Complicated Pregnancy 1 Flashcards
Define miscarriage [2]
Spontaneous termination <24 weeks gestation with no evidence of life
Define a threatened miscarriage? [3]
Vaginal bleeding (small amount) +/- pain
Viable pregnancy <24 weeks
Cervix closed on speculum examination – cervix not dilated
Inevitable miscarriage definition [2]
Outcome [2]
Cervix open, bleeding heavy ~ clots
viable pregnancy <24 weeks
Outcome: most likely will progress to miscarriage
Whats the difference between a complete or incomplete abortion?
Complete all POC have been expelled, the cervix closed and bleeding stopped.
In incomplete POC expelled but some remain, cervix open and bleeding ongoing
How do we confirm if a woman has had a complete abortion?
We need to either see the POC and confirm them to be that.
Or have a previous scan that confirms there was a viable pregnancy before
Define a septic miscarriage [2]
NB More common in incomplete miscarriage
When infection ascends into the uterus and throughout the pelvis following a miscarriage.
Define a missed abortion [2]
Appearance on US [2]
When the foetus has died but the uterus hasn’t attempted to expel the POC.
It can appear on US like a gestational sac lacking a foetus or a foetal pole <7mm without heart beat
List the major causes of a miscarriage [4]
- Abnormal conceptus, mainly chromosomal
- Uterine abnormality
- Cervical Incompetence
- Maternal conditions
What 2 uterine abnormalities could cause a miscarriage?
A congenital abnormality
What causes cervical incompetence?
How can this be managed?
Trauma including past surgical procedures eg LLETZ
Mx: Cervical suture at 14w
What maternal problems could cause a miscarriage? [5]
Increasing age Low progesterone SLE DM, Thyroid disease Acute infections e.g. appendicitis
How would we manage a threatened abortion? [1]
Advice [2]
Conservative management
Why? best to try to get the foetus past 24wks so we can deliver and it will survive
Avoid strenuous activity and sexual intercourse but bed rest not necessary
Hormones or tocolytic agents are ineffective
How would we manage an inevitable abortion? [3]
NB Attempts to save fetus are futile
Conservative: rescan at 2w to ensure no retained POC
Profuse bleeding: ergometrine IM
Unacceptable bleeding >2w, pain or retained POC: SMM
How would we manage a missed miscarriage? [5]
- waiting 7-14d for miscarriage to complete spontaneously
- Seek senior help if bleeding hasn’t stopped in 48h
- Indicated if higher haemorrhage risk
- Manual vacuum aspiration under LA or GA
How do we define a recurrent miscarriage?
How do we manage a septic miscarriage? [2]
> 3 losses before 24w with same biological father
- Abx
- Evacuate the uterus of remaining POC
Define an Antepartum Haemorrhage [1]
Bleeding from genital tract >24wks but before delivery
List the major causes of an APH [5]
Placenta Praevia Placental Abruption Local lesion of genital tract APH - idiopathic Vasa Praevia
In what women is Placenta Praevia a risk? [5]
Multiparous Multiple pregnancy Previous C-section IVF assisted Previous surgical termination
Placenta previa grading and classification [4]
NB First 2 minor, last 2 major
Graded 1-4:
1) Placenta doesn’t touch internal cervical orifice (Os)
2) Placenta reaches Os
3) Placenta eccentrically covers Os
4) Central Placenta Praevia (directly over Os)
How does a case of placenta praevia present? [4]
- Painless PV bleeding
- ~Malpresentation - transverse or oblique
- Soft non-tender uterus
- Shock if lot of blood loss
- Maternal condition correlates with amount of bleeding PV
How do we confirm a case of placenta praevia?
Often picked up on routine 20w scan
Don’t do vaginal exam till you’ve ruled it out with US as it could trigger a bigger bleed.
Management of placenta previa:
Caution during c-section [1]
Mx is dependent on:
Watch out for PPH if c-section
Mx is dependent on gestation
- 30 weeks = conservative
- But if severe bleeding > disregard GA
Define Placental Abruption
Hemorrhage resulting from premature separation of placenta before birth
What are the types of placental abruption? [3]
Revealed - blood can escape through Os
Concealed - Blood trapped between placenta/uterine wall
How does a Placental Abruption present? [3]
Painful PV bleed
- may be minimal (So doesn’t correlate with symptoms)
- Increased uterine tone, contractions
How extra can a Concealed placental abruption present?
Blood can’t escape through os so builds up –> Uterine volume increases –> Fundal height excessive
Couvelaire Uterus (bruising in myometrium)
Placental abruption risk factors [5]
Increasing age, parity Previous abruption, previous c-section Pre-eclampsia, chronic HTN, smoking Multiple pregnancy - overstretching of abdomen Polyhydramnios Cocaine use
Placenta Abruption complications [5]
- Maternal shock and collapse
- Fetal death due to fetal distress
- Maternal DIC > Renal failure
- Couvelaire Uterus
List some local genital tract lesions that could be the source of APH? [3]
- Cervical polyps
- Cervical Cancer
- Vaginal Thrush
If shock suspected in the miscarrying woman, immediately begin treatment. What do you do?
Blood group and save, cultures
IV drip
Medical management of miscarriage
IM syntometrine
IV oxytocin
PG vaginal pessary
If POC is minimal e.g. <2-5cm - what is the line of management [3]
Before offering surgical evacuation
Watch and wait
F/u in 1-2 weeks
Surgical management of miscarriage
Suction/manual evacuation by electric pump
D&C if protruding
Important management modality if woman is rhesus-negative
Give anti-D immunoglobulin
Approach to management in placental previa [1]
Rx [5]
Surgical mx [3]
If possible be conservative to get the baby to term then deliver by C-section. Rx: -Oxytocin Ergometrine Carbaprost Transexamic acid Balloon tamponade
Surgical mx
- B Lynch suture
- Ligation of uterine and iliac vessels
- Hysterectomy
Management of placenta praevia split into 2 pathways
Complications of PP?
Low lying placenta at 16-20w scan
Placenta praevia with bleeding
Complications: PPH
Management of low lying placenta [4]
Management of PP with bleeding [3]
• Low-lying placenta at 16-20w scan:
- rescan at 34w
- no need to limit activity or intercourse unless bleeding
- if still present at 34w and grade I/II then scan every 2w
- if high presenting part or abnormal lie at 37w then LSCS
• Placenta praevia with bleeding:
- final USS at 36-37w to determine method of delivery
- If grade III/IV = LSCS at 27-38w
- If grade I = vaginal delivery
Causes of early pregnancy bleed [3]
Causes that are important to rule out (could be fatal) [4]
Idiopathic - harmless
Implantation bleeding
Cervical ectropion, polyps
Spontaneous abortion
Hyatidiform mole
Causes of 2nd trimester bleeds [3]
Spontaneous abortion
Hyatidiform mole
Placental abruption
General mx of APH
Immediate mx [2]
L&D [2]
Antenatal care: serial growth scans if abruption or unexplained
Admit if APH heavier than spotting
Give CCS between 24 and 34 GA
Labour and delivery
- Fetal death > NVD
- Fetal compromise > C-SECTION
Investigation of APH [8]
- Assess if maternal compromise. If in shock > ABCDE
- Abdominal palpation
- Speculum exam
- Digital vaginal (caution in placenta praevia)
- Kleihauer test
- Bloods
- Fetal ix
Explain what you would find on:
- Abdominal palpation [3]
- Speculum exam
- Kleihauer test [2]
Abdominal palpation
- Woody feel - placental abruption
- Uterine contractions
- SNT > lower genital tract cause or bleeding from placenta or vasa praevia
- Identify cervical dilation or lesion
Kleihauer test
- Performed in Rhesus D negative women to quantify fetomaternal haemorrhage
- Gauge dose of anti-D Ig required
When should you NOT do a digital vaginal exam?
TVUSS - what can doing this test do?
• Digital vaginal examination
If placenta praevia is POSSIBLE then should not be performed until an ultrasound can exclude PP.
TVUSS can diagnose placenta praevia
What bloods to do for APH? [4]
What fetal investigation is necessary?
- FBC, Coagulation screen, cross matching, G&S
- U&Es, LFTs
- Initial Hb may not reflect blood loss
- Low platelet count > DIC
Monitor FHR with CTG