A term used to denote increase in
physical size or a quantitative change
a. Growth
b. Development
c. Genetics
d. Environment
a. Growth
It indicates an increase in skill or ability to
function. It is a qualitative change.
a. Growth
b. Development
c. Genetics
d. Environment
b. Development
Modified True or False
G&D are continuous process from
conception until death.
Modified True or False
G&D proceed in an orderly sequence.
Modified True or False
All body systems develop at the
same rate
“All body systems do not develop at the
same rate”
Fill in the blanks
Neurologic tissues peak growth
during the ______
1st year of life
The process of direction from head down
to tail
Cephalocaudal Direction
Development proceeds from near to faroutward from central axis of the body toward the extremities
Proximodistal Direction
Children at first are able to hold big things
by using both arms, in the next part be
able to hold things in a single hand
General to Specific
2 Major Factors Influencing G&D
a. Genetics
b. Health
c. Intelligence
d. Environment
a. Genetics
d. Environment
Boys tend to be taller and heavier than the girls by the end of puberty (what year range?)
14-26 years
Modified True or False
There are intelligent children who are not
good in physical skills
Modified True or False
Amount of time given to a child is more important than quality of time.
Quality of time is more important than the amount of time given to the child.
Enumerate the Period and their respective Age
School Age
Neonatal Birth to 27 or 28 days
Infancy 1 to 12 months
Toddler 1 to 3 years
Preschool 3 to 6 years
School-age 6 years to 13 years
Adolescence 13 years to 18 years
Freud described that the behavior
of an individual was derived from
an instinctual drive that is primarily
sexual in nature (libido)
Psychoanalytical/Psychosexual Theory