Preflight 2 Flashcards
What is required if WAAS is not on board for GPS use in IFR?
Must have approved alternate with required checks complete (e.g., VOR checks).
What must pilots have prior to departure when operating in controlled airspace?
Must have a flight plan.
What happens to a flight plan if not activated within 2 hours?
ATC auto-deletes the flight plan.
When can a pilot cancel a flight plan?
When in VFR conditions outside of Class A airspace.
How can icing be prevented in the DA-40?
Using windshield defrost and pitot heat.
What does the pitot static system measure?
Measures pressure differential for airspeed and pressure at altitude for altimeter and vertical speed indicator.
What happens if the pitot tube is blocked?
Airspeed will read slower when going higher and vice versa.
What happens if the static port is blocked?
Airspeed indicator will show the opposite behavior.
What is the difference between approved and non-approved equipment?
Approved is covered in the AFM and requires regular checks; non-approved is not in the AFM and does not require inspections.
What is magnetic deviation?
Magnetic interference with metal components and electrical systems in the aircraft.
What is magnetic variation?
Angle difference between true North and Magnetic North.
What is magnetic dip?
Magnets in the compass try to point towards Earth’s magnetic poles.
What causes oscillation in a magnetic compass?
Turbulence and rough movements.
What are North and South turning errors?
Undershoot North and overshoot South (UNOS).
What are acceleration/deceleration errors?
Accelerate North and decelerate South (ANDS), occurring only on East/West heading.
How can possible defects in the instrument flight deck be detected?
Check VOR, altimeter, and taxi instruments.
What should the altimeter read when correctly set?
Should be within 75 feet of airport elevation.
What should be checked while taxiing?
Compass moves freely, airspeed indicator reads zero, VSI reads zero, heading indicator matches compass, turn coordinator banks into turn, ball stays inside turn, clock functions with a ticking second hand.
What is needed to determine IFR airworthiness during the day?
What is needed to determine IFR airworthiness at night?
What does GAAV1ATES stand for?
General aviation airworthiness requirements.
What should be reviewed in the AFM for IFR airworthiness?
Review the KOEL on pages 58 to 60.