Prayer before birth Flashcards
grass to grow for me, trees to talk
Personification of the trees and skies highlights the speaker’s feeling that true power and protection lies with nature, not the destructive, corrupting human race
“I am not yet born; rehearse me
In the parts I must play and the cues I must take when
old men lecture me, bureaucrats hector me, mountains frown at me, lovers laugh at me, the white
Enjabment in this stanza to reflect the speaker’s panic and fear but also the erratic nature of life
“Let them not make me a stone and let them not spill me.
The use of anaphora “let them not” emphasises the speaker’s fears of living a life that is full of threat and corruption
would make me a cog in a machine, a thing with
one face, a thing, and against all those
The use of the caesura isolates the phrase, suggesting that a person is reduced to a mere object without their humanity
Stanza 3
In stanza three, the personification of nature mirrors the speaker’s desire to live a lif