Practice Set 3 Flashcards
What duty do parents have to others with respect to actions of their minor children?
Exercise reasonable care to prevent a minor child from intentionally / negligently harming others if (1) parent has the ability to control the child, and (2) knows / should know of the necessity + opportunity for exercising such control
When is an owner strictly liable for injuries caused by a domestic animal?
If the owner (1) knows / reason to know of the animal’s dangerous propensities + (2) the harm results from those dangerous propensities
Strict liability even if animal never previously injured anyone
When is an owner strictly liable for an animal trespassing on another person’s land?
The owner of any (1) wild or domestic (2) non-household pet animal is strictly liable for any (3) reasonably foreseeable damage caused by its animal (4) while trespassing on the land of another
When can an owner be liable for a household pet trespassing on another person’s land?
When owner knows or has reason to know that the dog or cat is intruding on another’s property in a way that has a tendency to cause substantial harm
When are people liable for emotional distress as a result of heightened sensitivity?
When (1) plaintiff is a member of a group with known heightened sensitivity, OR (2) if defendant personally knew of heightened sensitivity
When is someone allowed to use deadly force?
Only when it has a reasonable belief that force sufficient to cause serious bodily injury or death is imminently intentionally inflicted upon it or someone else
What duties do landlords owe to undiscovered trespassers?
No duty at all
Also no duty to inspect for evidence of trespassers
What is an invitee?
- Public invitee = someone invited to enter / remain on the land for the purpose that the land is open to the public; OR
- Business Visitor = someone invited to enter / remain on the land for business purpose
Key - there for benefit of owner
What is a licensee?
Someone who enters the land of another with (1) the express or (2) implied permission of the land possessor or (3) with a privilege
Key - there for licensee own benefit
What duty is owed to invitees traditionally?
Reasonable care to (1) inspect the property, (2) discover unreasonably dangerous conditions, and (3) protect the invitee from them.
What duty is owed to licensees traditionally?
- Either (a) correct or (b) warn a licensee of (c) concealed dangers that are (d) known to the land possessor
- Must also refrain from willful or wanton misconduct
When is someone strictly liable for injuries from a wild animal on its property?
When the landowner knowingly keeps the animal on the property such as a pet
What are the requirements and results of alternative causation of multiple defendants
Requirement - harm was caused by (1) 2-5 defendants, (2) each were tortious, and (3) all of whom are present before the court
Result - burden of proof on each individual defendant to prove that conduct was not the cause in fact of the plaintiff’s harm
What must a plaintiff show when trying to apply res ipsa loquitor to multiple defendants?
The defendants must be at least acting in concert
When can a private citizen have a claim for a public nuisance?
When it suffers harm that is different in kind from that suffered by members of the general public