Pre-existing conditions Flashcards
Sickle cell disease and pregnancy [2]
Pre-pregnancy management:
History [3]
Ix [2]
Rx [2]
Worsens physiological anemia in pregnancy
Increased risk of crises and acute chest syndrome
- Counselling on risks
- Check partner status
- Ensure vaccinations up to date
- ECHO (pulmonary HTN)
- Fundoscopy (proliferative retinopathy)
- Ensure on penicillin
- Stop ACEi and hydroxycarbamide >3m pre-conception
- Start folic acid 5mg
Sickle cell disease
Antenatal care [3]
Labour & delivery [2]
Antenatal care:
- Put on high risk antenatal care pathway
- 75mg aspirin daily from 12w and consider TEDs
- Monthly MSU, scans approximately 4 weekly
Labour and delivery:
- Deliver at 38-40w
- Continuous fetal monitoring
Beta vs alpha - effects on pregnancy [3]
• Beta thalassaemia: no effect on fetus
• Alpha thalassaemia:
- severe anaemia or stillbirth
- hydropic foetuses carry pre-eclampsia and delivery cx (big baby and placenta)
Thalassemia and pregnancy ix [2]
Management [1]
Parental blood sampling
Chorionic villus sampling
Avoid iron as levels are usually high already
Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy
Effects on fetus [4]
If mother develops TSH receptor abs after 24 GA
- Premature labour
- Goitre
- Polyhydramnios
- Fetal tachycardia
Hyperthyroidism Mx:
Pre-pregnancy [2]
Antenatal care [2]
- cause of infertility
- AVOID pregnancy for 4m after radio-iodine treatment
- PYTHIOURACIL (doesn’t cross placenta and indicated in new dx of thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy)
- monitor monthly
Hypothyroidism effects on fetus [4]
Management pre-pregnancy [4] and antenatal [1]
- Increased risk of miscarriage, IUGR, stillbirth
- pre-eclampsia
- anaemia
- LD
- Pre-pregnancy: associated with infertility, menorrhagia or oligo menorrhoea; optimise T4 pre-conception
- Antenatal: monitor LEVOTHYROXINE replacement by measuring T4 and TSH each trimester
Chronic kidney disease
Effects on fetus [4]
Pre-pregnancy advice [4]
- Increased risk miscarriage, IUGR, pre-term delivery and fetal death
- Pre-pregnancy: advise against pregnancy if marked anaemia, HTN, retinopathy or proteinuria
Epilepsy and its effects on fetus [2]
- Anti-epileptics carry increased risk of NTDs, craniofacial problems and developmental delay (LAMOTRIGENE has the LEAST congenital malformations)
- Increased risk of epilepsy in offspring
Epilepsy mx
Pre-pregnancy [3]
Antenatal [3]
- confirm dx by neurologist
- optimise medication to reduce risk of anomaly
- start 5mg FOLIC ACID for at least 3m before conception
- consultant led; aim for vaginal delivery
- ensure taking anti-epileptic drug (if woman has stopped, restart if persistent seizures)
- give oral VITAMIN K in last 4w if on hepatic inducing AEDs (CARBAMAZEPINE, ETHOSUXAMIDE, PHEYNTOIN etc)
Labour & delivery [3]
Postnatal mx [2]
- LSCS not indicated unless status elipticus
- Epidural is safe
- Use BDZ for non-terminating seizures
- Postnatal - reduce AED to post-pregnancy levels, ensure on effective contraception
Cardiac disease mx
Antenatal [4]
Labour and delivery [3]
- never ignore, incl. Marfan
- regular combined clinic for HTN mx
- excl. pulmonary oedema and arrhythmia on all visits
- admit if cardiac failure and refer for echo
- aim for vaginal delivery at term w/ shortened 2nd stage if fixed cardiac output
- LSCS if advised by cardiology
- SYNTOCIN only (AVOID ergometrine)
Rheumatoid arthritis
How does it affect mothers?
Pre-pregnancy management [3]
- Symptoms tend to improve in pregnancy but tend to have a flare following pregnancy
- Pre-pregnancy:
- defer conception until stable if early or poorly controlled
- STOP methotrexate 6m before conception (for men and women)
- STOP leflunomide
Rheumatoid arthritis
Drugs [3]
Labour and delivery [1]
- low dose corticosteroids also safe
- NSAIDs safe up to 32w but not after as cause premature DA closure
- refer to obstetric anaesthetist due to risk of atlanto-axial subluxation
Effects on mother [3]
Effects on baby [2]
- Increase in mild to moderate exacerbations with skin involvement
- If renal involvement; increased risk of HTN and pre-eclampsia
- If GN and reduced creatinine clearance chances of liver birth are 50:50
- Maternal antibodies can cause self-limiting sun sensitive rash on baby
- Anti-Ro and La antibodies can cause congenital heart block
Pre-pregnancy [1]
Antenatal drugs [2]
Labour and delivery [1]
• Pre-pregnancy: aim for at least 6m disease free with no cytotoxics
• Antenatal:
- 75mg ASPIRIN daily
• L&D:
- if on oral PREDNISLONE require IV HYDROCORTISONE in labour
APS Diagnosis [2] Effects on fetus [2] Management of recurrent fetal loss or VTE [3] Postnatal mx
Dx: Antibodies present on 2 tests taken 8w apart +/- hx arterial thrombosis
- Lupus autoantibodies and /or cardiolipin antibodies occur alone or with another CTD > 1st trimester loss or placental thrombosis causing IUGR and fetal death
- <20% chance of making it to term if untreated
VTE or recurrent fetal loss:
- ASPIRIN 75mg daily from conception
- AND LMWH from 6w with regular growth
- AND Doppler scans from 20w
• Postnatal: LMWH or WARFARIN (can breastfeed on both)
Psychiatric drugs and pregnancy:
SSRIs [2]
Lithium mx [4]
Anti-psychotics [3]
- SSRIs:
- Sertraline can be used in pregnancy
- Avoid paroxetine - Lithium
- Teratogenic causing Ebstein’s anomaly
- Only use if no alternatives
- ECHO + 4 weekly drug monitoring for toxicity
- Avoid breastfeeding - Anti-psychotics
- Rates of fetal anomaly higher in schizophrenic event without drugs
- Risperidone causes increased prolactin
- Check OGTT
What are the risks of using sertraline on the baby? [3]
Why do we avoid paroxetine in pregnancy?
Effects of lithium use on baby? [2]
- SERTRALINE can be used in pregnancy but
- small risk of congenital heart defects in 1st trimester
- persistent pulmonary HTN in 3rd trimester
- neonatal withdrawal
- AVOID paroxetine:
increased risk of congenital malformations especially in 1st trimester - Lithium use causes neonatal thyroid anomalies, floppy baby syndrome