Pre-Anesthesia Assessment (including CV) Flashcards
Identify the Major goals of the pre-anesthesia evaluation
- optimize pt care and satisfaction
- reduce periop morbidity/mortaity
- minimize surgical delays/cancelations
- determine ideal postop pt disposition (home, Inpatient, ICU)
- evaluate pt health status and preop testing needs
- formulate a plan (can obtain consent)
- ensure time efficient, cost effective pt evaluation
what are pros of a dedicated pre-op clinic (PAT)
- overall saves money
- one stop shop
- pt registered, teaching, consults, diagnostic testing
- reduced anxiety
- reduced cancellations
- reduce length of hospitalizations (shift to out pt sx)
- reduce wasteful diagnostic testing
what are cons of a dedicated pre-op clinic (PAT)
- another appointment to make
- time consuming
- transportation problems
- not very private area
why look at the medical record if you can interview the pt
- the record provides the basis for direction of the pt interview and physical assessment
- it does this by providing an insight into the pt’s past and present med hx
outline the elements of a pre-anesthesia interview
- current problems
- current meds
- allergies
- ETOH/tobacco/ illicit drug use
- anesthesia problems (past)
- Family Hx (and r/t anesthesia)
- A ROS with emphisis on
- –CV, lungs, renal, GI, endocrine, hematological, general activity level, psych, dermatological, pregnancy, airway issues
outline the elements of the pre-anesthesia Physical exam
Vital signs Airway Heart Lungs Extremities Neuro
ASA I give description and examples
- a normal healthy pt
- pt for a
- bunion repair
- hernia repair
- lumpectomy
- asymptomatic fibroids
ASA II give description and examples
- a pt with a MILD systemic disease that results in NO FUNCTIONAL LIMITATIONS
- well controlled HTN
- well controlled Asthma
- Well controlled DM
- Mild obesity
- cigarette use (unless dr. mcd ask)
ASA III give description and examples
-a pt with a SEVERE systemic disease that results in FUNCTIONAL LIMITATIONS
-Poorly controlled HTN
-Poorly controlled asthma
-poorly controlled DM
-AF with control
ASA IV give description and examples
- a pt with SEVERE systemic disease that is a CONSTANT THREAT TO LIFE
- unstable angina
- debilitating resp disease
- hepatorenal failure
ASA V give description and examples
- a MORIBUND pt who is not expected to survive without the operation
- uncontrolled hemorrhage from ruptured AAA
ASA VI give description and examples
-a pt decleared brain dead for organ donation
ASA E give description and examples
- any pt whome an emergency operation is required
- acute trauma
- emergent c-section
- ruptured appy
Evaluation of the CV system includes the determination of what 4 things
1) pre-existing CV disease (HTN, Ischemic valve disease, valular dysfunction, etc)
2) disease severity, stability, and prior treatments
3) comorbidities (DM, PVD, COPD)
4) the type of sx being performed
a standard means of categorizing the degree of CV disability is the what
New York Heart Association classification
how many classes are in the NYHA class
NYHA class I
- pt’s with cardiac disease
- NO FUNCTIONAL LIMITATIONS to physical limitations
NYHA class II
- pts with cardiac disease who are comfortable at rest
- SLIGHT functional limitations to physical activity
- ORDINARY activity results in fatigue
NYHA class III
- pts with cardiac disease resulting in MARKED LIMITATIONS to physical activity
- LESS than ordinary activity results in fatigue
NYHA class IV
- pts with the INABILITY TO CARRY ON ANY PHYSICAL activity
- symptoms of CV insufficiency are PRESENT AT REST
guidlines for ordering pre-anesthesia lab test
- cost effective
- positive benefit risk ratio
- ready for evaluation prior to sx
- test should yeild information that can’t be obtained from h&p
- abnormal results in asymptomatic pts would influance pt and anesthesia care
men > 40-50 yo should have what prior to sx
women < 40 yo should have what prior to sx
Preg HCG
Men and women 50-64 yo should have what test prior to sx
Men and women 65-74 should have what test prior to sx
BUN/ Creat
men and women > 74 should have what test prior to sx
H/H ECG BUN/ Creat Glucose CXR
what is the main question we ask to asses for CV health
Activity tolerance
*** where are the most points earned on the goldman critera
S3 gallop or JVD (11points)
next is MI in past months with 10
brisk walking 3-5 mph or walking up stairs is what METS
4 or >
what are 3 pre-operative risk factors for CV related problems while under anesthesia
Characteristics of TRUE angina
retrosternal diffuse pain
Lt arm, Jaw, Back
aching dull pressure or squeezing
what are thought to be but are probally not true angina signs
Lt inframam localized pain Rt arm pain sharp, cutting, shooting seconds, hours, days increase with respiration, motion very nonspecific
Cardiac causes of chest pain
CAD Aortic valve disease pulm htn MVP pericarditis IHSS
Pulmonary causes of chest pain
musculoskeletal causes of chest pain
muscular spasm
Bone tumor
GI causes of chest pain
ulcer disease bowel disease hiatial hernia pancreatitis cholecystitis
Vascular causes of chest pain
aortic dissection
Emotional causes of chest pain
what is the most reliable indicator of how a pt will tolerate GA
their description of exercise tolerance (METS)
what is HTN criteria
normal 160 or >100
what extracts the largest amt of 02 in the body
Myocardial demand consumption is affected most by what
The heart uses this ______ for energy to produce a contraction?
what is the most important factor in maintaining balance between supply and demand
what affects supple in the heart
O2 content in blood
Coronary perfusion
What affects demand in the heart
Why do we monitor lead II
rate/rhythm/ PVCs
why do we monitor lead V5
ST elevation
where is lead V5 supose to be placed
slightly lateral and under left breast
***** who needs endocarditis prophylaxis
Artificial heart valves
Hx on endocarditis with valve dysfunction
Hx of partial or total repair of VSD
***** who no longer needs endocarditis prophylaxis
Hypertrophic cardio myopathy
rhumatic fever
**myocardial DEMAND O2 comsumption is most affected by what
STOP BANG for sleep apnea
Snoring (do you) Tired (feel tired) Observed (seen stop breathing) BP (HTN) Age (>50) Neck circumference (> 40cm) Gender (male)
with the STOP BANG what score indicates a high risk? and what indicates a low risk
high- yes to 3 or more
low- yes to < 3
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
a wood chuck could chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
How to treat MH
diagnose early stop the trigger call staff dantrolene IV fluids ice treat dysrythmias