Prefixes 2/4 Flashcards
Prefix: en-
Meaning: in, within
Example: encapsulate = within the capsule
Prefix meaning in or within
Prefix: endo-
Meaning: within
Example: endoscopy = camera within your body
Prefix meaning within
Prefix: epi-
Meaning: upon
Example: Epi Pen = you put it upon your leg to inject
Prefix meaning upon
Prefix: erythr-
Meaning: red
Example: erythrocyte = red blood cell
Prefix meaning red
Prefix: eso-
Meaning: inward
Example: esophagus = taking food inward
Prefix meaning inward
Prefix: eu-
Meaning: good or normal
Example: euphoria = feeling good
Prefix meaning good or normal
Prefix: exo-
Meaning: outside
Example: exoskeleton = skeleton on the outside, like bugs
Prefix meaning outside
Prefix: hemi-
Meaning: half
Example: hemiparesis = paralyzed on half the body
Prefix meaning half
Prefix: heter-
Meaning: different
Example: heterogeneous = group of different things
Prefix meaning different
Prefix: hyper-
Meaning: above or excessive
Example: hyperactive = excessive activity
Prefix meaning above or excessive
Prefix: hypo-
Meaning: below or deficient
Example: hypoglycemic = low blood sugar
Prefix meaning below or deficient
Prefix: im-
Meaning: not
Example: immature = not mature
Prefix meaning not
Prefix: immun-
Meaning: safe, protected
Example: immunization = protects from disease
Prefix meaning safe or protected
Prefix: in-
Meaning: not
Example: inaccurate = not accurate
Prefix meaning not
Prefix: infra-
Meaning: below or under
Example: infrared light = below what can be see by the human eye
Prefix meaning below or under
Prefix: inter-
Meaning: between
Example: interstate highway = goes between states
Prefix meaning between
Prefix: intra-
Meaning: within
Example: intrauterine device (IUD) = placed within the uterus
Prefix meaning within
Prefix: iso-
Meaning: equal
Example: isotonic solution = same as blood concentrations
Prefix meaning equal
Prefix: leuk-
Meaning: white
Example: leukocyte = white blood cell
Prefix meaning white