Praxis 5004 (Social Studies) Flashcards
Key Motives for European colonization of the Americas
God, Glory, Gold
Christopher Columbus
Sailed from Spain in 1492 to the Americas looking for a new route to India
Hernan Cortes
1519 Landed in Mexico - discovered Aztec gold and motives shifted to gold. Conquered the Aztecs
Amerigo Vespucci
New World was named after him
Ferdinand Magellan
1521 sailed around the world
Ponce de Leon
Spanish conquistador that explored St. Augustine searching for Gold and other resources
Roger Williams
English Puritan advocated for religious freedom and the fair treatment of Native Americans
Oldest city in the US
St. Augustine 1565
First 2 colonies
- Jamestown, Virginia (1607) was the first permanent English colony
- Plymouth, Massachusetts (1620) was the first permanent Puritan colony
Rhode Island Colony
Founded by Roger Williams 1636
Mayflower Compact
First document of self-governess signed by 40 Mayflower passengers September 16, 1620
America Revolution years
1765 - 1783
Stamp Act
Tax put on American colonies by British in 1765 on all paper goods
Townshend Acts
series of laws passed by British parliament (1767) that taxed goods imported (paper, paint, lead, glass, tea) and established some laws
Laws established by the Townshend Acts
- American customs Board in Boston to collect taxes
- Courts in America to prosecute smugglers
- Gave British officials the right to search colonist’s homes and businesses
Sons of Liberty Members
- Sam Adams (founder)
- Benedict Arnold (traitor)
- John Hancock
- Patrick Henry
- Paul Revere
- John Brown
Federalist Party
Hamilton - “Big Government”
Democratic-Republican Party
Jefferson and Madison - “Small Government”
Articles of Confederation
First US Constitution, weak central government. Each state gets one vote. Did not have the power to tax
Constitutional Convention
Delegate meeting tp strengthen the Constitution. Bill of Rights was added 1 year later in 1787 to satisfy the anti-federalists
Magna Carta
English common law (1212) that Sam Adams believed colonists were entitled to. He referenced this when writing The Rights of Colonists
Westward Expansion years (approximately)
Oregon Trail
route from Missouri to Oregon to migrate West
The Louisiana Purchase
1803 - Thomas Jefferson
land deal between US and the French. 827,000 sq miles west of Mississippi river for 15 million dollars
Effects of the Louisiana Purchase
- created 15 states
- led to the Lewis and Clark expedition (1804)
The Erie Canal
1825 - connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes creating cheaper transportation.
The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851
Treaty between US and Native American tribes defining reservations. Was broken by US government when gold was discovered on the reservations.
Short Summary of the War of 1812
- Britain tried to impede American trade with France
- British supported Native Americans in an attempt to resist American expansion NW
- British refused to give up Western land
- Britain seized American ships
- No one “won”
When was the Antebellum Period?
Period between the War of 1812 and Civil War that consisted of an unstable political environment and say the rise of abolitionists vs slavery supporters
Missouri Compromise
James Monroe - signed that Maine was a free state and Missouri was a slave state. Outlawed slavery above the 36 30 longitude line.
Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson - 1830 Aka Trail of Tears. Indians were to give up their land East of the Mississippi in exchange for land in the West
Oregon Compromise
James Polk - Treaty with Great Britain that clarified the Northwest border of US and what would become Canada. Allowed US to stretch from Atlantic to Pacific
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Act was amended and California was become a free state
Dred Scot vs Sanford
James Buchanan - 1857 supreme court decided that blacks (specifically who were or whose family was brought via slavery) were not and could not become US citizens
The Civil War years
13th Amendment
Added due to Civil War - abolished slavery
14th Amendment
Civil War - granted equal civil and legal rights to freed slaves
15th Amendment
Civil War - prohibits federal or state government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on color
Ulysses S Grant
Top Union general after McClellan’s termination. Waged total war on the South. Had a major victory at Vicksburg, VA
Robert E Lee
General who turned Lincoln down and instead commanded the Army of Northern Virginia for the Confederacy
Jefferson Davis
Elected President of the Confederate States of America
Charles Francis Adams
US Diplomat for Lincoln that kept France and Great Britain out of the Civil War
Viewpoint that rural society is superior to urban society. Valued property ownership and family farming.
An economy is transformed from primarily agriculture to manufacturing goods
Population shift from rural to urban areas
The belief that capitalism exploited workers and anticipated an overthrow of capitalism
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Chester A Arthur - Prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers for 10 years.
The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
Federal law prohibiting monopolies
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Used to establish economic stability through introducing a central bank to oversee monetary policy
- lends money to smaller banks
- determines interest rates
WWI years
WWI cause
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife by a Siberian
The Allied Powers consisted of
The Central Powers consisted of
Ottoman Empire
President during WWI
Woodrow Wilson - resisted pressure to enter the war until it no longer could be avoided
Espionage Act
Illegal to interfere with the operation of the military
Schenck Vs US
Urged men to not join the draft and was convicted of espionage
Zimmerman Telegram
Telegram between Germany and Mexico that considered an alliance. It was intercepted and decoded by the British and the reason US entered WWI.
Treaty of Versailles
Peace treaty signed (except by US) officially ending WWI and requiring Germany to take responsibility and promise to make retributions.
Andrew Mellon
Treasury Secretary that gave wealthy tax breaks
Stock Market Crash of 1929
economic panic lead to millions of shares traded thus value plummeted
The Dust Bowl of 1930’s
Southern Plains drought uprooted families
The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934
Regulates transactions on the 2nd market and ensure financial transparency of publicly traded companies
WWII years
WWII Allied Powers
Great Britain
Soviet Union
WWII Axis Powers
Events leading to WWII
- Hitler becomes Chancellor
- Germany and Italy form Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty
- Japan invades China
- Germany Invades Poland
The Manhattan Project
(1942-1946) Research and development of the nuclear bomb in Oakridge Tennesse
The Cold War years
Truman Doctrine
US would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations
Marshall Plan
aka European Recovery Program. US aids Western Europe post WWII as a part of containment
Berlin Airlift
US airlifted food, water, and medicine to Berlin citizens in response to Soviet blockade
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Alliance between North America and Europe to protect each other from communist Soviet Union
Warsaw Pact
Soviets response to NATO
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Kennedy - failed attempt to overthrow Castro using Cuban exiles trained and financed by CIA
Anti-Ballistic Missle Treaty
US and Soviet agree to limit the use of ballistic missiles to defend other countries
Soviet Union’s political/economic restructure. Proposed by Brezhnev and Implemented by Gorbachev. Was seen as an attempt to democratize
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
US and Soviet Union agree to decrease nuclear arsenals signed by Reagan and Gorbachev
Jim Crow Laws
1870/1880s Segregation laws that were implemented until 1965
Separation of Power: Article I
Outlines the Legislative branch (House of Representatives and The Senate)
Separation of Power: Article II
Outlines the Executive branch (The President)
Separation of Power: Article III
Outlines the Judicial branch (The Supreme Court)
House of Representatives
Responsible for making and passing federal laws. Seats are distributed by population.
Consists of 100 members each with 6 year terms
Supreme Court
Consists of 9 Justices each with lifelong positions.
Judicial Review
The ability to declare legislative or executive act to be in violation of the Constitution
State/Local Executive Branch
State - Governor
Local - Mayor
State/Local Legislative Branch
State - State Senate/House of Representatives
Local - City Council
State/Local Judicial Branch
State - District Court, Appeals Court, State Supreme
Local - Municipal Court
International Date Line
Line that runs from North Pole to South Pole and indicates the change from one calendar day to the next
International Date Line location
Line that passes through middle of Pacific Ocean, roughly following the 180* longitude
Directional lines that runs horizontally across Earth
Directional lines that runs vertically across Earth
Community of people who share similar history, culture, and traditions, and reside in the same area or territory
Sovereign State
Self-governing geopolitical entity that has defined borders
Nation with its own government and economy that occupies a defined territory
Topographical maps vs Physical maps
Topographical maps use lines whereas physical maps use color to illustrate different features of the land
Group of islands or island chain (Hawaiian Islands)
Coral island that surrounds a lagoon (Maldives)
Barrier Island
A band of beach parallel to the mainland that protects the shore from the effects of the ocean
an inlet of sea or other body of water usually smaller than a gulf
Deciduous Forest
Forest which lose their leaves seasonally
Landform that forms from deposition of sediment carried by a river as the flow leaves its mouth and enters slower-moving or standing water
Long narrow, deep inlet of the sea between high cliffs
Ice caps
Glaciers forming on an extensive area of relatively level land and flowing outward from its center
Narrow strip of land connecting two large land areas otherwise separated by bodies of water
Usually extensive land area having a relatively level surface raised sharply above adjacent land at least on one side
Rain Forest
Woodland with annual rainfall of 100 inches and heavy tree canopy
Body of saltwater that is partially enclosed by land
Moist subarctic forest of conifers that begins where the tundra ends
Treeless plain in arctic or subarctic regions. Consists of black mucky soil with a permanently frozen subsoil and has a dominant vegetation of mosses, lichens, herbs, and dwarf shrubs
Desertification of the Sahel (1900’s)
Region along the southern border of the Sahara desert that once supported a prosperous community of farming and agriculture. Overpopulation, overgrazing, and agriculture led to deforestation.
Castle Bravo Nuclear Test (1954)
US detonated a hydrogen bomb on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands leading to the largest radiological contamination in US history
Desertification of the Aral Sea (1960)
Soviet water management system for irrigation caused the fourth largest inland body of water to dry up
Two Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown (1979)
Partial nuclear meltdown at US plant in Dauphin Pennsylvania resulted in the release of radioactive material into the environment.
Chernobyl (1986)
Soviet nuclear power plant explosion and fires cause nuclear meltdown and released radioactive material. Countless humans and animals died.
Producing crops
Producing animals
Intensive farming
Small areas of land; high inputs of resources
Extensive farming
Large areas of land; low inputs of resources
Localized irrigation
Network of pipes using low pressure for irrigation
Center Pivot Irrigation
System of sprinklers that move in a circular pattern often used in flat areas
Pumping stations, canals, dams, gates and ditches used for irrigation
Manual Irrigation
Using manual labor/ watering cnas
Surface Irrigation
Uses gravity to move water. Such as aqueducts
Study of human beings, their cultures, origins, environments, and social norms
Physical characteristics of Anthropology
Anthropologic characteristics through measurement and observation
Cultural characteristics of Anthropology
Anthropologic characteristics consisting of cognitive and social organization (folklore, linguistics, religion, politics, ethnology)
Process of individuals absorbing the dominant culture of a group different from their own heritage
Process of understanding oneself and societal expectations through social interactions with others
Learning by exploring and doing (experimental)
Behaviorism (Positive.negative reinforcement)
Stages of cognitive development/prior knowledge (schema); discovery learning
Hierarchy of needs
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
- cooperative learning
- scaffolding
- peer and teacher support
Ethnic enclave
Subsection of a community where the population is ethnically distinguished from the surrounding area (Berea)
High context culture
Culture that relies heavily on gestures, eye contact, and relationships
Low context culture
Cultures that rely heavily on explicit written or verbal communication
Bible - Life and teachings of Jesus
Koran - God known as Allah. 5 Pillars
1 - Declaration of faith
2 - Prayer
3 - Giving money to charity
4 - fasting
5 - pilgrimage to Mecca
Bible - One true church. Belief in purgatory. Mass. 7 sacraments
1 - Baptism
2 - Confirmation
3 - the Eucharist
4 - Penance
5 - Extreme Unction
6 - Marriage
7 - Holy orders
Pali Canon - “The Awakened One” Nirvana is the ultimate goal through 4 Noble Truths based on human suffering and dissatisfaction
The Vedas - Compilation of different beliefs, no one founder. Worship Brahmen. Believe in karma and that all life is sacred
Torah - One God, Messiah has not come yet
Neolithic (Agricultural) Revolution
Mesopotamia 9000 BC from hunter-gatherer to agrarian. Sparked the formation of tools, writing, art, technology, and religion
Mesopotamia river system
Tigris-Euphrates river system
Egypt river system
Nile River Valley
Indus Valley Civilization river system
Indus River (Pakistan)
China river system
Yellow River
Mesopotamia civilization
- Sumerians (5000BC - 1750BC)
- Assyrians (2000 BC-900BC)
- Babylonians (1895BC-539BC)
Southern Mesopotamian civilization that created writings, spoke complex language, had specialized labor, mud-brick homes and created the written language - Cuneiform
Mesopotamian civilization that built businesses, formed religions, waged wars. Evolved from Bronze age to the Iron Age
One of the largest ancient civilizations. Created large complex structures. Created the Code of Hammurabi (a system of law and order)
Base 60 numerical system used by Sumerians and still used today (circle = 360 / hour = 60 min)
Egyptian Writing
Hieroglyphs - believed that if they wrote it then it would happen (magic). Central purpose was to bring certain concepts or events into fruition
Egyptian Architecture
Pharaoh Ramesses the Great engineered the corbelled arch which helped build the pyramids
Egyptian methematics
Introduced the base 10 system
Egyptian Science
Invented paper (papyrus), ink, the calendar, clocks, makeup, and had great astronomers
Indus Valley Advancements
- brick house
- innovative draining systems
- metal works
- large buildings
The Age of Reason/Enlightenment
Philosophers began exploring based on facts and reason not religion
The Age of Exploration, Colonialism, and Imperialism
Europeans began exploring trade routes to avoid the Ottoman Empire thus discovering the Americas - Triangular Slave Trade
Cause of French Revolution
Led to from mainly economic and financial crisis from the Seven Years War (The French and Indian War)
What signaled the start of the French Revolution
Storming of the Bastille
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Philosopher wrote “The Social Contract” that inspired political reform during the French Revolution
Maximelian Robespierre
Architect of the Reign of Terror which had dictatorial control over the French government during French Revolution
The Age of Revolution
1760 - 1830
- American Revolution
- French Revolution
- Latin America Revolution
Scramble for Africa
Late 19th century, 14 Countries met in Belgium to map out the region and divide the continent into colonies. By 1914 Liberia and Ethiopia were the only independent countries
Decolonization in Asia and Africa
After WWI colonies began to revolt against European rule.
- WWII Central powers gained control over colonies
- At the end of WWII Allied powers wanted to end colonialism and foster sovereignty
The wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services
A period of temporary economic decline during which trades and industrial activity are reduced generally identified by a fall in Gross Domestic Product in two successive quarters
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
the value of all the goods and services a country produces in a year
Economic system where there are no private business owners; there is a system of collective or government ownership and administration of production and distribution of goods
Economic system where no private property exists and there is centralized production and distribution
Perfect Competition
All producers sell identical product, producers cannot manipulate the prices, market share does not influence price
few producers/sellers who have control over prices and maintains barrier to prevent others from entering the market
Monopolistic Competition
Producers sell similar products. The barriers to enter the market are low, decision made by one producer does not affect competitors
Money Market Accounts
Bank account with higher interest rate than savings but has limited withdrawals per statement cycle. Usually requires a minimum balance
Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
Bank account with higher interest rate than Money Market Accounts but the money cannot be withdrawn for a set amount of time
Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
Retirement account that offers tax advantages but cannot be withdrawn until retirement without penalty
US Savings Bond
Government bond exempt from taxes and is used to fund capital projects, Has a fixed interest rate for a fixed amount of time. Federal taxes applied when bond matures
Non-installment Credit
Short term borrowing that ends with the borrower making one payment at the end of the period
Close-End Credit
A specific amount is lent to borrower - the total purchase price of goods or services (car dealerships)
Revolving Open-End Credit
Credit cards
Law of Demand
When price increases, demand decreases
Law of Supply
When price increase, supply increases
aka Allocation Efficiency
when Supply and Demand reach the same price/quantity point
Excess Supply (Economic Surplus)
Goods supplied is higher than quantity demanded
Excess Demand (Economic Shortage)
Quantity demanded is higher than what can be supplied
The degree in which consumers change their demands and producers change their supply in response to change in price or income
Significant changes where elasticity is greater than or equal to 1
modest changes where elasticity is less than 1
Elasticity equation
% change in price
Official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country
Eminent Domain
The right of the government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use with payment of compensation
A threatened penalty for disobeying
Trade regulation
Monitoring including government regulation of unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive business practices