Pre-Operative Flashcards
Types of Surgery
1) Elective
2) Urgent
3) Emergent
Surgery planned for correction of a non-acute problem. It is planned in advance.
Ex: Cataract removal, Total Joint Replacement
Hernia repair, Hemmorrhoidectomy
Requires prompt intervention; may be life threatening if treatment is delayed more than 24-48 hours.
Ex: Intestinal Obstruction, Bladder Obstruction, Kidney or Ureteral Stones, Bone Fracture, Eye Injury, Acute Cholecystitis
Requires immediate intervention because of life threatening consequences.
Ex: Gunshot/Stab Wound, Severe Bleeding, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Compound Fracture, Appendectomy
Removal of (Excision)
ex: Tonsilectomy
Surgical repair of (Suturing of)
ex: Herniaorrhaphy
Creation of an opening (Surgical Opening)
ex: Colostomy
Process of cutting into
ex: Lobotomy
Reconstructive ( Surgical Repair of)
ex: Rhinoplasty
Direct visual examination using some type of scope.
ex: Colposcopy
Reasons for Surgery:
1) Diagnostic
2) Curative
3) Restorative
4) Palliative
5) Cosmetic
Performed to detemine the origin and cause of a problem:
ex: Breast Biopsy, Exploratory Laparotomy, Arthroscopy
Performed to solve a health problem by repairing or removing the cause:
ex: Cholcystectomy, Appendectomy, Hysterectomy
Performed to improve a patient’s functional ability:
ex: Total Knee Repacement, Finger Reimplantation
Performed to relieve symptoms of a disease process, but does not cure:
ex: Colostomy, Nerve Root Resection, Tumor Debulking, Ilestomy
Performed primarily to alter or repair personal appearance:
ex: Liposuction, Revision of Scars, Rhinoplasty
Explains what the physician will be doing:
Detailed Consent
Pre-Admission Testing; performed from 24 hours to 28 days before the scheduled surgery.
Most Common PAT’s:
1) Urinalysis (protein, glucose, blood & bacteria)
2) Blood Type & Screen
3) CBC or H&H (Complete Blood Count)
(Hemoglobin Level & Hematocrit)
4) Clotting Studies:
- PT: Prothrombin Time
- INR: International Normalized Ratio
- aPTT: Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
- Platelet Count
5) Electrolyte Levels
6) Serum Creatinine & Blood Urea Nitrogen levels
7) Pregnancy Test (depending on age & nature of procedure)
NSAID’s in relation to Surgery:
Blood thinners stopped 1-2 weeks prior to surgery.
The Physical Assessment:
1) Provides baseline health status
2) Review pre-operative labs/diagnostic studies
3) First assess part of body to be operated on
4) Extent of examination will depend on setting
Reason for Cognitive/Neuro Status Review:
1) Specify what patient is oriented to: time, place, etc
2) Adverse reactions to anesthesia
3) Any Neuro or Cognitive history (co-morbidities) such as: AMS, Dementia, Alzheimers, Seizures, Unsteady Gait, Parkinsons
4) Ability to follow directions
Reason for Cardiovascular Review:
1) Past Cardiac History including: HTN, MI, Arrythmias, Heart Failure
2) Cardiac Diseases result in 30% more deaths related to administration of anesthesia
3) Decreased tissue perfusion impeding wound healing
Smoking in relation to Surgeries:
Cessation of smoking should occur 3-4 weeks prior to surgery
Adipose Tissue Complications:
Less vascular, complication on infection and poor wound healing. Affects overall recovery.
Ways to monitor renal function:
- BUN (dehydration)
- Creatinine (renal disease)
- Urinalysis
- Monitoring I & O
Ways to monitor Hepatic function:
- Albumin
- Fibrinogen
- Immunoglobulin Levels
- Liver Disease (Alcoholism, Hepatitis, Substance Abuse)
Most common pre-existing endocrine patho:
Ways to monitor Endocrine Status:
- Hemoglobin A1C (provides a 3 month hx)
- Accucheck (at the moment only)
Risks of Alcohol/Drug or Nicotine use related to surgery:
- Potential problem with anesthesia, analgesia, and withdrawal complications (Delirium, tremming, withdrawal within 72 hours)
- Tobacco or inhaled drugs reduces hemoglobin levels (presenting more of a problem with anesthesia)
Given to everyone undergoing a procedure. Provides reason for procedure, options, risks and who will be performing procedure.
Informed Consent
Nurse in relation to informed consent:
Nurse is a witness of voluntary signature.
Who can give consent to pt:
Physician only
What does a pre-operative checklist consist of:
- Assess part of the body that will be operated
- Baseline head to toe assessment (mental/physical)
- Review pt’s health hx: past medical, past surgical, adverse reactions
- Review pre-op labs/diagnostic studies:
(Chest X-rays, EKG) and Bloodwork:
CBC, CBC w/diff (done up to 4 weeks prior)
PT, PTT, Cross Match - Report any unusual findings
What are some Pre-operative nursing diagnoses?
- Anxiety
- Knowledge Deficit
- Fear
- Acute Pain
Total parenteral nutrition
NPO related to surgery
Usually NPO after midnight, could be anywhere from 4-8 hours before surgery
Interventions related to pre-operative patient:
- Client Education: deep breathing, cough, relaxation, turning, moving, antiembolism stockings, leg exercises, pain control, drains/tubes
- Nutrition/Fluids: NPO, Meds
- Intestinal Prep: NPO, NGT Insertion, Enema
- Preop Skin Prep: allergies (iodine,tape), soap & water, antimicrobials, avoid shaving
- Rest/Sleep: important for procedure
- Pre-anesthetic meds
- Pre-op checklist
- Transportation to Surgical Suite
Pneumatic Compression Devices
Types of drains/tubes:
- Foley Catheter
- Hemovac
- Jackson Pratt
Why is a GI Prep done?
- Reduces risk of vomiting
- Reduces Aspiration (leads to pneumonia)
- Better visualization
- Prevents Contamination (fecal matter)
When is NGT Inserted?
Nasogastric tube insertion occurs after abdomial or GI surgery.
Helps with gas accumulation.
Shaving related to surgery:
Should be avoided, clippers should be used instead. Because it is an entry point for microbes, results in poor wound healing and infection.
Should be done 48 hours before surgery.
- Morphine
- Codeine
- Dilautid
- Phentinol
Reduce pharyngeal & gastric secretions.
- Atropine
- Robinul
H2 receptor antagonist:
- Zofran: vomiting, nausea (post-op)
When are meds administered preoperatively?
- PO Meds: 60-90 min before
- IM/SQ: 30-60 min before
- IV: 15-20 min before or in the holding area