Practice Test 3 Flashcards
Hemostatic scalp clips
Most common congenital cardiac anomaly in the CYANOTIC group
Tetralogy of Fallot
True or False? Urethral strictures are not dilated by use of Braasch bulb
Procedure(s) performed for chronic and end-stage renal disease to aid filtering the blood and revmooving ingested toxins
AV fistula; AV shunt; Pertoneal dialysis
What is the composition of the most commonly used hand procedure implants?
What is used to immobilize hip joints after hip surgery?
Abduction pillow
The balloon in angioplasty is inflated with what?
Diluted contrast media
Herniated disc fragments are removed during a laminectomy using what instrument?
pituitary rongeur
Skeletal traction for cervical fracture/dislocation
Hypothermia is employed during cardiac surgery for what purpose?
Reduces use of oxygen
Instrument used to excise laminae overlying ht herniated disc (laminectomy)
Imaging for visualization of the spinal cord
myelography; MRI
Procedure where a nerve is freed from binding adhesion for relief of pain and restoration of function
True or False? Percutaneous nephrolithotomy uses a Lithotriptor tub
Term for neuro procedures seek and destroy
Dorsal sympathectomy removes which chains of SNS?
Neuro sponges soaked in solution are placed within reach of the surgeon on what?
inverted emesis basin; plastic drape
What incisional approach for transsphenoidal hypophysectomy?
True or False? A hemotoma is a kind of brain tumor
True or false? Increased operating time is an advantage gained by knee-chest positioning for laminectomy.
Irrigatiing solution for cystoscopy
Distilled water
What is the term for a reduction of negative pressure on one side of the thoracic cavity that causes the negative pressure on the normal side to pull in an effort to equalize pressure?
mediastinal shift
What is the term for a reverse sterilization procedure in males?
BOTH vasovasostomy AND epididymovasostomy
What is the most commonly fractured carpal bone?
What scope requires irrigating solution of nonconducting, issometric glycine?
Condition in which the penis is curved vcentrally with meatus and glans in close proximity to each other
What syringe is used to evacuate bladder, prostate, or kidney stone fragments?
Ellik AND Toomey
A catheter into the heart for image intensification is called what?
Cardiac catheterization
Hirchsprung disease is
bowel obstruction
What is the tunable pulse-dyed laser used in laser lithotripsy?
Removal of an anterior cervical disc accompanied by spinal fusion
Closed anus is termed
What is the immediate treatment for ventricular fibrillation?
What is the positioning for the donor, and for the recipient, in a single lung transplant?
supine, lateral
What can induce osteogenesis?
electrical stimulation
True or False? Increased metabolic rate in pediatric patient does NOT indicate blood transfusion
Tissue perfusion is measured intraoperatively by this diagnostic test
What are Harrington rods used for?
True or false? Monopolar coagulation can be used for hemostasis in neurosurgery.
What structure is rectified by a femoral-femoral bypass?
iliac artery
What is the term for overabsorbtion of irrigation fluid that may result in vascular overload?
What structure suffers various types of fracture due to compression force of the distal femur upon the tibia?
tibial plateau
What is accomplished by a Javid shunt during carotid endartectomy?
continuous cerebral blood flow
Gelfoam is saturated in saline or this for hemostasis
topical thrombin
Tumor arising from the brain’s covering
Mrs. Smedley
what is the preferred solution used for bronchial washings?
Sterile Saline
What substance is introduced through a thoracoscope to deal with recurrent pleural effusion attributable to advanced cancer?
placement of catheter for ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Lateral ventricle; peritoneal cavity
True or false? Clean long-bone fractures may be treated with external fixation?
Premature closure of infant cranial sutures
Insufficient closure of brain and spine in embryonic development
neural defect
True or false? Neuroma can NOT be treated by sympathectomy
Why is a 30-cc bag Foley used after a TURP?
What drug is normally used for adequate diuresis of a living kidney donor perioperatively?
Drainage for subdural hemataoma
Burr holes
What is used to grasp the vas after incision into the scrotum during a vasectomy?
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt is a treatment for what condition?
What is the viewing of progression of a procedure on a monitor screen called?
image intensification
Controls bleeding beneath the skull and around the spinal cord
What incisions are used in a kidney transplant for the donor, and for the recipient?
Subcostal flank; right lower quadrant
True or false? The depth screw is used in an orthopedic implant.
Procedure used to control intractible pain of terminal cancer
Penile condylomata are most successfully removed by this
Wilms’ tumor aka
Temporary diversion of urinary drainage by means of an external catheter that drains the renal pelvis
Opens a gastric outlet stricture in an infant
pyloral myotomy
Gelfoam soaked in this for hemostais in neuro
Topical thrombin
newborn intestinal protrusion from peritoneal cavity
Most common congenital lesion requiring neurosurgical intervention
True or false? Placement of a myocardial pacing electrode does not require fluoroscopy
When /applying the case/ an STSR must keep the foot in plantar-flexed position for this purpose.
Keep stress off new suture line
What type of saw is configured with the handle in line with the blade, where the blade goes /back and forth?/
Cranial bone flap closure is attained using what suture material?
Stainless steel
What is the proper positioning for knee arthroscopy?
Supine, 90 deg. flex in foot of table
What intraoperative test determines the need for reversal or addition of heparin?
ACT - activated clotting time
True or False? Recession can be used to treat pediatric strabismus due to weak eye muscle
meningeal layer closest to cerebral cortex
pia mater
True or False? Disposable chest drainage units aid in reesstablishing positive pressure in the intrapleural space
What is the optimum temperature range for water used for plaster cast application?
70 - 75 deg. F
This procedure is an alternative to TURP that uses a cystoscopic setup
Transcystoscopic urethroplasty
diuretic used to reduce pressure from cerebrospinal edema
What drug is used topically for its direct effect on the muscle of the vessel wall?
papaverine hcl
True or False? A three-way Foley is a urethral catheter
What is used for removing clots (embolectomy) through arteriotomy?
True or false? A gigli saw is used during a craniotomy
controls bleeding around spinal cord
What procedure(s) correct malabsorption of CSF (hydrocephalus)
VP shunt; VA shunt
Prostate gland is removed through an abdominal incision into the anterior prostatic capsule
Amputated extremities are wrapped and sent where?
What is left in place following anastomosis of a ureter in a ureteral reimplantation, to ensure free drainage of the kidney?
Soft Stent
self-retaining retractor for brain tissue
Newborn projectile vomiting free of bile is likely caused by
pyloric stenosis
Penfield or Woodson are used to remove this from cranial bone
dura mater
A thymectomy is commonly performed for malignant tumors and what other condition?
myasthenia gravis
What skeletal traction requires sterile supplies to be applied?
Crutchfield (for skull)
True or false? An arteriovenous shunt can be used to achieve decompression of the portal circulation
Preclotting a graft will accomplish what?
Minimize bleeding
Encapsulated collection of blood over one or both hemispheres producing intracranial pressure
subdural hematoma
Which tendon is involved in the inability to plantar-flex the foot?
Surgical lesion for treatment of Parkinson’s disease
What is added to irrigation for a penile implant?
Kanamycin and Bacitracin
Which traft(s) are used to replace the anterior cruciate ligament during ACL repair?
patellar tendon; cadaver; hamstring or quadraceps
The inflation pump for a penile implant is located here
What are two types of bunionectomy procedure?
Keller and McBride
Pereyra procedure is treatment for this condition
Stress incontinence
Which lung has 3 lobes?
What is the most frequently torn cartilage in the knee?
medial meniscus
The three lumens of a Foley are used for inflation, drainage, and this
continuous irrigation