Practice Tests (All Q's) F6 M6 backwards Flashcards
What is the measurement focus of governmental fund accounting?
Current financial resources
For governmental fund types, which item is considered the primary measurement focus?
Current financial resources
What basis of accounting does enterprise funds use?
Accrual basis
What fund types of a city government are revenues and expenditures recognized on the same basis of accounting as general fund?
debt Service
Which bases of accounting should a government use for its proprietary funds in measuring financial position and operating results?
Modified accrual basis - Y/N
Accrual basis - Y/N
Modified accrual basis - N
Accrual basis - Y
What type of fund of a governmental unit use the same basis of accounting as the special revenue fund?
Permanent fund
Name a fund that would be reported as a fiduciary fund in Pine City’s FS
Private purpose trust
What fund type should account for fixed assets in a manner similar to “for profit” organization?
Enterprise fund
Which of the following funds of a governmental unit recognizes revenues only in the accounting period in which they become available and measurable in their fund financial statements?
General fund - Y/N
Enterprise fund - Y/N
General Fund - Y
Enterprise Fund - N
What measurement focus and basis of accounting should be used by a local government’s private-purpose trust fund?
Measurement focus - economic resources
Basis of accounting - Accrual
Which of the following fund types of a governmental unit has (have) an economic measurement focus?
General fund - Y/N
Permanent fund - Y/N
General fund - N
Permanent fund - N
Are budgetary accounts reported in internal service funds?
Roy City received a gift, the principal of which is to be invested in perpetuity with the income to be used to support the local library. In which fund should this gift be recorded?
Permanent fund
Is there a budgetary focus for governmental funds?
Does presentation for governmental funds include a statement of net position?
The measurement focus of governmental-type funds is on the determination of:
Current financial resources - Y/N
Financial position - Y/N
Current financial resources - Y
Financial position - Y
The primary emphasis in accounting and reporting for governmental funds is on:
Source, use , and balance of current financial resources
What basis of accounting should be used when preparing a governmental funds statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances?
Modified accrual basis of accounting
The economic resources measurement focus and accrual basis of accounting would be most appropriate for which fund as used in the fund financial statements?
Internal service fund
The modified accrual basis of accounting should be used for which fund for purposes of fund financial statements?
Capital projects fund
What is a governmental fund that uses the current financial resources measurement focus?
special Revenue fund
What fund of a governmental unit uses the modified accrual basis of accounting?
special Revenue funds
What fund type of a governmental unit uses the same basis of accounting as the special revenue fund?
Capital Projects
The city of C has 2 trust funds for the benefit of the city’s library, trust fund A and trust fund B. Only the earnings from A can be expended and both the principal and interest from B can be expended. How should the city of C report each trust fund?
A - Permanent
B - Special revenue
Under the modified basis of accounting for a governmental unit, revenues should be recognized in the accounting period in which they:
become available and measurable
A permanent fund of a municipality would have the same measurement focus as a:
General fund
The governmental fund measurement focus is on the determination of:
Income - Y/N
Financial position - Y/N
Current financial resources - Y/N
Income - N
Financial position - Y
Current financial resources - Y
A local government unit could have funds using which of the following accounting bases?
Accrual basis - Y/N
Modified accrual basis - Y/N
Accrual basis - Y
Modified accrual basis - Y
How should a nongovernmental NFP org report investments in its financial statements?
Fair value with gains and losses reported in the statement of activities
How should a nongovernmental NFP org report depreciation expense in its statement of activities?
It should be included as a decrease in net assets without donor restrictions
In a Statement of Activities of the People’s Environmental Protection Association, a voluntary community organization, depreciation expense should:
Be included as an element of expense
A portfolio of equity securities that are traded on a national exchange is donated to a private, not-for-profit college as an endowment fund. How should the equity portfolio be valued in the college’s year-end financial statements three years after the donation?
Using fair value at the date of the financial statements
On the first day of the year, a donor established a $100,000 irrevocable perpetual trust with a third-party trustee naming a not-for-profit entity as the sole income beneficiary in perpetuity. During the year, the trust earned and distributed $4,000 in income to the entity for unrestricted use. On the last day of the year, the fair value of the trust had increased by $5,000. What amount should the entity report in its year-end statement of financial position as beneficial interest in perpetual trust?
What is the paramount objective of financial reporting by state and local governments?