Practice Test - All Categories Flashcards
Summative eval
Examines outcomes
Formative eval
Examines delivery of services
Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder
SSRI’s - Zoloft
Examples of antipsychotic meds
Thorazine, Mellaril
Valium - diazepam
Reduces anxiety, also used as a sedative
**Highly addictive so it should not be used regularly
Group work
The group is the primary helping agent
Psychosocial developmental theory
Erickson - 8 stages, based on conflict
Trust vs. mistrust (0-1)
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (1-3)
Initiative vs. Guilt (3-6)
Industry vs. Inferiority (6-teens)
Identity vs. Role confusion (teenage years)
Intimacy vs. Isolation (early adulthood)
Generativity vs. stagnation (middle adulthood)
Ego integrity vs. despair (older individuals)
Paradoxical intent
Prescribes the symptomatic behavior so the client feels like he or she has strength to change it
Task-centered treatment
Quick and focused on problem-solving
Exceptions to duty to protect confidentiality
- Client poses a risk to self or others
- Child or elder abuse is suspected
- When there is an imminent threat to an identifiable 3rd party
Social exchange theory
Decision made by totaling potential losses and benefits
Covert modeling
Using imagination to model a behavior
Symbolic modeling
Watching videos to learn a behavior
6 Levels of cognition
- Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
Not otherwise specified (NOS)
Symptoms don’t fit a specific criteria for a disorder
Other specified
Explanation of whey a condition does not quality for a a specific disorder
No explanation included
BP treatment
Ativan and Nardil
Anti anxiety treatment
Anti depressant treatment
Inability to recognize objects
Lack of muscle control over voluntary movements
Inability to recognize faces
Inability to do simple math
Mimicking another’s speech
Discharging individual at high risk for relapse
- Regular assessment
- Utilization of natural supports and peer groups
- Follow up
DSM 5 change (substance use)
Substance abuse and dependence combined into 1 category
Preoperational stage of cognitive development
Marked by magical thinking (early childhood)
Paraphilic Disorders
- Atypical sexual interests
- Personal distress about these interests
- Sexual desire that involves harm done onto others
**Does NOT need to have legal involvement
Scientific management approach
Detailed, evaluative, step oriented
Human relations appraoch
Focus on creativity and cohesion
Contingency approach
Inter-connectedness with the environment
Modern org theory - systems oriented
Informed consent
Necessary with ALL clients, always
Deceased clients …
Have ALL the same rights to confidentiality as living clients
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
**Medical evals are usually the first step to assess physiological needs
**Risk assessments also have to be prioritized to ensure safety
Congruent communication
Matches your feelings - yelling when upset, hugging someone who is sad
Consistent treatment of clients
NOT necessary - in fact, differentiation should occur
Endogenous depression
Caused by chemical imbalances
Exogenous depression
Caused by outside factors and/or events
HIV cases
NOT your duty to warn the partner
Psychotherapy notes
Cannot be shared without a release, should be kept separate from other notes
Best way to teach something, ahead of psychoeducation
Stages of cognitive development
Preoperational - magical thinking
Concrete operational
Formal operational
Stage in childhood development where a small child needs reassurance from a caregiver
Zoloft and Lexapro
Major Depressive Disorder
Zoloft also used for anti anxiety symptoms
Global assessment of functioning (GAF)
NOT included in the DSM 5
Immediate goals of crisis intervention
Immediately relieve stress
Return client to previous level of functioning/assist with regaining equilibrium
Help develop coping mechanisms
Entropy example
Married couple feels disconnected from one another
Participant vs. non-participant
Participant - least ethical
Observer - more ethical
Communication - latent content
underlying meaning
Communication - manifest content
Direct words
Tardive dyskenisia
Side effect of antipsychotics
When a mental conflict turns into a physical symptom
Seeing something traumatic, then reporting vision loss
Reaction formation
Engaging in thoughts or behaviors that are opposites