Prefixes Flashcards
What does the Greek prefix “A” mean?
Not, no. Examples are: Asocial, anarchy
What does the latin prefix “A” mean?
Away from. Examples: Against, alone
What does the latin prefix “AB” mean?
from; away from. Examples are abnormal, absent
What does the latin prefix “AD” mean?
Toward. Examples are: advance, admit.
What does the latin prefix “ALTER” mean?
Another. Examples are: alternate, alter ego.
What does the greek prefix “AMPHI” mean?
Around, both. Examples are: amphibian, amphora.
What does the greek prefix “ANA” mean?
Up. Examples are: analogy, analyze.
What does the latin prefix “ANTE” mean?
Before. Examples are: antenna, antedate.
What does the greek prefix “ANTI” mean?
Against. Examples are: antidote, antifreeze.
What does the latin prefix “CIRCUM” mean?
Around. Examples are: circumference, circumstance.
What does the latin prefix “CO” mean?
With, together. Examples are: coexist, conscience.
What does the latin prefix “CON” mean?
With, together. Examples are: connect, convert.
What does the latin prefix “CONTRA” mean?
Against. Examples are: contradict, controversy.
What does the latin prefix “DE” mean?
Down, down from. Examples are: delusion, depress.
What does the greek prefix “DIA” mean?
Through. Examples are: dial, dialect.
What does the latin prefix “DIS” mean?
Apart, away from. Examples are: disapprove, disagree.
What does the greek prefix “DYS” mean?
Bad. Examples are: dyslexia, dyslogy.
What does the latin prefix “E” mean?
Out of. Examples are: exit, escape.
What does the greek prefix “EC” mean?
Outside. Examples are: ecosystem, ecology.
What does the Greek prefix “EM” mean?
In, within. Examples are: eminent, empty.
What does the greek prefix “EN” mean?
In, within. Examples are: entry, enemy.
What does the greek prefix “EPI” mean?
Upon. Examples are: epidemic, emphasis.
What does the latin prefix “EX” mean?
Out of, away from. Examples are: ex-girlfriend, exclude.
What is the greek prefix “HYPER” mean?
Over. Examples are : hyperactive, hyperbole.
What does the latin prefix “IN” mean?
In, into, on, against, not. Examples are: inertia, inside.
What does the latin prefix “INTRO” mean?
Inside. Examples are: introduction, introspection.
What does the latin prefix “OB” mean?
Against. Example are: oblivious, obligate.
What does the latin prefix “OMNI” mean?
Every, all. Examples are: omnivores, omniscient.
What does the latin prefix “PER” mean?
Through. Examples are: persistent, perfect.
What does the greek prefix “PERSI” mean?
Around. Examples are: persistent, persimmon.
What does the latin prefix “POST” mean?
After. Examples are: postpone, postdate.
What does the latin prefix “PRE” mean?
Before. Examples are: preseason, prehistory.
What does the latin prefix “RE” mean?
Back, again. Examples are: repeat, reload.
What does the latin word “RETRO” mean?
Backwards. Examples are: retroactive, retrospect.
What does the latin prefix “SUB” mean?
Beneath. Examples are: submarine, subconsciousness.
What does the latin prefix “SUPER”, “SUR” mean?
Above. Examples are: surprise, super-duper.
What does the greek prefix “SYM” mean?
With, together. Examples are: symmetry, symbols.
What does the greek prefix “SYN” mean?
With, together. Examples are: synonym, synthesis.
What does the latin prefix “TRANS” mean?
Across. Examples are: transact, transfix.
What does the greek prefix “TELE” mean?
Distant. Examples are: telephone, television.