Normal Labor Flashcards
onset of forceful, painful, & regular uterine contractions that effect cervical dilatation and effacement & cause fetus to descend through birth canal
3 true labor signs
painful & regular uterine contractions
bloody show
rupture of membranes
Factors for succesful labor (4 ps)
the fetus, fetal lie, attitude, preentation, position
the birth canal
uterine contractions and intra-abdominal pressure
maternal psychological status during labor
determines the fetal position
leopold’s maneuver
L1, L2, L3, L4 description
L1 : assess which fetal pole occupies fundus
L2 : assess fetal orientation
L3 : confirm fetal presentation
L4 : determine degree of descent
L1 is also called? and what does it find out
Fundal Grip
-cephalic presentation (large, nodular mass
buttocks in fundus)
- breech presentation (hard, round, ballotable
head in fundus)
L2 is also called? and what does it find out
Umbilical Grip
- fetal back (hard, resistant, convex)
-fetal small parts (numerous, small, irregular, mobile)
L3 is also called? and what does it find out
Pawlick’s Grip
-Engaged fetal head
(mass not moveable)
Unengaged fetal head
(moveable mass can be displaced upward)
L4 is also called? and what does it find out
Pelvic Grip
Head flexed
(cephalic prominence same side w/ small parts)
Head extended
(cephalic prominence same side w/ back)
relation of fetal long axis to that of the mother
longitudinal, transverse, oblique
Fetal lie
presenting part
portion of fetal body foremost within the birth canal
felt during IE
cephalic, breech, shoulder, compound
Fetal Presentation