Pregnancy and Chronic Conditions Flashcards
Risks of pregnancy with diabetes
Fetal growth restriction
Spontaneous abortion
Major congenital malformations (congenital heart, neural tube, limb) - related to metabolic control in 1st trimester
Complications of ACEi use during pregnancy
2nd trimester: impaired fetal renal function
Fetal growth restriction
Renal failure
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Joint contractures
When should zidovidine be administered for pregnant HIV patient?
IV in labor and for neonate
When is cesarian indicated for HIV patient?
Viral loads >1,000 copies/mL and prior to labor
Less benefit after onset of labor or ruptured membranes
Acute treatment of thyroid storm in pregnancy
Propylthiouracil (decreases thyroid hormone synthesis)
Sodium iodide
IV fluid replacement
DO NOT give radioactive iodine
Note: propylthiouracil also given for Graves disease management during pregnancy
Homeless women are at highest risk for what pregnancy complication?
Preterm birth (even after controlling for smoking)
Low birth weight
When should patients be screened for gestational diabetes, and how?
24-28 weeks for those without risk factors
First visit for those who do
1-hr 50-g oral glucose challenge test, followed by diagnostic 3-hr 100-g oral glucose tolerance test if initial results exceed
2-hr 75-g OGTT omits screening test
If early test normal, repeat between 24-28 weeks
Treatment for bacterial vaginosis
Metronidazole or clindamycin
What maternal heart diseases can be acquired during pregnancy?
Heart failure, arrhythmia, MI, aortic dissection
What to do for symptomatic mitral valve prolapse?
Symptoms include anxiety, chest pain, palpitations, syncope
Which thalassemias are most severe?
Beta thalassemia
HbH disease (Alpha thalassemia with 3 nonfunctioning genes)
Obesity increases risk of…?
cHTN, GDM, preeclampsia, fetal macrosomia, C-section, postpartum complications
NOT preterm labor, post-term pregnancy, small for gestational age, or malpresentation
When should anticoagulation be given if history of VTE?
When pregnancy is diagnosed and inclusive of postpartum period; risk is highest in 3rd trimester and then even higher postpartum
Unfractionated heparin and LMWH
VTE more likely to occur with C-section compared to vaginal
Pruritis during pregnancy
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy –> bile salt retention –> pruritis
Treat with ursodeoxycholic acid if resistant to antihistamines, topical steroids, topical emollients, or opioid antagonist naltrexone
Challenge of appendicitis during pregnancy
Uterus may shift appendix up and out toward the flank
Symptoms similar to normal pregnancy symptoms
Patients with gastric bypass are at risk for…?
Iron deficiency, especially pregnant patients
What are the signs of Mg toxicity, and what should you do
Muscle weakness; loss of reflexes; nausea; respiratory depression; cardiac arrest at very high doses
Discontinue and give calcium gluconate
What is 2nd-line for eclampsia if Mg is contraindicated?
Valium; barbiturates
At what levels does Mg cause which side effects?
Therapeutic: 4-7 mEq/L
Loss of reflexes: 7-10
Respiratory depression: 11
Cardiac arrest: 15
When should baby aspirin be given for patient with hx of preeclampsia in previous pregnancy?
Before 16 wga and until term (also decreases risk of fetal growth restriction)
How would lupus affect fetus?
Bradycardia due to AV block, caused by transfer of maternal anti-SSA (Ro) and anti-SSB (La) Ab
What is treatment for sickle cell pain in pregnancy?
Fluid resuscitation and opioid pain control
Sickle cell in pregnancy predisposes to what major condition?
Preeclampsia and its sequelae, requiring more frequent prenatal visits, baseline protein testing, and low-dose aspirin
How does pregnancy unmask undiagnosed diabetes insipidus?
Placenta produces vasopressinase, which further breaks down vasopressin (ADH) and exacerbates
Normal sodium
When should thyroidectomy be performed during pregnancy if absolutely necessary?
2nd trimester
Gestational diabetes - postpartum management
Fasting glucose at 24-72 hr
2-hr 75-g GTT at 6- to 12-week visit (compare to 1-hr 50-g GCT or 3-hr 100-g GTT screening in 2nd trimester)
If negative, continue to screen every 3 years
Gestational diabetes - 2nd-line management after diet
Insulin, glyburide (sulfonylurea, causes pancreas to produce insulin), metformin
Fetus with spina bifida should be delivered how and why?
Cesarean delivery, even if repaired in utero (due to risk of uterine rupture with labor)
If not repaired in utero, cesarean is required because:
-Limited fetal mobility due to neural tube defect (NTD) space occupation
-Hydrocephalus from increased ventricular size with NTD
Also see:
-Polyhydramnios (due to impaired fetal swallowing, particularly with higher-level NTD such as anencephaly)
-Fetal growth restriction
Indications for cell-free fetal DNA testing
Maternal age >=35
Abnormal maternal serum screening test (e.g. quadruple screen)
Abnormal ultrasound consistent with fetal aneuploidy
Prior pregnancy with fetal aneuploidy
Parental-balanced Robertsonian translocation
Can be performed at >=10 weeks gestation
Abnormal results confirmed by fetal karyotyping via 1st-trimester CVS or 2nd-trimester amniocentesis
What is required for diagnosis of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome during pregnancy?
One of the following clinical + one lab showing positive Ab:
>=3 consecutive, unexplained fetal losses before 10th week
>=1 unexplained fetal loss after 10th week
>=1 premature birth of normal neonates before 34th week due to preeclampsia, eclampsia, or placental insufficiency
or hx of vascular thrombosis (arterial or venous, regardless of pregnancy)
APAS Ab can cause false positive VDRL or artificially prolonged aPTT
They disrupt function of platelets and vascular endothelial cells to create hypercoagulable state
Gestational diabetes during 2nd-3rd trimesters can cause what complications?
- Fetal macrosomia
- Polycythemia (increased fetal metabolism –> hypoxemia –> increased EPO)
- Transient neonatal hypoglycemia
- Delayed fetal lung maturation and decreased surfactant production –> neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, even if at term
Reactive NST - conditions
> =2 accels peaking >=15 bpm above baseline for >=15 seconds during 20-minute interval
Pregnancy may exacerbate what GI disease?
Ulcerative colitis, due to placental cytokines
Can lead to severe hematochezia, anemia, and even toxic megacolon
Meds are safe, but don’,t use sulfasalazine during breastfeeding