Practise exam questions Flashcards
Describe TWO tasks carried out when thinning hardy annuals in a decortive border
Watering lightly, using a fine sprinkler or a watering can with a fine rose along the row to help re-settle disturbed plants after thinning, weeding or gapping up
Weeding using a hoe or by hand to remove annual/ephemeral weeds ensuring that the roots of the hardy annuals are not disturbed. Seedlings of hardy annuals can look like weeds
Gapping up is carried out when areas have failed or if seeds are station sown. Small groups of seedlings are replanted approximately 20cm apart
Checks are made for any signs of pests and disease damage .e.g botrytis and slug and snail damage. Affected seedlings are removed by ahdn and controls can be put in place to avoid further damage
State SIX distinct tasks carried out on an harbaceous border during the dormant period
Cutting back and removing old foliage and flower stems
Removeing dead plants and replacing them
Weeding by hand pulling or hoeing
Mulching with garden compost before growth commences in the spring
Lifting and dividing overcrowded plants with a fork and replanting
Removing/replacing/repairing stakes, canes and supports
Reshaping the border/tidying the edge with a half moon cutter if it is positioned within a lawn
State TWO dfferences between planting a bare-root and a container grown tree for 1. Timing
2. Staking
- Bare-root trees are planted in the dormant season between November and February,
whereas container -grown trees are planted anytime in the year as long as the weather and soil conditions are suitable
- Bare-root trees are staked using a single upright stake placed in the planting hole between the roots at the time of planting. They can also be satked using double stakes, inserted upright with a cross bar/ties or an angled stake.
Container gorwn trees are staked using an angled stake or double stakes, inserted upright with a cross bar/ties to avoid damage to the rootball
Describe a suitable method of pruning a shrub grown for its winter stem interest
Pruning arried out in early spring e.g. march,
Using clean sharp secateurs or loppers.
The shrub is stooled by pruning all stems to approximately 5cm above a bud at an angle or horizontally above a pair of buds
Describe the characteristics of a container suitable for aquatic plants
Describe the size of the container linked to the plant to be grown
the use of plastic mesh basket to allow water movement or the need for the container to be watertight
The durability of the container
the matierial that the container was made from and whether the visual appearance was important
List FOUR characteristics of a growing medium/compost suitable for aquatic plants
stable structure
suitable pH
Ability to hold nutrients
weed free
pest and disease free
loam or clay
Describe FOUR maintenance tasks carried out on a newly sown lawn from sowing to establishment
Irrigation in hot weather to provide a thorought soaking without disturbing the seedlings, The can be carried out in the evening with the use of a sprinkler
Roll the lawn with a garden roller or a cylinder mower to push in the stones and to induce tillering
Oversow patches where germination has failed with the same grass species mix at a rate of 30g per sq m
Control of weeds either by hand or with the use of a selective herbicide e.g. 2.4-D
Initial mowing carried out when grass is 100mm high, Redue by a third by setting the blades high on the mower
State the term usually applied to plants used in summer bedding schemes
They are usually half-hardy annuals or plants grown as half-hardy annuals
List in chronological order the tasks that are carried out in bed preparation and planting of summer bedding
Removal of spring bedding and weeds
Soil cultivation i.e. single or double digging
Incorporation of organic matter
Raking/levelling/shaping of bed
Consolidation, and final raking to include application of base dressing
Position of plants, spacing
Planting plants e.g. removal of pot, teasing out roots etc.
Order of planting i.e. dot plants, edging, groundwork/infill
Watering in
Describe a suitable method to lift and divide an herbaceous perennial, in an herbaceous border
Cut back the selected plant and remove any dead foliage
Fork around the rootball an loosen it
Lift the plant carefully and place in onto a tarpaulin or work bench
Use two forks back-to-back to prise the plant apart or split it using a sharp knife or use a spade for woodym dense plants or tease the plant apart by hand
Discard the old woody centre
Divide the plant into sections of a suitable size each containing buds/shoots and roots
Remove any weeds or diseased material
Trim back the roots
Prepare the new planting area
Replant the divisions
State the meaning of the terms climber and wall shrub
Climber is a plant that has adaptations or modifications to enable it to climb e.g. twinging stems, tendrils or adventitious roots
Wall shrub is a woody shrub which is planted next to a wall for decorative reasons or to benefit from the microclimate provided by the wall
Describe TWO distinct methods that can be used to provide winter protection for alpine plants
cover the plants with a cloche or pane of glass
lifting and containerising the plants and palcing them in a cold frame overwinter or plants that have been plunged in the rock garden can be lifted and placed in the alpine glasshouse or coldframe during the winter
Alpines can be growin in an alpine galsshouse which is well ventilated and unheated
Describe the planting of a NAMED deep water aquatic plant suitable for a garden pool
Selection of mesh container/basket
Line the container with hessian to prevent loss of compost
Trim roots and larger foliage before planting
Place a heavy loam compost in the base of the container
Position the plant in the centre of the container
Fill the container with compost and firm well
Water the container
Fold in the hessian at the top of the basket and trim off excess
Place gravel on the top of the container to prevent loss of the compost
Attach strings to the side of the container to assist lowering it into the pond
Slowly lower the container into the water and place on a platform of bricks or a shelf within the pond
Describe the establishment of a high quality ornamental lawn from seed under EACH of the following headings
i. application of base dressing
ii. selection and sowing of grass species
i. a compound fertiliser e.g. Growmore can be applied broadcast or by machine at a rate of 35-75g/ sqm by dividing the fertiliser in half and then applying it in two directions before raking it in.
ii. Agrostis capillaris or Agrostis tenuis and Festuca rubra subsp. commutata can be sown at a rate of 35g/sq m by dividing the seed in half and then sowing it in two directions before lightly raking it in.
State FOUR maintenance tasks carried out to ensure the establishment of a newly planted tree
Loosening or retying tree ties
Watering the tree by giving it a thorough soaking through tube/water pipe to ensure it reaches the roots
Replenish the mulch e.g. chipped bark around the base of the tree to ensure that it is 75-00mm deep
Keep up to 1m around the base of the tree weed free by hoeing or forking them out
Carry out formative pruning and removing 3 D’s
Describe the planting of an herbaceous border with the use of bare-rooted perennials
Mark out the border using canes or sand to the required plant spacing and design
Remove any surface weeds from the plant and trim the roots
Protect the roots from drying out prior to planting
Ensure dug to the correct depth for the plant allowing the crown of the plant to be at surface level and the main stem above ground
Backfill with compost
Firm in to allow roots greater contact with soil, but gently so as not to damage them
Describe TWO distint methods of staking when planting trees
- A short stake at an angle of 45 degress at a height up to 1m and angled towards the direction of the wind can be used. A buckle tie can be used to secure the tree to the stake
- Double stakes which can be short up to 1m or up to the crown 2m and 30-45cm between the stakes can be used. Cross ties or a cross beam are used to secure the tree to the stakes
- A single upright stake can be used that is either 1m or 2m in height. A buckle tie can be used to secure the tree to the stake
Describe the maintenance of alpine or rock garden plants under EACH of the following headings
i. mulching
i. mulch with gravel in autumn or mid-late spring to a depth of 8-25mm - apply around the plant up to the collar of the plant
Describe the process of establishin a lawn from turf under EACH of the following headings
i. soil preparation
ii. turf laying
iii. aftercare
i. remove weeds by digging or the use of a translocated herbicide e,g, glyphosate
Primary cultivation involves single or double digging
Secondary cultivation includes the rough levelling of the site using a landscape rake, consolidation of the soil by treading or the use of a roller and the creation of a fine tilth using a garden rake
ii. commence at a long edge of the sie and lay whole turves in a brick bond pattern ensuring the joints are well butted together.
Turf is laid standing on aboard to avoid damage to existing turves
The whole area is systematically filled in with smaller pieces cut to fill the gaps
Once turf laid consolidate by walking on the soil or using a roller to ensure good contact with the soil
Joints are then dressed with top dressing of soil and sand by brushing it into the the joints with a broom
iii. Irrigation, especially important in hot, dry weather until it is established and mowing to a height of 10-15mm should take place once the lawn is established
Further consolidation with a roller may be required and the lawn should be monitored for any signs of pest, disease or damage
State distinct characteristics of a scree bed suitable for alpine or rock garden plants in a domestic garden
Would be on a slope to mimic mountain
Free draining soil
Devoid of larger rocks
Covered in a mass of small stones
Describe FOUR distinct maintenance tasks carried out on margina plants in a garden pool
Lifiting an dividing plants in spring but cutting or pulling apart the roots and putting in new containers or back in their old ones
Carrying out any weeding by untangling blanket weed, replacing pebbles, hand weeding and removing weed seedlings throughout the spring and summer
Repotting in spring when they have grown out of their containers, by planting appropriately and using appropriate aquatic/clay potting compost
Cut back dead and dying material in spring
How to station sow and sow in drills
Station sowing - make a hole to the correct depth according to the size of the seed and packet instructions) using a dibber, placing 1-3 seeds in each hole before replacing the soil over each hole and firming it.
Drill sowing - draw out a drill to a depth of 1-2cm and sowing the seed evenly along the drill. Cover with soil by using the back of a rake and tamping it down
Describe the symptons of i. powdery mildew and ii. grey mould on herbaceous perennials
i. powdery mildew - produces white, dusty spreading patches of the fungus no the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf, flowers and buds. Plant tissue can become stunted and distorted, The infection can cause the infected plant parts to turn a purple-brown colour
ii. grey mould - is a fuzzy grey/brown mould which affects the osft plant tissue, leaves and flowers and can spread rapidly where there is high humidity. The disease causes a slimy rot and death of the plant.
How to mulch and alpine/rock plant
Ensure the layer of mulch is even and to a depth of 15-30mm.
Lift up carpeting leaves and place mulch underneath them, up to their collar.
Avoid getting mulch on the crown of the plants
What are marginal plants?
What are bog plants?
grow in shallow water with water over the crown of the plant. The roots are fully submerged and the foliage is above the level of the water. Planted in containers or in the soil of a natural pond. Planted in the first shelf of a pond.
planted in situ, directly in the soil over the membrane. The soil must be constantly wet and can grow in temporarily waterlogged soil.
Describe the maintenance of a high quality lawn for
i. aeration
ii. two distinct methods of controlling weeds
i. should take place during spring or autumn using a range of equipment e.g. fork, hollow tine fork etc.. Aeration carried out to a depth of 50-10mm and spacing of 100-200mm of the tines. Where hollow tines are used a core of soil is removed from the lawn. When using the aerator the spacing between holes should be 0.5m
ii. weeds can be controlled by handweeding using a daisy grubber , spade or fork to remove all the roots. This is mainly carried out during the spring or autumn but it can be done whenever the weeds are seen.
The use of selective herbicide e.g. 2,4-D can be used to control weeds in lawns pplying it as a spray to the whole lawn or as a spot treatment. It is often incorporated into the lawn feed which is applied during spring or autumn.
Describe a method of naturalising a bulb
Distribute the bulbs on the lawn by scattering them randomly - where they land dig a whole three times the depth of the bulb, place it into the hole with the roots facing down ‘nose up’ - the bulbs should be spaced approximately the width of the bulb apart. Replace the soil and turf and firm in
What is rose powdery mildew?
appears as grey/white growth mainly on the upper side of the leaves and buds but can affect all aerial parts of the plant. Flowering is poor and there is reduced vigour of the plant.
Identify SIX factors which need to be considered when planting a bare rooted herbaceous perennial
Plant from March to early May or late September to October
Do no allow roots of plants to dry out during planting
The rootball may need soaking prior to planting
Trim roots and any damaged material prior to planting
Prepare an appropriate sized planting hole
Remove roots of weeds entangled within the root systen prior to planting to avoid spread
Spread out roots when planting
Plant sat same level as ‘nursery mark’ and firm well
Describe the process of trimming during the routine maintenance of alpine or rock garden plants
Timing e.g. after flowering or at the start of the growing season
Reasons e.g. maintains the shape of the plant ie reduce the size and spread
Removal of spent flowers, diseased or damaged plant material
Position of cuts e.g. just above a node or near the base of previous season’s growth
Describe maintenance task of netting a garden pool
plastic netting with small mesh can be positioned safely and securely above the level of the water during late summer to autumn to prevent fallen leaves from trees entering the pool. These will need to be cleared regularly. The netting will also prevent access to the pool to predators