Practice Test PMT 4800V Results Flashcards
You are writing a report on the progress of a government program and you unearth relevant
information that indicates the program didn’t achieve several critical objectives. Which of the
following statements is correct?
- It is ethically permissible to omit adverse information to supervisors and senior management if you
believe it might harm the program. - The ethical value of honesty requires disclosure of the adverse information relevant to the program.
- You are allowed to conceal this information and Title 18 United States Code (USC) Section 1001
protects your from fines and/or prison. - Applying the ethical value of loyalty is important for office relationships and allows you to report the information in such a way that protects your coworkers and the program.
The ethical value of honesty requires disclosure of the adverse information relevant to the program.
Government and contractor personnel work side by side on the Beta project in a contractor’s work space. Due to the tremendous progress that has been made in the project, both the government program manager and the contractor’s project manager decide to reward their employees. The contractor’s project manager decides to give his employees the afternoon off.
The government’s program manager decides to grant federal employees a 59-minute early dismissal.
Which of the following statements is correct?
- If government employees are granted time-off, the government project manager may also give the contractor’s employees time-off and allow that “time off’ to be charged to the government contract.
- The contractor may not charge the time off to the government contract.
- The “time off’ granted to the contractor employees may be charged to the government contract if the contractor has successfully completed all contract goals.
- The contractor may not dismiss his employees before the government employees.
The contractor may not charge the time off to the government contract.
You are a new team lead for an existing team with job satisfaction issues. Using an outside party,
you collect a list of specific issues that employees say make the job dissatisfying, such as a lack of recognition. You then create a matrix to plan how to increase satisfaction, such as arrange for high-ranking officials to meet the team, learn about their contributions, and attend events where they are recognized for their accomplishments. You are operating based on the principles of which
theory of motivation?
- Herzberg Two-factor Theory
- Theory X
- Expectancy Theory
- Theory Y
Herzberg Two-factor Theory
You have been assigned to lead a new program. Your first order of business is to introduce team members and set expectations to establish the team. In which stage of the team life cycle process are you operating?
- Norming
- Forming
- Storming
- Establishing
You are leading a team to develop a new weapons system. During the design phase, your team also
outlines other aspects, such as how the system will be tested, supported, and operated, and the
team outlines a high-level training plan to be implemented while the system is being developed. This reflects which tenet of Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)?
- Concurrent development of products and processes
- Risk management
- Event-driven scheduling
- Maximizing flexibility
Concurrent development of products and processes
Team charters establish which of the following?
- The length of the team’s lifespan
- The authority and accountability of the team
- Organizational structure of the vendor
- Program Baseline
The authority and accountability of the team
For the following activity description, identify the problem solving process step with which it is
associated: reflect on potential sources of assistance and resistance to the proposed solution.
- Precisely Define Issue or Opportunity
- Generate potential solutions
- Assess the progress of the implementation
- Develop an implementation plan
Generate potential solutions
During prototype testing in the latter stages of the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction
(TMRR) phase a new and critical technology prototype for ground mapping and targeting radar was assessed by independent evaluators as Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6. Which one of the following statements can be CORRECTLY DETERMINED from the information provided?
- The radar technology will reach TRL 9 in 15-18 months.
- If the radar does not reach TRL 7 prior to the Critical Design Review (CDR), there will be a six
month delay in the JUDIA program. - At this point in time, the prototype radar technology has been successfully demonstrated in a
relevant environment. - The radar will have no problems reaching TRL 8.
At this point in time, the prototype radar technology has been successfully demonstrated in a relevant environment.
What problem-solving tool would best be used to graphically depict the frequency distribution of
data items using a vertical bar chart (columns) format?
- Cause and Effect Diagram
- Force Field Analysis
- Histogram
- Brainstorming
Which ONEof the following types of problem solving tools graphically depicts the relationship between the problem and its causes, and can be used to help determine the problem’s root cause(s)?
- Critical Path Method
- Cause-and-Effect Diagram (or Fishbone Diagram)
- Responsibility Assignment Matrix
- Prioritization Matrix
Cause-and-Effect Diagram (or Fishbone Diagram)
Which of the following is a primary objective of the Defense Acquisition System?
- Provide measurable improvement in mission capabilities
- Divide work evenly among contractors to manage risk
- Remain flexible in response to political pressure
- Acquire products at the lowest possible cost
Provide measurable improvement in mission capabilities
Which document establishes a flexible management framework for translating approved capability needs and technology opportunities into stable, affordable, and well managed acquisition programs?
- DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework
- Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG)
- DoDD 5000.01, The Defense Acquisition System
DoDI 5000.85, Major Capabilities Acquisition Pathway
DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework
Technical Performance Measures (TPM) should be selected for those parameters that:
- Are expected to exceed the objectives contained in the Capability Development Document (COD)
- Are expected to have the highest degree of risk
- Will not be addressed at technical design reviews
- Will not be subjected to formal test and evaluation
Are expected to have the highest degree of risk
Select the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) decision-support system that this statement
describes: “This system is the management process by which DoD develops and acquires weapons and other systems.”
- Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE)
- Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
- Defense Acquisition System
- Risk Assessment and Management System (RAM)
Defense Acquisition System
What is the primary objective of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development Systems (JCIDS)?
- To ensure technology transfer requirements to the private sector are met
- To help the Department of Defense (DoD) control costs and ensure National Security objectives are
met - To ensure that capabilities required by the warfighter are identified and meet operational performance criteria
- To provide a mechanism for the Executive Branch and Congress to agree on spending for new defense
To ensure that capabilities required by the warfighter are identified and meet operational performance criteria
Assuring that materiel approaches are refined and key technologies are being matured, what
JCIDS document is used to build upon the Initial Capabilities Document (COD)?
- Operational Mode Summary/Mission Profile (OMS/MP)
- Analysis of Alternatives (AoA)
- Statement of Objectives (S00)
-Capability Development Document (COD)
Capability Development Document (COD)
Which document is developed next if the Capabilities-Based
Assessment (CBA) recommends a
non-materiel solution?
- Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)
- Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, leadership, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy
(DOTMLPF-P) Change Recommendation (DCR) - Draft Capability Development Document (CDD)
- Capability Development Document (CDD)
Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, leadership, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy
(DOTMLPF-P) Change Recommendation (DCR)
What two key values are identified for each performance parameter in the Capability
Development Document (CDD) to bound the design of the system, yet provide the Program Manager with flexibility to design the system according to the user’s needs?
- Thresholds and Objectives
- Force Protection and Sustainment
- Operational Availability and Suitability
- Key Performance Parameters (KPP) and Key System Attributes (KSA)
Thresholds and Objectives
Who provides an independent assessment of the effectiveness and suitability of new weapon
- Under Secretary of Defense Acquisition & Sustainment (OUSD (A&S))
- Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller (OUSD (C))
- Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (D,OT&E)
- Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (D,CAPE)
Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (D,OT&E)
Manpower, measurement, methods, machinery, and materials are collectively referred to as the
- Elements of Production
- 5Ms of Manufacturing
- 5Ms of Industry
- 5Ms of Engineering
5Ms of Manufacturing
Counterintelligence (Cl) organizations need information that describes the Critical Program
Information (CPI) and its projected use to determine the foreign collection threat to an
acquisition program. CPI is documented in the _____.
- Program Protection Plan (PPP)
- Test and Evaluation Master Plan
- Product Support Strategy (PSS)
- Life Cycle Sustainment Plan & Strategy
Program Protection Plan (PPP)
The five pillars of Cybersecurity are availability, integrity, nonrepudiation, confidentiality,
and _____.
- usability
- cohesiveness
- authentication
- accessibility
The overall efforts of the Intelligence Community (IC) are administered by the ODNI, which is the:
- Office of Defense Nuclear Initiatives
- Office of Defense Naval Investigation
- Office of the Director of National Intelligence
- Operational Director National Intelligence
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
What is the focus of sustainment operations during the Operations and Support phase?
- Leveraging areas of common strategic importance between stakeholders and industry partners
- Reducing design risk and maturing technology
- Executing the sustainment program and on making adjustments based on effectiveness and operating conditions using systems engineering principles
- Identifying and applying applicable demilitarization requirements necessary to eliminate the functional or military capabilities of assets
Identifying and applying applicable demilitarization requirements necessary to eliminate the functional or military capabilities of assets
Which of the following Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element involves the identification,
review, assessment, and resolution of deficiencies throughout a system’s life cycle?
- Sustaining Engineering
- Maintenance Planning and Management
- Product Support Management
- Manpower and Personnel
Sustaining Engineering
What is the name of the document that describes how the sustainment strategy will be
- DoDI 5000.85, Major Capability Acquisition
- Product Support Strategy
- Acquisition Strategy
- Sustainment Quad Chart
Product Support Strategy
Which of the following institutions sets resource ceilings and provides Budget Authority for the
Department of Defense (DoD)?
- Industry
- The Executive Branch
- Congress
- The customer
What is the purpose of a Life Cycle Cost Estimate (LCCE)
- Determine the effectiveness of the system
- Provide funding for contract actions
- Acquire funding for a system throughout its lifespan
- Allow audits of system costs
Acquire funding for a system throughout its lifespan
Which enactment process activity must be passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the
President before any Federal agency can incur obligations or make expenditures from the U.S. Treasury?
- Budget Resolution
- Appropriations Bill
- Authorization Bill
- President’s Budget
Appropriations Bill
Which agency apportions budget authority to the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) comptroller
on a periodic basis?
- Senate Finance and Budget Committee
- Office of Management and Budget
- Department of the Treasury
- Government Accounting Office
Office of Management and Budget
Which technical review is required for a successful Milestone B prior to the Engineering and
Manufacturing Development Phase and occurs when all major design issues have been resolved in the system preliminary design and work can begin on detailed design?
- System Requirements Review (SRR)
- Test Readiness Review
- Critical Design Review (CDR)
- Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
Which is used to create the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB)?
- Defense Acquisition Executive Summary Report (DAES)
- Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS)
- Defense Acquisition Visibility Environment (DAVE)
- Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS)
Defense Acquisition Visibility Environment (DAVE)
What is the purpose of the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMO) phase?
- To identify program risks prior to the Milestone B decision
- To select a contractor to build and develop a system based on technical and cost response to Request for Proposal (RFP)
- To develop, build, and test a product to verify that all operational and derived requirements have been met to support production or deployment decisions
- To prepare a system for the Milestone B decision
To develop, build, and test a product to verify that all operational and derived requirements have
been met to support production or deployment decisions
What does reprogramming permit the Department of Defense (DoD) to do with Budget Authority
- Transfer BA between colors of money
- Use BA for uses other than those originally intended by Congress
- Carry over BA that is about to expire into the next fiscal year
- Transfer BA designated for one Federal agency into another Federal agency program budget
Use BA for uses other than those originally intended by Congress
What is a threat capability or threshold established collaboratively by the requirements sponsor
and the component capability developer, changes to which could critically impact the effectiveness and survivability of the proposed system?
- Counterintelligence Information Packages
- Critical Intelligence Parameters
-Cyber Information Protocols
- Common Information Pictures
Critical Intelligence Parameters
A software costing method that uses a team of experts working both independently and together to combine different approaches and arrive at a collective judgment through consensus is an example of the costing method.
- Delphi
- Top-down
- Parametric
- Bottom-up
For a mass-produced system, the majority of a system’s life cycle costs can be attributed directly
to _____.
- Weapons System Costs
- Procurement Costs
- Operations and Support Costs
- Research and Development (R&D) Costs
Operations and Support Costs
What is a characteristic of a Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration (JCTD)?
- Requires no user involvement until after successful completion of the demonstration.
- Is funded by procurement money set aside specifically for JCTDs.
- Demonstrates technology in a field environment.
- Is based on a validated requirement which is documented in a Capability Development Document (CDD).
Demonstrates technology in a field environment.
The refers to the cost of procuring prime mission equipment.
- Development Cost
- Weapon System Cost
- Life Cycle Cost
- Flyaway Cost
Flyaway Cost
Should-cost is described as:
- Cost is not related to schedule and performance.
- Controlling the cost of actual work and finding ways to spend less than the funding estimate.
- Schedule and performance objectives are not negotiable and cannot be adjusted.
- The Program Manager can focus exclusively on cost.
Controlling the cost of actual work and finding way to spen less than the funding estimate.