Pregnancy and Lactation Flashcards
What is Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
Endocrine disorder caused by elevated levels of androgens
What are some symptoms of PCOS?
Polycystic ovaries
associated with type 11 diabetes and obesity
What are two medications for PCOS?
Oral contraceptives
What is preimplantation diagnostic (PID)?
Removal of one embryonic cell
Diagnosis of genetic defects by methods of molecular biology
What are some pros and cons of PID?
cons - design baby, eugenics
Pros - healthy embryos, fewer abortions
When does implantation occur?
Day 7
What happens to the trophoblast?
Become either syncytiotrophoblast (invade endometrium) or cytotrophoblast (stay surrounding the blasteocoel)
What is the mass origin of the epiblast and inner cell?
What is the placenta?
Fetomaternal organ
What are the 2 components of the placenta?
Fetal part - develops from chorionic sac
Maternal part - derived from the endometrium
What are the 5 functions of the placenta?
Hormone production
What is the amnion?
Fetal membrane that surrounds the fetus - mechanical protection
What is the chorion?
Fetal membrane that is smooth and villous (discoid placenta)
What are 2 other fetal membranes?
Yolk sac
Allantois - drains fetal urinary bladder
What is diagnostic amniocentesis?
Sampling of amniotic fluid by needle insertion through abdominal wall and uterus
week 12
What is chronic villus sampling?
Biopsy of chorionic villi in week 7
What is the role of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)?
Persistence of the C.I (progesterone secretion)
Prevents menstruations
development of decidual cells
production of testosterone in fetal testes