Pre Modern History 115 Second Midterm Flashcards
Who founded the Xia dynasty? What were their names?
Sage Kings Shun, Yao, and Yu
What were the characteristics of the Yellow River and the Xia Dynasty?
Modest, hard working, family, controlled floods, filial piety.
What were the names of the two Real Early Civ/ Bronze Age dynasties?
The Shang and Zhou Dynasty
What kinds of tools did the Bronze Age Shang Dynasty utilize?
The wheel, bronze, and horses
What were the politics like in the Bronze Age Shang Dynasty?
Feudal system with moving capital (six times over course of dynasty).
Monopolization of bronze in order for the Shang Kings to have more power over the popular material and for war weapons.
What is the earliest evidence of Chinese writing?
Shang Dynasty’s oracle bones
Fu Hao (buried in 1250 BCE) Early Civ Woman What was she buried with and what was her significance?
She was one of the three wives of Shang King Wu Ding. She supervised her own land, led men to war and with success, performed religious rites. She was buried with hundreds of bronze objects (very valuable since this dynasty loved bronze), jade, bones, and other adornments. Bronze was a big cultural love during Early Civ China.
What dynasty removed the Shang dynasty from power?
The Zhou Dynasty
When did the Zhou Dynasty come to a close?
The Period of the Warring States
Once the Zhou Dynasty was in power, what kind of government did they conjure up?
Their own feudal system and centralization of resources. They took over.
What was the Mandate of Heaven?
The cycling of Dynasties and natural disasters. Like the Old Dynasty will have so many faults and then natural disasters will hit and then another new dynasty will have to take its place. The Zhou dynasty used this as an excuse to take over the Shang Dynasty.
What three main schools of thought came from the Period of the Warring States (100 actually emerged)?
Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism
Who won over the Warring States?
The State of Chin. They tried to militarily dominate and create a unified state. Civil disorder took them down.
What did the Han and Chin Dynasties have in common?
Both had a struggle with keeping all of the lands together.
When did the Silk Road come into accord?
Han China and Long-Distance Trade in the Classic Civ World
Where did the Silk Road lead to?
Central Asia to India
to the Near East
to Iron Age Rome
What were the Shang Dynasty’s Oracle Bones used for?
They were used to have questions answered. These kinds of questions included finding out about the wills of their ancestors/ deities, the right courses of actions, and the causes of events.