Prefixes And Suffixes Flashcards
What does the prefix An- mean?
An- means without or no. E.g. Anuria means absence of urine.
What does the prefix A- mean?
A- means without or no. E.g. Atraumatic means without injury.
What does the prefix Ad- mean?
Ad- means toward. E.g. Adduction is moving toward the midline.
What does Ab- mean?
Away from. E.g. Abduction is to take away from the midline.
What does Anti- mean?
Against. Antiemetics work against or prevent vomiting.
What does Dys- mean?
Difficult, painful, or bad. Dysphagia means difficulty eating or swallowing.
What does Eu- mean?
Good, easy, or normal. Euthyroid means having a normally functioning thyroid gland.
What does Endo- mean?
Within or inside. Endocrine is to secrete internally.
What does Ecto- mean?
Outside. Ectoparasite is an organism that lives on the outer surface of the host.
What does Ex- or Exo- mean?
Without, out of, outside, or away from. Exocrine is to secrete externally (via a duct).
What does Hypo- mean?
Depressed, lower, or less than normal. Hypoglycemia is depressed amounts of blood glucose.
What does Hyper- mean?
Elevated, higher, or more than normal. Hyperglycemia is elevated amounts of blood glucose.
What does Inter- mean?
Between. Intercostal is between the ribs.
What does Intra- mean?
Within. Intramuscular is within the muscle.
What does Poly- mean?
Many or excessive. Polyuria is excessive amount or frequency of urination.
What does Oligo- mean?
Scant or little. Oliguria means scant amount or frequency of urination.
What does Pre- mean?
Before. Preanesthetic means pertaining to before anesthesia.
What does Post- mean?
After. Postanesthetic means pertaining to after anesthesia.
What does Sub- mean?
Below, under, or less. Sublingual means under the tongue.
What does Super- or Supra mean?
Above, beyond, or excessive. Supernumerary means more than the regular number, suprascapular means above the shoulder blade.
What does Peri- mean?
Around. Perioperative is pertaining to the period around an operation or the period before, during, and after operation.
What does Epi- mean?
What does Infra- mean?
Below or beneath
What does Meta- mean?
What does Per- mean?
What does Trans- mean?
What does Ultra- mean?
Above, increased, or more than normal
What does -tomy mean?
Cutting into or incision
What does -stomy mean?
A surgically created opening
What does -ectomy mean?
Surgical removal or excision
What does -pexy mean?
Suture to stabilize
What does -plasty mean?
Surgical repair
What does -centesis mean?
Surgical puncture to remove fluid or gas
What does -gram mean?
Record of, hard copy record
What does -graph mean?
Instrument that records (or used as a record)
What does -graphy mean?
Procedure that records
What does -lysis mean?
Separation or breakdown
What does -scope mean?
Instrument to visually examine
What does -scopy mean?
Procedure to visually examine
What does -therapy mean?
What does -rrhagia or -rrhage mean?
Bursting forth
What does -rrhaphy mean?
To suture
What does -rrhea mean?
Flow, discharge
What does -rrhexis mean?
-algia and -dynia
Pain or joint pain
Abnormal softening
Abnormal condition
Abnormal hardening