Pre-Vedic and Vedic History Flashcards
How did they find evidence of pre-vedic civilization?
series of sites excavated in modern day pakistan in the 1920s. They discovered the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC)
What were the two main cities of the Indus Valley Civilization? When was its peak?
Mohenjo-daro and Harappa
2200-1900 BCE
What were characteristics of the IVC?
uniform material culture like streets and buildings, domesticated animals, many metals, grain storage, wheeled transport
What examples of archeological evidence of the IVC are there?
drainage systems
metal sculptures
3D scupltures of women
IVC seals (most famously one with a figure sitting on a platform, maybe a yogi!)
What is Vedic tradition?
an early group of people who used the sanskirt language
called themselves aryan (meaning noble)
Follow the Vedas (veda=”sacred knowledge”)
What are the 4 Vedas?
Rgveda: early hymns
Yajurveda: mostly ritual texts
Samaveda: sung hymns
Atharveda: mixed content (most recent addition)
Vedas compiled in 1200-1000 BCE
What are the four layers of each Veda?
Samphitas: early collections of hymns and mantras
Brahmanas: theological/ritual commentaries
Aranyakas: wilderness texts
Upanisads: secret philosophical texts learned sitting at the feet of the teacher
What are the Dharmasutras or Dharmasastras?
Secondary Vedic texts giving instructions on dharma. Ex. The Law Book of Yajnavalkya
What is notable about Vedic ritual?
There are no temples or permanent structures, only portable temporary sacred spaces.
Also based on principle of reciprocal exchange
fire sacrifice; offerings made into a sacred fire by priests (ritual specialists)
ritual fire that conveys offerings to the gods, refers to the diety of fire
sacred drink
What is Vedic dharma?
ritual propriety that “upholds” cosmic order (rta)
Leader of the Vedic gods; associated with rain, battle, the sky
deified ritual fire (recieves and transports offerings to gods)
the deified drink derived from pressing the soma plamt
speech embodied goddess, precursor to Sarasvati
minor deity associated with the sky and space; famously took three steps that covered the while universe
minor, fierce deity who later became identified with the post-Vedic deity Siva.
What are the goals of early Vedic ritual?
prosperity and thriving in the world
political, social and cosmic order
safeguarding ancestors
heaven (svarga)