Precursors of the Constitution Flashcards
Magna Carta
- All men under the law
- Took away absolute power from king
- Barons grew in power
- Jury of peers
- Life, liberty, and property cannot be taken away without due process
Confirmatic Cartarum (1297)
- Taxes must be raised by the common consent of the realm
- Established Parliament as truly representative organ of government
- Established Magna Carta as the fundamental law of the land
Petition of right (1628)
-Safeguard of liberties by securing the supremacy of the law. Strength habeas corpus and prohibited the quartering of troops in private homes
English bill of rights (1689)
- royal prerogative sharply curtailed
- Possession of crown a statutory right, not hereditary
- toleration of dissenters assured
- Right of petition (seven bishops case)
- No standing armies in time of peace
- Right of Protestants to bear arms
- Freedom of elections
- Freedom of debate in parliament
- No excessive bail
- No cruel and unusual punishments
First Virginia Charter (1606)
-Transferred rights of Englishmen to American soil
Mayflower Compact (1620)
Civil body politic for the furthering of the kingdom of God
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639)
Considered the first real colonial constitution. (The others were more centered on the church covenants.)
Massachusetts Body of Liberties (1641)
Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress (1774)
Represents a quantum leap in regards to constitutional understanding (They make the basis of their claim on the rights of Englishmen.)
Virginia Constitution (1776)
Created Virginia as a state instead of as a colony.
Declaration of Independence (1776)
Northwest Ordinance (1787)
No slavery in the northwest territory
Weaknesses of the Articles of confederation (1781-1789)
Debt; inflation; borders; too inflexible; unanimous vote needed to amend them.
Virginia plan
Bicameral (Two houses, both selected by population). Alarmed less populated states.
-National plan
New Jersey Plan
Confederal plan
Connecticut plan
Great Compromise (Population based house, aristocratic house)
Federal plan