Pregnancy and Labor Monitoring Flashcards
Woman who currently is not pregnant & has never been pregnant
Woman who is pregnant for the 1st time
Woman who has been pregnant more than once
Number of pregnancies that led to a birth > 20 wks AOG
(not by number of fetuses delivered)
Parity of each Para
- Nullipara- Woman who never completed a pregnancy >20 wks AOG
- Primipara- Woman who has delivered a fetus with an estimated AOG of at least 20 wks
- Multipara- Woman who has completed >2 pregnancies to >20 wks AOG
- Grand Multipara- Woman who has had at least 5 births (live or stillborn) that are at least 20 wks AOG
number of times a woman has been pregnant
(irrespective of outcome)
Obstetric Score
G Gravidity number of pregnancies regardless of outcome
P Parity number of past pregnancies that reached >20 weeks
T Term number of term infants delivered (>37 wks)
P Preterm number of preterm infants delivered (20- 36 6/7 wks)
A Abortion number of abortion/ miscarriage (<20 wks)
ectopic pregnancies as well as molar gestations are included
L Live Babies number of living children
Trimesters of Pregnancy and weeks
1st Trimester until 14 weeks AOG
2nd Trimester until 28 weeks AOG
3rd Trimester until 42 weeks AOG
Maternal Periods
Abortion- <20 wks AOG or <500g
Preterm- <37 wks AOG
Term- 37-42 wks AOG
Post-term- >42 wks AOG
Puerperium- time after delivery (4-6wks)
Pediatric Period
Perinatal Period- interval from birth to 28 days
Neonate- birth to 28 days
Infant- 29 days to 1 year
Diagnosis of Pregnancy
- Amenorrhea
- Lower Reproductive Tract & Uterine Changes at 6-8 weeks age of gestation
- Breast and Skin Changes at 6-8 weeks age of gestation
- Fetal Movement
abrupt cessation of menstruation
highly suggestive in healthy reproductive-aged women with cyclical predictive menses
Lower Reproductive Tract & Uterine Changes
at 6-8 wks AOG
Chadwick sign
Goodell’s sign
Hegar’s sign
Cervical mucus changes
vaginal mucosa becomes dark-bluish red & congested
chadwick’s sign
cervical softening and change in position
Goodell’s sign
softening of isthmus
hegar’s sign
increased progesterone; ferning
cervical mucus changes
Breast and Skin Changes at 6-8 weeks age of gestation
Breast engorgement
Striae: increase MSH
Chloasma/Melasma: mask of pregnancy
Linea nigra: darkening of the linea alba
Striae Gravidarum: collagen breakdown
Spider Telangiectasia: increase estrogen
increase MSH
mask of pregnancy
darkening of the linea alba
Linea nigra
collagen breakdown
Striae Gravidarum
increase estrogen
Spider Telangiectasia
Fetal Movement
Dependent of parity and habitus
Primigravid- 18-20 weeks AOG
Multigravid- 16-18 weeks AOG
Diagnostic Test
Gestational Sac
Pseudogestational Sac
Transvaginal Sonography
Yolk Sac
Pregnancy of Unknown Location
basis for endocrine assays of pregnancy
produced by syncytiotrophoblast
main function is to prevent involution of corpus luteum
Alpha subunit: identical to LH, FSH, TSH
Beta Subunit: used for pregnancy detection
beta human chorionic gonadotropin
brightly echogenic ring with anechoic center confirms with certainty an intrauterine location for the pregnancy
Seen at 5th week AOG
Yolk Sac