Breastfeeding Flashcards
What conditions does breast milk offer protection against?
- Respiratory illnesses
- Ear infections
- GIT infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Enteroviruses that cause illnesses like respiratory tract infections, otitis median conjunctivitis, neonatal sepis, meningitis, encephalitis and myocarditis.
What does breast milk minimize the risk of?
Allergies and food intolerance Obesity Diabetes CVS disease Childhood cancers Sudden infant death syndrome Contamination due to bottle feeding Necrotizing enterocolitis
What are advantages of breastfeeding to the mother?
- bonding
- contraction of uterus after birth
- contraception
- protection from breast and ovarian cancer
- protection from osteoporosis
- more rapid loss of pregnancy weight
- financial saving
- no offensive nappies when exclusively breast feeding
- convenience
What are the advantages of skin to skin care?
-regulates baby's: Temperature Pulse Respiration Oxygen saturation
- babies are less stressed
- babies are better able to maintain their blood glucose levels
- baby can colonize with mothers bacteria
- facilitates bonding
What are 5 ways to facilitate successful breastfeeding?
- skin to skin care
- early attachment
- correct positioning
- good Latch
- demand feeding
What are the characteristics of a good latch?
- baby’s lips should cover a large portion of the areola
- lower lip should cover more areola than the upper lip
- lips should be flanged
- chin should be tucked into breast and nose not blocked
- temporomandibular movement should be visible
- by day 2 or 3 swallowing should be audible
What is the size of he newborn stomach?
How frequent does a healthy newborn usually feed?
10-15 times a day in the first 2-5 days and thereafter they may feed less frequently but at least 8-10 times a day
How should painful, cracked or grazed nipples be treated?
Correct the latch.
Apply breast milk or lanolin based nipple creams.
Laser treatment administered by a physiotherapist.
Short periods of exposure to sunlight or uv light encourage healing.
Suckling should be avoided on affected side.
How are engorged breasts treated?
Hot and cold compressors, gentle massage and expressing. Relaxing in a bath or shower is helpful. Once milk flow is initiated and the areola softened by expressing, breastfeeding will offer further relief. Ultrasound treatment administered by an experienced physiotherapist enhances milk flow.
What criteria have to be met before accepting that a mother can formula feed?
Formula feeding can only be used if it is deemed: Acceptable, feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe (AFASS criteria)
When are the rooting and sucking reflexes particularly strong in a newborn
First 40 minutes after birth
What are the WHO recommendations for breast feeding?
- exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
- weaning foods should be introduced from 6 months
- mixed breastfeeding for 2 years
What is the difference between foremilk and hindmilk?
Foremilk appears dilute, hindmilk is thicker and richer and only obtained when the breast has been partially emptied
What are the indications that lactation is adequate?
- breasts feel full before feeds
- infant seems satisfied and sleeps for at least 2 hours after feeds
- gains weight well
- passes urine frequently ( at least 6 wet nappies in 24 hours)
What is he medical treatment for inadequate lactation?
Metoclopramide (maxolon) 5-10 mg given orally 3 times daily for 1 week
How is mastitis treated?
Antibiotics (flucloxacillin), warm compresses and analgesics
What are contraindications to breastfeeding?
Cytotoxic agents and radioactive drugs. Iodine preparations and tetracyclines should be avoided
What specific things does breast milk contain that protect against infection?
IgG, IgM, IgA, lymphocytes, macrophages and lysozymes. Lactoferrin and transferrin protect against gram negative organisms. Breastfeeding promotes growth of lactobacillus and inhibits Ecoli