Pre-eclampsia Tutorial Flashcards
How do you diagnose Pre-eclampsia?
·New onset hypertension- SBP ≥140 mmHg and/or DBP ≥90 mmHg
Occurring after 20 weeks’ gestation
·Reduced fetal movement and/or amniotic fluid volume (by ultrasound) in 30% cases
Severe PE: SBP - 160 and DBP- 110
What are the other symptoms of pre-eclampsia that can be used to diagnose it
- Oedema common but not discriminatory for PE
- Proteinuria
- Abdominal pain (RUQ or epigastric)
Severe PE
- Stroke·
- Visual disturbances, seizures and breathlessness and risk of eclampsia (seizures)
- HELLP syndrome
Symptoms vary across women

what are the subtypes of Pre-eclampsia
Early onset: lower than 34 weeks
- Associated with fetal and maternal symptoms
- Changes in placental structure
·Late onset: occurs after 34 weeks
- More common (90%)
- Mostly maternal symptoms as the placenta relases factors that affect the endothelium (angiogenic factors)
- Fetus is OK
- Less overt/no placental changes
what are the maternal risk factors that pre-dispose to PE
Previous pregnancy with pre-eclampsia
BMI >30 (esp >35)
Family history
Increased maternal age (>40, <20?)
Gestational hypertension or previous hypertension
·Pre-existing conditions: diabetes, PCOS, renal disease, subfertility, autoimmune disease.
Non-natural cycle IVF?- when embryo isn’t implanted in mother’s natural cycle
What are the risks of pre-eclampsia to the mother and fetus
- damage to kidneys, liver, brain and other organ systems
- Possible eclampsia (seizures, loss of consciousness)
- Placental abruption (separation of the placenta from the endometrium)
- reduced fetal growth
- preterm birth
- pregnancy loss/stillbirth
what are the placental defects underpinning Preeclampsia
EVT invasion of maternal spiral artey is limited to decidual layer
Spiral arteries are not remodelled; hence low capacity and high resistance. Perfusion tom placenta is restricted
Hypoperfused placenta release pro-inflam proteins. This causes maternal endothelial dysfunction like vasoconstriction or increased permeability

what 2 molecules are key that can lead to the maternal symptoms of preeclampsia
Placental Growth factor (PLGF): pro-angiogenic factor released by placenta
Flt-1 (soluble VEGFR1) - soluble receptor for VEG-like factors that binds to soluble angiogenic factors to limit it’s bioavailability.
In PE- the hypoperfused placenta makes too much Flt-1 and hence there’s less proangiogenic factors.
This leads to endothelial dysfunction

What are the ways of predicitng PE by using the molecules involved?
PLGR levels
what parametes of PLGR can be used to predict Pre-eclampsia
what risk does it increase/interprete the figures

How can you use sFlt-1/PLGF ratio to predict/diagnose PE
From 24-36wks (+ 6 days)
More than 38 increases riks of preeclampsia

How can you manage pre-eclampsia?
Only be resolved by delivering baby and placenta.
However it depends on gestational weeks:
- If <34 weeks, try to maintain pregnancy
- If >37 weeks, delivery preferable
- In between – case by case basis.
other therapies:
- Anti-hypertensive
- Corticosteroids for ealry onset PE- helps to promote lung development before delivery
- Mitigate end organ damage - give supplemental O2

what are the ways of preventing PE?
what about hiogh risk group?
Weight loss (esp if BMI >35)
Exercise throughout pregnancy (seems to work independent of BMI)
Low-dose asprin (from 11-14 weeks) for high risk groups – but may only prevent early onset
what are the long term impacts of PE on maternal health
·Elevated risk of CVD, type 2 diabetes and renal disease after PE
·Roughly 1/8 risk of having pre-eclampsia in next pregnancy (greater if early onset)
explain the effects of PE induced vasospasms in the:
Kidney- less blood flow (oliguria) and damage it which leads to proteinuria.
- bliurred vision,
- sensation of seeing flashing lights
- scotoma- blurry spot in one spot of visual field
- Increased ALP and GGT (LFTs)
- Stretches liver capsules

what is the effect of thrombi formation and increased endotheilal permeability (respectively) due to it’s inury in PE
Thrombus- HELLP
Permeability- fluid leak out leading to:
- Generalized edema
- Pulmonary edema
- Cerebral edema- seizures- eclampsia