal pain/tenderness
- Amenorrhea or spotting
- +/- palpable adnexal mass
- Sometimes:
A. Dizziness
B. GI sxs
What are the sxs for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy?
- Severe abd pain
- Shoulder pain (Kehr’s sign)
- Tachycardia
- Syncope
- Orthostatic hypotension
What is the timeline for beta hCG level rise?
Normally beta-hCG levels double q 48 hrs
How is an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed?
- Serial levels of beta-hCG are less than expected
- Transvaginal USN diagnostic in 90% of cases
A. Women with beta-hCG titer > 1500 mU/mL should show intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) on transvaginal USN
B. If not seen, ectopic pregnancy is clinical Dx
How is an ectopic pregnancy treated medically?
- Methotrexate used if diagnosed early
- Criteria for methotrexate:
A. Serum hCG titer
How is an ectopic pregnancy treated surgically?
- Laparoscopy preferred
A. Removal of ectopic pregnancy
What is the f/u for an ectopic pregnancy?
Serum b-hCG’s &/or transvaginal USN to exclude any remaining evidence of pregnancy
Define spontaneous abortion. How often does it occur?
- Spontaneous premature expulsion of products of conception
2. Occurs in 15-20% of pregnancies
What are the types of spontaneous abortion?
- Threatened
- Inevitable
- Incomplete
- Complete
- Missed
When do most spontaneous abortions occur?
80% occur in 1st trimester
What are the most common causes of spontaneous abortion?
- 50% of these asst w/ chromosomal abnormalities
- Blighted ovum causes about one out of twomiscarriages
A. Fertilized egg implants in uterus but doesn’t develop into an embryo
What are the characteristics of a threatened abortion?
- Vaginal bleeding: Yes
- Cervix Open: No
- Products of conception passed: No
What are the characteristics of an inevitable abortion?
- Vaginal bleeding: Yes
- Cervix Open: Yes
- Products of conception passed: Not yet, but no way to maintain pregnancy
What are the characteristics of an incomplete abortion?
- Vaginal bleeding: Yes
- Cervix Open: Yes
- Products of conception passed: Partial
What are the characteristics of an complete abortion?
- Vaginal bleeding: Yes
- Cervix Open: Yes
- Products of conception passed: Yes
What are the characteristics of a missed abortion?
- Vaginal bleeding: No
- Cervix Open: No
- Products of conception passed: No, fetal demise has occurred w/o sxs
What are the risk factors for spontaneous abortion?
- Smoking
- Infection
- Maternal systemic disease
- Immunologic factors
- Drug Use
What are the sxs of a spontaneous abortion?
- Uterine size does not correlate appropriately to LMP
- Fundus of uterus may be “boggy” or tender
A. Boggy uterus – more flaccid than expected
How is a spontaneous abortion diagnosed?c
- Serum hCG (Quantitative & Qualitative)
- Serum progesterone
- Transvaginal USN
A. Nonviable pregnancy may include:
-Inappropriate development or interval growth
-Fetal demise - Blood type & Rh
A. R/O sensitization of Rh (-) mom
How is a spontaneous abortion treated?
- Uterus must be emptied
A. D&C may be necessary - F/U pelvic USN, pelvic exam & serum hCG
- Rho-Gam administered to Rh (-) woman if spontaneous abortion
- Septic or infected abortion
A. D&C, medical support & antibiotics
Define gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)
Proliferation of trophoblastic tissue in pregnant or recently pregnant women