Practice test Review #2 Flashcards
Cardiovascular changes in Geriatric Population
- Decreased blood vessel compliance
- Decrease inotropic response to stimulation
- Decreased chronotropic response to stimulation
- Decreased baroreceptor sensitivity
Cardiac Tamponade
Characterized by the collection of blood or blood clots in the pericardial sac, exerting pressure on the heart and decreasing cardiac output
EKG Changes that demonstrate an occluded left anterior descending artery?
V1, V2, V3 and V4
EKG Changes that demonstrate an occluded circumflex
I, aVL, V5, and V6
EKG Changes that demonstrate an occluded right coronary artery
II, III, and aVF
EKG changes with Hypercalcemia
- Shortened ST segment and shortened QT
- Flat T wave
- Bradycardia, heart blocks, paroxysmal A fib, cardiac arrest
Medication that decreases portal pressure in varicella bleeds?
Octreotide and sandostatin
Bartholin’s Cyst Abscess?
Bartholin glands are located on either side of the vaginal opening.
Treatment includes warm compress, sit baths, and I&D
Inflammation of the cornea
Most common cause of TBI
Cranial Nerve 7
Facial nerve
-raise eyebrows, close eyelids tightly, show teeth, smile and frown, putt out cheeks
Common VP shunt problems
- Infection
- Obstruction
- Malposition
How is Bacterial Meningitis spread?
Respiratory droplets
Myasthenia Gravis Typically occurs at what age?
20-30 year old female
Hallmark signs are weakness, predominately seen in the ocular, facial, and neck muscles or the upper extremities
COLD Mneumonic for seizure activity
C- character
O- Onset
L- Location
D- Duration
Greenstick fracture
Caused by compression force and occurs most often in children under 10 yrs old
Comminuted fracture
Result of severe direct trauma which causes the bone to break into two or more pieces
Depressed fracture
Result of blunt trauma to a flat bone and often involves a large amount of soft tissue damage