Practice Test 1 Flashcards
Which of the following cells are used by plants to absorb minerals/copper
The epidermis of plants.
the root hairs are the epidermis that are extensions.
What is oncology?
study of treatment of tumors
What are renal arteries?
arises off the side of abdominal aorta
Supplies kidney with blood
Pulmonary artery
These contain oxygen poor blood
Pulmonary Vein
These contains oxygen rich blood
Predominant site of B lymphocyte production?
The bone marrow. Lymphocytes are white blood cells
Importance of bone marrow?
Site where all blood cells are made
both white blood cells and red blood cells
Importance of Thymus
Site where T cells mature
Importance of spleen?
- largest lymphoid organ
- Contains variety of leukocytes
- Protects blood stream NOT TISSUES
- removes old red blood cells
Vibrio shape bacteria common disease and characteristics?
- causes cholera
- they are gram negative
- facultative anaerobic
what is pharynx
The pharynx is the part of the digestive system situated posterior to the nasal and oral cavities and posterior to the larynx
Order in which food goes down ?
From your mouth - pharynx - esophagus - stomach
function of epiglottis?
keeps food from going into your windpipe
purpose of aldosterone?
Mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone help maintain the balance between water and salts in the body, predominantly exerting their effects within the kidney.
sexual dimorphism
phenotype difference between male and female
when does a population experiences stabilizing selection
When selective pressures select against the two extremes of a trait,
tree too tall breaks against wind
tree too short doesn’t get enough sunlight
What is the eustachian canal
- connects nasopharynx to middle ear
regulates the pressure within the middle ear, equalizing it with the air pressure outside the body.
What tissue is the golgi apparatus most abundant in?
abundant in tissues that carry out secretions like
- liver
- plasma cells
what tissue is the mitochondria abundant in?
Muscle tissue
What are erythrocytes?
red blood cells
function of dendrites?
increase surface area for signal transmission
What is function of gallbladder?
The gallbladder holds bile produced in the liver until it is needed for digesting fatty foods in the duodenum of the small intestine.
What is blood-letting?
withdrawal of blood to cure disease
What diffusion?
form of passive transport
Refers to the tendency of molecules to spread from areas of high conc to low conc to reach equal conc.
Driven by concentration gradient
What is osmosis?
Form of passive transport
Movement of water across cell membrane
equal salt concentration inside and outside cell
salt concentration outside cell is less than inside cell
Water moves into the cell causing it to swell
salt concentration inside cell is greater than outside cell
water moves out of cell causing it to shrink
What is active transport?
1, involves transmembrane proteins acting as pumps
2. ATP is req to bring materials into cell or pumping out materials such as ions to maintain UNEQUAL CONC
(neurons with sodium and potassium)
What is endocytosis?
Method that allows cell to bring in specific material that it needs
What is receptor-mediated endocytosis?
- molecule binds to a receptor on surface of cell
2. triggers receptor and the material bound to it will be pulled through into the cell
What is phagocytosis?
cell engulfs SOLID materials
- Brings it in through cell membrane and breaks it down
- ex: white blood cell ingesting bacteria
What is pinocytosis?
Cell engulfs LIQUID material
What is exocytosis?
Something from inside of cell is released to the outside.
what is microvilli?
- Cells may have slender extensions of the cell membrane to form cilia or the smaller extensions called microvilli.
- microvilli effectively increase the surface area of the cell and are useful for absorption and secretion functions.
What is pilli? what type of organism is it typically found in?
- gene transfer and attachment to surfaces.
2. found only in prokaryotes
What is amylase
enzyme found in saliva and pancreatic fluids
converts starch and glycogen into simple sugars.
what did edward jenner do
he made smallpox vaccine
how can movement in different directions be achieved?
by the action pairs of opposing muscles.
What organelles are responsible for synthesis of proteins
what do eosinophils specialized to fight against?
fights against parasites
function of thyroxin
regulating the body’s metabolic rate, heart and digestive functions, muscle control, brain development maintenance of bones