Pre Term Labour Flashcards
What is a differential for the symptoms of labour?
Urinary tract infection
What are the causes of pre term labour
Infection (uti or group B strep) Maternal pyrexia Uterine abnormalities Cervical incompetence Multiple pregnancies Fetal abnormalities Polyhydramnios Placenta Praevia or abruptio IUGR
What are the risk factors?
Poor ses Previous pre term labour Unbooked Malnutrition, smoker Alcohol
What is the management of suspected preterm labour?
Establish a diagnosis, ascertain a cause and decide on tocolysis
What investigations would you do if a patient came with suspected pre term labour
Midstream urine M C and S
High vaginal swab
Contraindications to tocolysis
Intrauterine infection Fetal distress IUD lethal congenital anomaly APH Pre-eclampsia IUGR Cervical dilation > 6 cm
What is the first drug of choice for tocolysis?
Give the class, dosage and contraindications
Nifedipine (Adalat), calcium channel blocker
Initially 30 mg po stat then 20 mg after 90 mins and if contractions persist, 20 mg every 6 hours
CI: hypovolemia and cardiac conditions
What is the drug of choice for tocolysis when transferring a patient and what are its contra indications
CI: stenotic valvular lesion, shock, diabetes,thyrotoxicosis
When are you able to give indomethasin to tocolyse?
Before 33 weeks gestation
What is the dosage for betamethasone?
12 mg IM 24 hours apart (2 doses)
What are the benefits of betamethasone?
Enhances fetal lung maturity, prevents intraventricular haemorrhage and necrotising enterocolitis
What is important for the delivery of a preterm infant?
- Avoid heavy sedation and analgesia
- Epidural analgesia is preferable
- Gentle controlled delivery
- Episiotomy is not always essential
- Forceps may be used to control the delivery but is of little value
- Vacuum should not be used
- Gentle resus, paedatrician should be available
- Repeatedly assess whether fetus is in longitudinal lie
What are causes of preterm pre labour rupture of membranes?
1) intrauterine infection
2) an incompetent cervix
3) iatrogenic rupture of membranes to induce labor
4) amniocentesis complication
5) external cephalic version complication
6) polydramnios
7) multiple pregnancy
How do you confirm a pre term/pre labour rupture of membranes?
- turns red litmus blue
- ferns test
- fetal fat cells turn orange with 1% nile blue sulphate
What is the management of preterm rupture of membranes at 35 weeks or over
Expedite delivery after 24 hours of rupture of membranes if not in labour
If patient is HIV positive augment or induce labour after 4 hours of rupture of membranes. All patients should receive IV antibiotics
What antibiotics are given to PPROM patients?
Erythromycin or azithromycin
What are signs of intra-uterine infections?
Maternal pyrexia Uterine tenderness Fetal tachycardia Rising white cell count Foul smelling liquor
Why are regular ultrasounds important in PPROM?
Assessment of amniotic fluid and fetal growth
Pressure deformities and pulmonary hypoplasia may follow gross oligohydramnios
Define preterm labour
Onset of labour before 37 completed weeks gestation.
Labour: regular painful contractions (increasing in strength and frequency) with cervical changes (dilatation and effacement)