Practise Questions Flashcards
Why do we warmup?
- prevent injury
- prepare the body and dancer to dance mentally and physically
- physically prepare to decrease the risk of injury by increasing the heart rate and breathing deeper, getting the blood flowing to the muscles faster
- internally warms up the muscles by making them more pliable and stretchy
- increased blood supply as bring oxygen, energy and nutrients to the muscles diverting the blood supply away from functions like digestion
- increases the flow of synovial fluid to the joints to help them become more lubricated. fluid is absorbed into the ends of the cartilage at the ends of the bones which becomes thicker, cushioning the joints and absorbing the impact of jumping
- becomes more spongey and is a better shock absorber which is especially important for tap where a lot of the movement can be high impact on the ankles, knees and hips
- mentally prepare the dancers so they are focused on the class and they don’t cause an injury to themselves or other dancers by not concentrating
What types of warmup are there?
- small knee bends
- tap springs
- tap step ball changes
- bouncy walks
- drops
- shuffles
Close work
- step heels
- heels, balls
- paddles
- cramp rolls
- scuffles/rattles
- other steps with minimal elevation
Dance your free intermediate warmup
Overtones - Celebration
Choose a lower grade warmup to dance
Grade 2/3
What would you include in a higher grade warmup?
Rhythms should be more difficult, should be longer so that they can warmup more as they have harder steps to do more of a bouncy warmup and close work rather than two separate, warms up all of the body
Make up a Grade 6 Closework warmup
Rockstar - Nickleback
How many one sounded taps are there?
What is a shuffle?
A forward and backward tap in under 2 counts
What new shuffles are there in Grade 5?
Back shuffles
Dance and count Grade 2 shuffles exercise
& 1 23 Shuffle step heel & 45& 6 Shuffle step heel heel & 7& 8 ball change ball change & 1& 2& 3& 4 shuffle round the side 567_ behind side front
Dance and count Grade 3 shuffles exercise
& 1& 234 shuffle shuffle step clap
& 5& 6& _ shuffle shuffle step
& 8 heel, toe flam
_& 2& 3& 4& 5 shuffles round the side
678 behind side front
Analyse a back shuffle
Dance Grade 4 shuffles, What is new/difficult?
Double shuffles - two shuffles in under two counts &1&a
Clipped shuffles - shortening the shuffle, slightly accented &a1, rhythm of a 16th note but without the first &
What is new in Grade 6 shuffles?
Progressive shuffles
Criss Cross shuffles
4 beat cramp roll change
Analyse a progressive shuffle
A forward brush with 2 sounds followed by a backwards brush - teach as a bad flap
Analyse a criss cross shuffle
2 shuffles taken across the supporting leg and back again, keeping the thighs crossed.
Make up a prep exercise for progressive or criss cross shuffles
Without music
Dance and count Grade 6 shuffles exercise
See book
Make up a sequence for Grade 6/Intermediate cramp rolls
With Music
What is important for good tap?
- Weight in the correct place - Weight well forward with the upper back held and chest leading the movement, knees soft and relaxed, weight held over the balls of the feet
- Relaxation - relaxation is needed in the feet, ankles and knees with a natural rise and fall to assist the rhythmic action and tone
- Rhythm - sense and feeling for the rhythm, with the ability to feel the music and keep in time
- Tonal Quality - The pitch or the tone the tap makes, by adjusting how much of the tap plate is used and how it hits the floor
- Light and Shade - Use of varying the volume so that it is not all loud or soft
- Flexibility - in the feet and ankles as well as relaxation
- Strength - strength in the core, back and thighs. especially important for elevated work such as pickups and wings. a combination of strength and relaxation is important. Need to strengthen muscles either side of knees to maintain the correct alignment
- Line - use of head, eyes, back and arms, mainly used for spotting in turns
- Style - natural feeling for movement, relaxed and easy co-ordination, natural breath and dance feel
- Performance - feeling of performance inner quality and expression of the music and personality to interpret the dance naturally. Change of performance depending on the style
Choose a close work warmup to dance
Any Grade apart from G6/Intermediate
Choose a close work crawl to dance
Grade 6 is the only Grade without close work crawl
Primary - Ball and heel beats
How many types of pickups are there?
Close work, Elevated, Travelling
What do you need for a good pickup?
When do they learn an elevated pickup and what is difficult about it?
When do they first learn riffs?
Dance and count Grade 6 riffs
What Grades have compound steps and what are they?
Why are compound steps important?
What is the difference between the maxifords in Grade 5 and Intermediate?
Grade 5 is preparing them for a full maxi ford with the step behind and the Intermediate is a full maxi ford without the break
Count a maxiford
1 2 and a 3 4 5 and a 6 7 8
1 2 and a 3 4 5 and a 6 7
Dance Intermediate double shuffle exercise
What is a pullback? Count it
Where do we first see a pullback?
Dance inter pull backs and ripples. Describe the action in the pullback on balls of feet
What ripples are in the inter exercise?
Where do we first learn ripples?
Explain why core strength is important
How would you teach rhythm to someone new?
How would you explain syncopation to a student?
Build up rhythm - Where do we first see rhythm?
Primary -
Quarter Notes - 1 2 3 (4)
Take a bite of the music
Grade 1 -
Accented 1/8th - and 1 and 2 and 3,
Grade 2 -
Twelfth Notes - and a 1, and a 3, and a 5 and a 6 and a 7
Rhythmic Response (1/4 or 1/8 with a miss, 1 bar)
Grade 3 -
3/4 (1 2 and 3, 4 5 and 6, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and _ and 6
Rhythm Response - Mix of 1/4 1/8 and miss one bar
Grade 4 -
1/16th Improvisation
Grade 5 -
Rhythmic Response - 2 bar rhythm and has to have 1 whole bar of 1/12th notes, then a bar mixed of miss beats, syncopation 1/4, 1/8
Grade 6 - Same as Grade 5 however can mix all notes
Inter -
What do we need for good turns?
Use of body and arm alignment Strong core Sense of turn Weight forward Eyeline/Focus
Talk about the turning exercise in grade 5, and in grade 6, and in inter, how would you approach teaching each of them
Dance and count the turning sequences from Grade 5/6/Intermediate
What type of cramp rolls are there?
4 beat
4 beat change
5 beat
6 beat
Where do you first learn a cramp roll change?
Grade 6 - Progressive Shuffles
Where is the first wing prep seen?
Grade 5 - Wing Preparations
Double Wings
What are the issues with wings?
Dangerous for people who don’t have the strength or have severally injured themselves for example have metal plates in their ankles. For these people i wouldn’t attempt wings with however if it is just the case that they aren’t strong enough then i would do strengthening exercises with them to build them up to doing wings
Why are time steps important?
Where did time steps come from and why were they used?
Build up time steps
Make up a turning sequence for a higher grade
How do you go about teaching beginners or adults?
Rhythm is important when teaching tap, teach some basic steps first and then do them to different rhythms, fun steps to do like time steps, shim sham so they get the confidence up, can teach amalgamations from lower grades
Boys amalgamation
Make up a Grade 6 amalgamation that is different to your dance
Dance your choice of 2 set amalgamations
Quick Jazz - Grade 5
Commercial - Intermediate
Grade 2 - Faith
Intermediate - Irreplaceable
Why did you choose your music?
Why is it important to cool down?
Shim Sham - Grade 5
Dance a turning sequence from Grade 6
B - Turns on Diagonal
Dance a turning sequence from Intermediate
Close work - Human
Elevated - J LO
Dance a time step from Intermediate
Rhythm Time step
Free Time Step - Grade 6
2x triple start on 1 triple half turning tacit 2x single starting on 8 tacit 2nd half break starting on 5
Free Grade 6 Rhythm
&a1&a2 3& 5 6 7 &8
Free Grade 6 Close work Exercise
Free turning step - Intermediate
Free turning step - Grade 3/4/5
Waving through a window - Pentatonix
Count and Analyse Grade 6 Double Scuffles
Count and Analyse Grade 6 Wing Preparations
Count and Analyse Grade 6 Riffs
Count and Analyse Inter: Shuffles
Count and Analyse Inter: Riffs
Count and Analyse Inter: Cramp Rolls
Count and Analyse Inter: Crawls
Count and Analyse Inter: Paddles
Count and Analyse Inter: Pullbacks
Count and Analyse Inter: Pickup Drill
Count and Analyse Inter: Ripples and Ripple Downs
Count and Analyse Inter: Shuffle Pickup Changes
Count and Analyse Inter: Shuffle Pickup Change on one foot
Count and Analyse Inter: Maxifords
Count and Analyse Inter: Wings
Count and Analyse Inter: Slides
Count and Analyse Inter: Turns on the spot
Count and Analyse Inter: Turns sideways
Count and Analyse Inter: Turns in 3/4
Demonstrate and count: Blues
Demonstrate and count: Up Tempo
Demonstrate and count: Elevated
Demonstrate and count: Closework straight time
Demonstrate and count: Closework swing time
Describe in detail the content of the interpretative section in Intermediate
What would you include in a preschool tap class?
Skipping, galloping, walking, basic rhythms, step heels getting the co-ordination of the feet and separating the different parts of their shoes. Rhythm sitting down so that they have a rest, can get tired.
What is close work?
A series of steps taken close to the floor under the body that aren’t elevated such as crawls and paddles, riffs
How would you approach teaching clear beating and contrast of sound? (tonal quality)
What is stoptime?
What is tacit?
What is rhythm?
What is time?
What is syncopation?
What is accenting?
How would you teach rhythm?
How would you approach an unaccompanied exercise?
What is clipped rhythm?
What is doubling up?
What is cross phrasing?
What is a time step?
What is the difference between a close work pickup and an ordinary pickup?
Close work - from the heel
Elevated - from a flat foot
Compound Steps
Need to know the names of each one